Okay, so I wanted to give this a go. It was something that was just in my head, and I felt like I needed to get it down on paper (or computer screen in this case). I hope people like this and tell me what they think. I've based people on the animated series characters, however I have changed up a few things to suit the story. Also, this is an AU story, so keep in mind, no powers and no league.

Also the title really doesn't have anything to do with the story...it was just the song I was listening to when I posted this.


It was a beautiful winter night in Gotham City. The roads were covered with fresh powder, perfect for family fun in the snow. January always brought a new beginning, and when it snowed, it was as if the city was a fresh canvas, ready for a new piece of art.

Twenty-nine year old Diana Prince sat at her round table, looking out the window at the freshly fallen snow. She had been invited to a gala put on by Wayne Enterprises, and although she was more than excited to come, she found herself wanted nothing more than to go out for a quiet walk. Diana always found the snow relaxing and it reminded her of home. She had been living in Gotham for nearly 4 years, but always seemed to miss her mother and her childhood home on the island during this time of the year.

Diana turned away from the window, turning her attention to the music that was being played by the small band near the back of the room. The soft jazz that echoed throughout the dining hall prompted a few people to gather on the dance floor, each couple holding onto their dance partner tightly. Diana watched as her boss, Dr. Walter Kranston, pulled his wife from her seat and led her to the dance floor, a smug smile on his tired face. She watched as he placed his hand on his wife's back, pulling her close, before she planted a kiss on her husband's cheek.

Diana smiled. He had worked as head of security for Wayne Enterprises for nearly three decades, previously he had worked as part of Gotham's finest, but as Diana watched him dance with his wife, she could only see the sweet side of him. On her first day at Wayne Enterprises he had welcomed her to the company and showed her the ropes, but he had also reminded her that their job required them to be strict and fearless. Which is why seeing him dance so tenderly with his wife made Diana happy.

She continued to listen to the music, turning her attention to the other couples out on the dance floor. She smiled once again, watching the pairs sway to the beat. Tonight, Wayne Enterprises was hosting its annual gala for the Martha Wayne Foundation, and as a big supporter of the arts and education, Diana was more than excited to have been offered an invite. Granted, she was technically working, but that didn't mean she couldn't enjoy herself.

The musicians finished the song they had been playing, eliciting applause from the crowd. She watched Walter give his wife another soft kiss before walking back over to the table they shared with Diana. "Are you enjoying yourself Hun?" Mrs. Kranston asked, as Walter pulled out her seat for her.

Diana nodded, finishing the water in her glass. "I am. Thanks for inviting me," she replied, flashing Walter a smirk.

"Oh Diana, I know you would have never spoken to me again if I had chosen Paul or Jon to come tonight," Walter said with a chuckle. "Besides Mr. Wayne wanted to finally meet you."

Diana looked at Walter and raised an eyebrow. Diana had been working at Wayne Enterprises for nearly a year and had met Mr. Wayne twice: once briefly after being hired, and once in passing, but neither were long enough to warrant an actual conversation. "And where is Mr. Wayne?" she asked, wondering where the man of the hour was.

"Sorry I'm late." Diana turned to see none other than Bruce Wayne standing behind her.

"Mr. Wayne," Walter began, standing and stretching out a hand. "So glad to see you."

Bruce shook Walter's hand and smiled. "Walter, please, call me Bruce. We've known each other far too long to be so formal." He turned his attention to Walter's wife, his smile widening. "Patricia, so nice to see you again." He leaned in and kissed her cheek. "How's the knee? I saw you on that dance floor."

Patricia smiled wide. Bruce had always remembered the little things with her family. After all, she had known him since he was a boy, and had watched him grow up to be a man his father would be proud of, no matter what the tabloids said.

"A little surgery can't stop my dancing," she said with a giggle, causing a chuckle from Bruce and a head shake from Walter.

"Bruce, I'd like to finally introduce you to Diana Prince," Walter said, placing his hand on Diana's shoulder.

Diana stood from her seat and outstretched her hand. "Ms. Prince, it's nice to finally meet you," Bruce said, grabbing her hand and placing a kiss on the back of it. "Walter has told me so much about you."

Diana raised an eyebrow. "Hopefully only good things," she said with a smirk. She watched as Bruce smiled, before he released her hand. "It's nice to meet you as well Mr. Wayne."

"Ms. Prince, I'd actually like to talk to you more. Care to dance?" Bruce asked, extending a hand towards Diana. She looked over at Walter, who nodded, before placing her hand back in Bruce's. Without another word the two walked over to the dance floor. "So Ms. Prince-"

"Diana, Mr. Wayne. You can call me Diana."

