
This is the village of Ninshu.

That's Ashura, the one that incarnated into Naruto.

Which means...

Otsutsuki Indra

Sasuke stared at the scene in front of him in disbelief, he was looking at the founder of the Uchiha clan. That ball of light Sasuke thought Did it sent me to the past.

"Children." A stern voice called out to Ashura, Indra and Sakuya. From the ninja house walked out the Sage of Six paths himself, Otsutsuki Hagoromo.

This is unbelievable Sasuke thought How am I going to get out. I can't use Rennigan to teleport myeslf out if here.

"Training is about to start, it's best of you start doing your stretching." He heard Hagoromo say, truning his attention back to the figures in front of him

Sakuya bowed respectfully to her mentor. "Good morning, Hagoromo-sama. Well be there in a minute."

Hagoromo nodded before returning inside. Outside, the young girl's expression changed. Sakuya looked unsure and nervous as she clutched the helm of her clothes.

Indra and Ashura noticed Sakuya's sudden change of behaviour and got worried. "Sakuya, what wrong?" Ashura asked.

"Oh..its nothing." Sakuya replied, snapping out of her thoughts. "I'm just a little worried. It's just...I'm been here for a year now and I haven't made any significant progress like the others. I'm worried I may not be able to catch up."

Understanding how she felt, Indra placed a hand on Sakuya's shoulder to comfort the girl. "You don't have to worry, I'm sure that you can do your best. You may not be the strongest, but you one of the smartest people in know here."

Indra was right. During the past year, Sakuya spent most of her time reading and researching than training. Her Ninshu skill are limited, but her knowledge has grown vastly.

"I guess your right. Thank you, Indra." Sakuya thanked him with a smile.

Indra smiled back. "No problem. I'm just comforting a friend."

With new found warmth in her heart, Sakuya happily made her way up the steps. "Come on, we should head in. Training is about to begin." She said cheerfully before disappearing into the ninja house, Indra watching at her as she did.

The Otsutsuki remained outside, Ashura looking at his older brother with a cheeky look. "ne Nii-san, do you like Sakuya-chan?" he whispered to Indra.

"Yeah, why not." Indra replied with quizzical look. "She is a smart and nice girl. Why wouldn't I like her."

Ashura then started giggling, confusing his brothe. "Nii-san, that is not what I meant. What I meant was do you think of Sakuya-chan as more than a friend?"

Upon hearing the question, Indra's eyes widened and he hesitated as a blush form on his cheeks, not knowing how to answer his younger brother's question.

Sure, Sakuya is a pretty, smart, nice, and can come if as shy but other that, Indra also enjoyed her company, be it during training, studying or enjoying a stroll through the village and forest. I never occurred to Indra he would see Sakuya as more than a friend.

I mean..." Ashura added on. "The reason i ask you is because after the death of Shiro and you obtained the Sharingan, Nii-san, you started to distance yourself and you often go to the forest training grounds alone. However, when Sakuya came, you started to open up yourself a bit more and go to the forest a lot less. That why I thought you might have feelings for Sakuya-chan."

Hearing his brother's explanation for his question, Indra realise he was not wrong. Before Sakuya came, he met a weird creature in the forest who told him about the Sharingan will show him the truth and since then, he was trying to meet the creature again. However, after Sakuya came, it was no longer of great significance.

Indra then turned to his younger brother. "Ashura, I only see Sakuya as a friend. But I do admit, I appreciate her presence here."

"Nii-san, you are really no fun to tease." Ashura sulked, wrapping his arms around Indra, making him chuckle.

"Come on let's go." Indra said before the two brothers made their way into the ninja house.

A distance away, Sasuke observed the scene in front of him. Is there a significant reason for that sphere's doing. He thought Either than the fact that the Nadeshiko village has connections with the Sage of Six Paths, there is nothing I can make out of it.

Maybe...maybe there is something important I have to know about that takes place later. But what?

A sudden realisation hit him and Sasuke shuddered.

