
It's finally happening: the dreaded day where all the Potters, the Weasleys and the Malfoy kids will be attending Hogwarts all at the same time. Lord knows how the staff could possibly have a day of peace after the troublemakers wreck the place at the Sorting. Already, half of the Professors are thinking about early retirement. The Headmistress is in over her head trying to keep them all under her employ while thinking about retiring herself. Why, Professor Longbottom himself, the brave Horcrux-slayer, was caught in his apartment packing everything he owned with his resignation letter dangling near the edge of his office table!

When the panic reached an all-time high, Headmistress McGonagall called for a meeting.

"Professors and staff," she began, "I am well aware of the incoming enrollment of the rest of the original troublemakers' kids but it is unbecoming of us if we make a big deal out of it and inspire dread on each other. I suggest that we all calm down and prepare for the first day of classes like we normally do."

"Pardon me, Headmistress but we already have five Weasleys, two Potters and one Malfoy. Do we really need to add more Weasleys, a Potter , twin Malfoys and twin Scamanders?" complained Professor McMillian.

"Well, where would you have them educated?"

"Ilvermony, Beauxbatons, Durmstrang, take your pick!" All of the Professors nodded in agreement.

"That's a great idea! Now can you please tell their parents that their kids aren't wanted at Hogwarts?"

Everyone fell into silence.

"Thought so," the Headmistress scoffed. "Then I expect everyone to behave accordingly. Now, the first order of business is to ensure that all the students remain inside the train to Hogwarts without any trouble. We don't want a car flying around for muggles to see…"

"-and students jumping out of a moving train…" said Professor Trelawney in an aside.

"-and Potters turning everyone's faces into baboon's hineys…" added Professor Vector.

"Anyway," interrupted Professor McGonagall in a stern voice, "the staff at 9 ¾ should prepare for any eventualities that may arise at the train platform."

The stationmaster, the trolley witch and all the other train staff nodded- not so much as in agreement as in grim determination. As one, they moved to another table to discuss precautions, unrolling a large blueprint and arguing seriously about where to put the all-important pins on the map.

"They've got it easy," Professor Longbottom grumbled. "They'll only do that a few times a year. We, on the other hand, have to look out for them for years! Merlin, if education can be shortened, now would be a good time to implement it."

"Oh, give it a rest. This year's batch might turn out to be better than the rest," remarked Professor Slughorn positively. He was, undoubtedly, already thinking about picking the most influential kids to add in his club (famously dubbed as The Slug Club) since the previous students refused to participate point-blank (being already warned by Harry Potter and Hermione Weasley).

Professor Longbottom snorted. "You should see them for yourself. I've only ever seen 'em when visiting for reunions, all ten kinds of them, and let me tell you- they'll make your head ache the first minute you step into their house." Just remembering those times made him wince.

"Which students are you talking about?"

"The whole lot: Weasleys, Potters and Malfoys- the Scamanders when they aren't rescuing some magical creatures or chasing mythical beasts."

Professor Slughorn raised an eyebrow. "Interesting. When did the Malfoys start hanging out with them?"

"Ever since Albus Potter and Scorpius became best buds. It was even rumored that Scorpius might be Hermione Weasley's son because they are too much alike."

"What nonsense is that? They are nothing alike! Scorpius looks just like his dad!"

"I meant, they are very much alike academic-wise. He is actually aiming to best Hermione's school records. Sure, it's a one-sided rivalry but, he is serious about it," Professor Longbottom explained.

"Ehem," coughed Professor McGonagall deliberately, "As interesting as that maybe, Professors, that rumor is exactly just that: a rumor. I would advise you to stop spreading them when the powerful families are finally getting along after years of animosity."

"My apologies, Headmistress," Professor Longbottom said amid disappointed sighs. "Please continue."

"Moving on… As usual, the Head of Houses: Professor Longbottom,, Professor Vector, Professor Abbot and Professor Slughorn, will encourage the students in their care to get along. It is crucial that we give extra effort on inter-house unity this year to minimize casualti-, I mean injuries. Still, we will provide extra hands to assist Madam Pomfrey in the infirmary."

Madam Pomfrey was visibly relieved. She'd been very busy since the very first Weasley spawn entered the school and that was way back than anybody cared to count.

Madam Pince, the librarian, was puzzled. "Are the students still on about that stupid inter-House rivalry? Didn't that stop after Voldemort's death?"

"There is still rivalry, believe you me," said Professor Vector, giving her a pitying look. The old crone never seems to leave her sacred library. "Not the murderous kind but the, uh, healthy kind- maybe. It's just that most of them get a little carried away, especially when the announcement for the years' House Cup is getting nearer."

"It is usually exacerbated when students from famous families are competing. Just like when James Potter and Rose Weasley went head to head against Albus Potter and Scorpius Malfoy at the Defense Obstacle Course competition. It was really too bad that it was between Gryffindor and Slytherin, too," added Professor Longbottom.

"Oh, that was last year and you wouldn't believe how many students came and went from the infirmary," Madam Pomfrey groaned. "They were all sporting different kinds of curses and when I ask them what happened, they all say the same excuse: 'I fell, Madam Pomfrey.' I mean, who falls and somehow turn up hexed? Unbelievable!"

"That's why we need to discuss what we could do to force –er, to make them realize that competitions doesn't necessarily mean all-out war against a rival team. Any suggestions?"

All Professors raised their hands.

The Headmistress groaned inwardly. It was the same last year and the year before that. She only ever asks for suggestions as a formality but no matter how many volunteers a solution, the results are the same: total chaos.

Welcome to Hogwarts- soon to be School for Rogues and Scalawags.