Bruce turned to face Diana, his blue eyes meeting her own. "Forgive me," he said, placing his hand on the small of her back. "Diana," he began, as they started to sway to the music, "I want to apologize for the delay in meeting you. Walter has told me some great things about you, and I would have organized a meeting sooner, but things got in the way."

Diana smirked and looked over Bruce's shoulder at a handful of women looking at her with jealous eyes. She was beginning to wonder if the playboy personal was in fact really who Bruce was. He always seemed to have a plethora of beautiful women watching his every moment, and why would he. The man was beautiful. He was tall, taller than Diana, which was hard considering she towered nearly every man she had met, and his muscular frame would make even the Greek gods her mother adored jealous. His dark hair was perfectly styled, and contrasted perfectly with his eyes, which were a beautiful blue that would've made Diana swoon if he had not been her boss.

"You're a busy man Mr. Wayne. I completely understand."

Bruce looked down at Diana and gave her another smile. "It's Bruce, please," he said, looking over his shoulder at Walter and Patricia. "So, Diana, Walter tells me you've been working on some security changes for the company. I'd love to get together to look over your plans."

Diana stopped in her tracks. Walter had asked her to work on some security improvements for the company, but he never said he was going to tell Bruce about them. "They're not finished, but I'd be happy to show you what I've done so far."

Bruce nodded. "Perfect. I'll have my secretary set something up," he said, dropping his hand from her back. He reached out to the server that was passing and grabbed two glasses of champagne off his tray. He handed one to Diana and gave her a large smile.

"I'm working Mr. Wayne," Diana said, feeling obligated to still address him by his last name.

Bruce shrugged and gave her a small smirk. "I won't tell," he said with a wink, before he took a sip of his champagne. He watched as Diana nodded and took a sip out of her glass as well, before looking over at his committee congregating on the stage. "Well, it was nice meeting you Diana, and I hope we can talk more soon." He kissed the back of her hand once more. "But for now, I'm needed on the stage." With that he walked to the stage, placed his champagne glass on the podium, and turned to the men waiting for him.

Diana watched as he shook the hands of everyone on the stage, before he turned to the microphone. "Thank you everyone for attending tonight," Bruce began, smiling at the crowd. "This foundation was started to honor my mother, who as many of you know, believed nothing was more important than education. Martha Wayne lived for the arts, and her heart was always open to helping any child in need. Your donations tonight not only help fund art programs in Gotham's schools, they also are helping Gotham's Saint Swithin's Orphanage provide a safe home to children who have lost everything." Bruce looked through the crowd. From the back of the room, where most of the reporters where asked to stay, it looked as if Bruce was only pausing for dramatic effect. Diana, however, was able to see Bruce had paused to keep himself from getting choked up. Maybe he wasn't as insensitive as people thought.

"Martha Wayne would have been so proud of what we have done, and I only hope we can continue to make a difference here in Gotham." Bruce grabbed a flute of champagne from the podium in front of him and raised it high. "To Martha Wayne," he toasted, waiting for everyone to echo his toast, before taking a sip of his champagne.

People began to applaud, causing Bruce to smile. He knew his mother would have been proud of the work he and Wayne Enterprise had done, he only wish she had been here to witness it herself.

Bruce took another sip of his champagne and smiled for the cameras, before surveying the room. He watched as Walter and Patricia exchanged smiles, happy about how Bruce had turned a tragedy into a positive for the community. He watched a few reporters jot down notes hastily, trying to get the details down so they could have the best story out and ready for tomorrow morning's paper. He watched his security team converse with some of Gotham's finest near the exit doors, but the one thing that caught his eye was Diana.

She stood staring at a painting on the wall, her blue eyes focused on the image. Her dark wavy hair was down and flung over her shoulder, out of her way, exposing a bare shoulder. The red dress she wore fit her body amazingly, showing off each curve of her body, yet it was still classy.

Bruce couldn't stop staring. She was beautiful, and seeing her tonight, he knew why Walter had kept him away from her for nearly a year. He didn't think he would be able to work with her without being distracted constantly, and how could anyone blame him. He was only human after all.

Diana, who had been busy admiring one of the paintings in the room, could feel eyes staring at her intensely. She quickly turned, only to see Bruce staring at her from the stage.

Bruce, who was so lost in his thoughts, didn't have time to look away before Diana caught him staring. Her blue eyes locked with his and he knew he had been caught, so he did the only sensible thing. He winked at her and raised his glass. He watched as Diana raised her glass in response, before downing the rest of his champagne. He was definitely looking forward to getting to know Diana better, and if Walter was correct, he would soon get the chance.

Please let me know what you all think!