That will mean...I would have to follow their every move...


A few hours have past since training started. Every student, including Indra and Ashura sat by the side as they watched Sakuya spare with another disciple, who is also a soldier of the Nadeshiko province. Hagoromo stood around the centre, observing and judging the fight.

Sakuya though her fist towards her opponent's face but her opponent managed to block it. He then swung his leg towards Sakuya, scaring the young girl but she quickly dodge it, doing a back flip in the process.

She was panting hard, already feeling exhausted. However, she wasn't going to give up that easily. Sakuya quickly regain her fighting composure, ready for her opponent's next attack.

The soldier ran towards her with his fist in the air, ready to make a direct hit. However, Sakuya make a jump kick, hitting her opponent on his chin, causing him to fall backwards flat onto the ground.

Everyone else gasped in surprise. This was the first fight Sakuya won. Hagoromo was also shocked but pleased with the outcome of the fight.

"Well done, Sakuya." Hagoromo commented, walking towards her. "Although your still lacking behind, you have improved."

Sakuya smiled and her eyes sparkled with happiness. "Thank you, Hagoromo-sama." She thanked, bowing respectfully.

"That is all for today. You are all dismissed." Hagoromo announced to everyone before walking outside.

After he left, Sakuya then made her way to her opponent, who is still lying on the floor, rubbing his chin. "Are you okay, Ki nii-san." She asked concernly as she pulled him up.

"I'm fine, Sakuya-sama." Ki assured her. "I just didn't that to hurt, that's all."

However, Sakuya wasn't convinced. Despite Ki's attempts to cover his chin, she could still see a bright red omitting from it. That made her really concern.

She made her way towards him and grab onto his hand. "Move your hand so I could see." Sakuya insisted. "I want to make sure your really fine.

Ki hesitated at first but reluctantly allowed Sakuya move his hand away from his chin. When she did, Sakuya realised that Ki's injury was more than just a brushing. The injury was dead red, almost like it was bleeding. Did I really kicked that hard? She thought to herself.

"I'm so sorry, Ki nii-san." Sakuya apologised. "I didn't know I hit you that hard. And now your injured."

Ki's faced soften and he place a hand on the young princess's head. "You have nothing to apologise about. Besides, I'm pretty tough and an injury like this is nothing. After all, I am a humble servant to the Royal family of the Nadeshiko province."

Seeing that Ki was still his slightly cocky self, Sakuya calmed down and giggle at his remak. "Alright. If you insist."

After their little conversation, Ki made his way to his group of friends, who were waiting for him. Sakuya, on the other hand, way still standing in the middle of the room thinking.

"That was a good fight, Sakuya-chan." She heard Ashura say as he walked towards her with Indra. "Well done."

"Thanks, guys." She thanked but her facial expression hardered as she looked at her hands which are battered in bruises.

"Is there something wrong, Sakuya?" Indra asked, placing his hand on her back, but she shook her head.

"No, I'm fine." She assured him. "I was just thinking."

"Thinking about what?"

"I was thinking if.." She hesitated, not knowing how the boys were going to react. "if there is a way to incorporate Ninshu into healing."

"Uh...There is actually." Indra said swiftly but quickly gained Sakuya's attention.

She latched onto Indra's clothing and pulled him close to her body, causing a chill to run down his spin and making Ashura blush. "Really, than where can i learn more about it?" She asked.

"You can't. I only heard of it because Otou-sama told me." Indra explained. "Not much is actually known about it. I never seen anyone use it before, not even Otou-sama."

Sakuya let go of Indra, who nearly stumbled, with a new found goal and excitement. "This is great. If i can't use my Ninshu to make a mark for myself, i would use my intellect to rediscover the healing Ninshu."

"Sakuya-chan, your scaring me a little." Ashura commented, trembling behind his elder brother. He can't believe that this was the same girl he met a year ago.

"Oh, sorry, Ashura." Sakuya apologize, calming down a little. "I'm just a little excited."

"Maybe she is at that time of month. I heard they could cause serious mood swings." He whispered to Indra, causing the older brother to hit him in the head to quiet him. Luckily, Sakuya heard nothing.

"The best place to start is probably the library. I'm sure there there is going be something about it in the books." She then grabbed onto the boys arms and drag them along to the library in the basement. "Come on, guys."

"Wait, why are you dragging us with you?" Ashura asked frantically, trying to get lose from Sakuya's grip Damn is she that strong.

"Because like Indra said a year ago, he created 'signs' and 'jutsu', meaning that you two are experienced in creating new ways of using Ninshu." Sakuya explained. "With that important piece of information, you guys can help me with my research."

"But...but..but I didn't do anything. It was all Nii-san!" Ashura added, finally freed from the girl's grip. "You two could do without me, I would train outside instead."

"Are you sure, Ashura?"

"Dont worry." He assured her. "Besides, research also isn't my forte."

"Well, alright then." Sakuya then turned to Indra. "What about you, Indra? Would you like to join me? It's okay if you don't."

"Well..." Indra stood, thinking whether he should follow his brother or his friend. He wanted to train with Ashura but the idea of rediscovering a jutsu was really exciting to him. "If you need my assistance Sakuya, than I'm in."

"Huh, really." Sakuya gasped.

"Really." Indra comfirmed. "I'm really interested and curious to see how this research will go. It could be a breakthrough in the revolution of Ninshu."

A bright on Sakuya's face and she clasp her hands in excitement. "Yatta!" She cheered, placing her hand's on Indra's shoulders. "Thank you, Indra."

Indra smiled back, his face started to grow hot. Ashura quickly took notice of it and a fox like grin formed on his face.

"Well then, I'm headed out to the courtyard." Ashura said weirdly cheerfully as he walked towards the exit waving an arm. "Good luck on your research, love birds."

That quick but subtle remark gained Sakuya attention and she turned towards Ashura. "Hey wait, what's that suppose to mean?" She yelled but he has already left, leaving the two blushing preteens standing alone in the training hall.

"Sorry about my brother, Sakuya." Indra sighed as he scratched his head awkwardly, sweatdropping and feeling embarrassed.

"It's alright, Indra." Sakuya said, turning to him with the same expression. "I've been teased my older sister like that before so I'm pretty much used to it."

She then grabbed onto Indra's hand. "Let's not think too much about." She added cheerfully, dragging Indra with her to the library. "Come on, we have work to do."

Behind her, the young boy couldn't stop staring at Sakuya's hand as he was being dragged.

Her hand...has it always felt this warm. Indra thought as he remembered the first time he held her hand. The thought of it didn't stop him from blushing. It's weird. When I think of Sakuya, my face grows hotter.

Do I...have a crush...on her. Indra quickly shook the thought out of his head. No. I'm just letting Ashura's words get into my head.

At the entrance, Hagoromo stood watching the two preteens. "They make a good pair, don't they." He heard a voice commented. Hagoromo look to the ground and founds his old toad friend standing next to him.

"How long have you been standing there?" He asked in a stern tone.

"Is that how you greet an old friend." The Toad Sage commented, jumping onto a nearby ledge. "I came here to see if it was true that you took the younger princess of the Nadeshiko province as you student."

"You heard?"

"Yes." The Toad Sage's expression snd tone then changed. "However, there is a reason I'm here. Last night, I had a dream, and in it, I saw her."

Hearing that one of his students were in the Toad Sage's dream caught Hagoromo's attention. "What did you see?" He asked.

"Nothing of great danger." The Toad Sage replied. "I saw the princess grow to become a fine and beautiful young woman who is greatly skilled in healing."

"Healing?" That right Hagoromo thought Earlier, Sakuya said something about researching healing Ninshu. Out of everyone here, only i could use it.

As healing Ninshu requires a large amount of chakra capacity to master, Hagoromo dug deeper into it and therefore, he never thaught anyone how to master the complicated skill.

If the his dreams are right, that would mean her research will be a success. "Is there anything else you saw?" He asked once more.

"Nothing of great importance." The Toad Sage added, turning into the training hall. "But something from that scene tell that your going to have a daughter-in-law sooner than I thought."

Hagoromo smirked at the comment. "It's too early to say."

In the library, Indra and Sakuya are grabbing a many books from the shelfs that have the slightest reference to healing Ninshu.

"Ah.." Sakuya whined as she flipped through the books. "This books only mentions healing Ninshu. There is not one that explains its concept."

Indra sighed, closing and putting down his book. "I'm starting to agree with you." He said dreadedly. "I thinking we may be going on a wild goose chase."

Tired, Sakuya slumb her body against one of the bookshelf. However due to the big impact, a few books fell from the top shelves and onto the grond, some hitting Sakuya's head.

Indra stood up in shock, avoiding the tumbling books. "Are you okay, Sakuya?" He asked, offering a hand to pull her up.

"I'm fine." She assured him as she accepted his hand. When she stood up, she rubbed the bumps on her head. "It was just a little... unexpected."

Sakuya bendee down again along with Indra to pick up the fallen books and place them back in their shelves. As they did, Sakuya stumbled upon a brown book with had the title 'Hagoromo's notes on Ninshu' written on the cover.

"Indra, look what I found." Sakuya called for him. Indra stop what he was doing and made his way next to the young girl.

"What is it?" He asked, staring at the odd looking book.

"It says 'Hagoromo's notes on Ninshu'." Sakuya red the title. "Maybe is a diary your father kept doing his travelling days."

A realization hit her and she stared at the book with a smile. "Wait, If this book is written by Hagoromo-sama himself, there is got to be something about healing Ninshu in it." She said excitedly.

"Maybe your right." Indra agreed with a smile as Sakuya flipped and scanned through the pages.

This is really nerve wrecking and exciting at the same time She thought, flipping through the thin pages.Who knows what kind if information we can find.

After checking through the different pafes, Sakuya came to a stop when she saw the words 'Fundementals of healing Ninshu' written on top of the page. "I found it. It's right here."

Indra stared at the page and pointed at the first paragraph, reading aloud as he did. "Healing Ninshu: It is a form of Ninshu which requires the manipulation of one's, or another's body. When used, a green light omits from the palm. It not only requires extensive knowledge of herbs, medicine, poison and the human body, but also requires the participant to have very advance chakra control."

"Maybe that is also why Hagoromo-sama didn't teach it. Sakuya added. "he might be afraid that his students aren't capable of controlling their chakra when doing healing Ninshu."

"I guess so." Indra agreed.

Sakuya then faced the book and red the paragraph again. "In order to use healing Ninshu, the individual must have high chakra control." She whispered as she think. "But maybe there is a way people could use it."

"What are you trying to say?" Indra asked confusedly as Sakuya gave him the book.

"If we channel our chakra to the center of our body." She explained, lifting up her palm. "I will not only allow us to have a better control of our chakra but also allows the individual to reserve their chakra level."

"I see." Indra understood what she meant. "But how are we going yo do that."

Sakuya thought for a second and came up with a slow but possible solution. "Maybe we could try meditation. It's slow but it might allow the chakra to flow to our center. A chakra pool as I like to put it."

Indra stares at the book an then back at Sakuya. "Alright then, when will we start?"

"Right now."

That a wrap for chapter 8, sorry fir the long wait and thank you so much for being patient. I thought of writing this chapter longer but my laziness go the best of me and I decided to write two parts.

I have also decided to update once every two months because next year is a very crucial year for me and I have to focus a lot on my studies (In other words, I did do well in my 'N' levels but I still have to go secondary 5 to do 'O' levels).

Also, If you notice anything wrong with my lore on Medical Ninjutsu, do leave a comment and I'll correct and edit this chapter.

Thank you once again and Merry Christmas and a Happy New year to all of you to there.
