Gold Storm

For Helga, her awakening had been complicated. Not because she was now a man, but because she was horrified to see what Neville's family – their family– had done to them and the consequences on the boy psyche. While both, Godric and Salazar, joined consciences with their respective current beings, Helga didn't have that option as Neville sank into the safe heaven that her presence was and dissolved into oblivion.

Helga stayed with Neville´s memories and experiences, with the love she felt for her parents, but nothing more. She was him. But he was not her. And that broke her heart, because no child should go through something like that; to think he is unnecessary and accept to disappear because his own family convinced him that he had no value.

At that moment, sitting on her bed and with a broken heart, Helga Hufflepuff vowed to take revenge for that child who no longer existed. She would carry out the purification of her house, forcing The Judgment into the offender's members of the Longbottom family. The aforementioned curse belong to the sacred twenty-eight Ancient and Noble Houses, into what they called "Family Magic".

She had not possessed something like that in her previous life, but Salazar and her Beloved did, so she had extensive knowledge about the subject. And so, she knew that using "The Judgment" was an extreme measure, because the punishment that awaited her grandmother and her uncle Alberfot was that their magic would be torn from them and so they would die in agony because of this.

But, Helga was willing to use it. For Neville


Hogwarts, his beautiful girl, informed him that his beloved was waiting for him in the Possibilities Room moments before Salazar passed by, not noticing who he was, probably thinking of something unpleasant because of the expression on his face and the feeling that his magic transmitted.

Neville simply sighed and shook his head softly. When his brother was in a bad mood, it was best to leave him alone until he calmed down a little, however, this knowledge was not public at the moment and surely many students would end traumatized if someone said something wrong to the Slytherin.

Poor of their students.

Feeling bad for the children, but not suicidal enough to pull Harry with him, he made his way to the seventh floor. He was almost desperate to see his Beloved again, free from that terrible curse that had tormented her in the past, but also nervous. Rowena had had a large collection of lovers before they came together in a relationship, all women. His beloved liked women and now he was a man.

However, that concern disappeared the moment his eyes connected and he saw in Luna's eyes the same brightness they had always had when declaring his love. And then, he knew, Rowena still love him.

After that, it was as if death had never separated, even as children, it was like returning to the past or never having left. Their souls resonated in harmony and he was aware that no matter what the future holds, they would be together, as always.


Neville knew that she had a dangerous temperament. For something his representative animal was a Badger, an animal of adorable aspect, but incredibly fierce and bloodthirsty to be provoked. Equalizing the Lion in brutality or even surpassing it.

He knew that his fury was a blazing fire, very similar to Godric's and that he shared his tendency to explode when he saw his loved ones threatened. His first thought was to destroy the enemy, usually in direct attacks and full of bestiality without having a backing dish, so when he realized that the current Headmaster had endangered his students –and his brothers– he exploded and let his magic will shatter the room to release some of his anger.

And the only thing that kept me from going straight to the idiot's office was Luna's hand holding his.

He breathed deeply a couple of times and forced himself to relax. Once he was calmer, he opened his eyes and looked around the room, peeping at what he had caused. His gaze focused for instants on the faces of his co-founders and he was gratified to see that each and every one of them had an expression that promised pain.

As nobody messed with their students and lived to tell about it. No one.

Salazar kept a hollow and polite expression, but his emerald green eyes were bright and his magic still vibrated in the air; Rowena imitated this in a certain way, only that her beautiful eyes seemed to be deep pits of darkness despite being blue sky. His beloved was so similar to Harry in some ways that at first he would have sworn they were related in blood, because they shared certain mannerisms and attitudes.

One of them, the way to express their anger.

Salazar and Rowena did not explode, they didn't attack first and thought later. No. Their anger was cold and calculating, involving a cruel revenge in most cases, since they not only sought to make his enemy genuinely repent of having crossed his path.

Hers and Godric, were destroying storms that destroyed everything that get in their path. Unfortunately, Harry´s and Luna´s rage was the best one to this kind of problem, so they would be the ones to plan the vengeance.

It was a hard blow to know that not only did they have to worry about a Dark Lord threatening their school and their students, but also that they had the enemy at home. As Hogwarts was supposed to be a refuge, a home for all its students. Not a battlefield.

"We need to regain control of the barriers." Draco expressed what everyone was thinking. His magic was also agitated, but his control over it was greater, for he had learned by terrible experiences what could happen if he lost his calm inside the school.

"And immediately, we cannot afford to wait." Harry added earnestly, his eyes cold and calculating.

It was not necessary to say anything else. Ensuring the safety of their students was paramount. The camera was transformed following the wishes of the owners of the castle. The throne room disappeared to give way to a white room, with a stone table, a black crystal ball and a silver dagger on it. They were in the room they called the center of Hogwarts, for it was a room that could not be accessed unless the castle itself allowed it.

It was where the blood ritual that gave the new director access to the barriers took place.

The castle did not accept corrupt men at the moment of the pact, a precaution by Salazar to prevent a rotten man from taking control of the school by becoming a director, which showed that Albus Dumbledore was at the time a man of good intentions, a man worthy to be the Headmaster of Hogwarts. Although, that did not matter now, as that man was considered a threat by all four so he really did not have much chance of surviving his anger

When they got up, the stone thrones vanished. Slowly, but surely the four approached the table, the air heavy with severity. Blood magic was dangerous and considered dark, but it was undoubtedly powerful and reliable, none of them had any trouble repeating the ritual to break the barriers to the idiot who thought himself master and lord of the castle.

The blood of the Malfoy's would replace that of the Gryffindor's.

Loovgrood would replace the damned blood of the Ravenclaw´s.

The Longbottom´s would claim the place of the Hufflepuffs.

And finally the Potter´s would relieve the blood of the Slytherin family.

New blood would replace the old one. And with this the four founders would create a new chapter in history.

Neville smiled internally, the magical world was not going to know what hit him.

"We will only recover the barriers" announced Luna with a grim expression. "We cannot remove Dumbledore from his position, at least not yet."

"Because we are still too young to take the leadership of the school." Affirmed Godric imitating Rowena's expression. Magically they had the power, since they were experienced adults, sorcerers and sorcerers made in the battlefield with an enviable knowledge, but physically they were three children of twelve and one of eleven. They couldn't take control of the castle.

"Well, let's take control of the old incompetent" exclaimed with false joy Neville taking a pair of laughs from his brothers.

Godric nodded and took the dagger with his right hand. Drawing a line on his left palm, the blade pierced his skin and caused a small wound.

"I, Draco Malfoy, reincarnation of Godric Gryffindor, humbly offer my life and my magic to Hogwarts, let your path and mine join. Here and now, I swear to be your guardian, your shield and sword, I will protect you and your students with everything I have and I will die before allowing an enemy to cross your doors and hurt your own." Recited with solemnity while spilling seven drops of his blood on the sphere.

I hear your promise and I accept your oath. In return I swear that my doors will always be open, you will always have a place to return to Draco.

Godric smiled when he heard Hogwarts's response and passed the dagger to his partner. Who accepted with a slight inclination of his head and proceeded to do the same as the boy with blond hair. Then it was his turn and finally that of his partner, his words were the same, but the promise of Hogwarts for each one was different. Their daughter promised them what she knew they needed more than anything.

Once Rowena finished. The four felt their magic merge with that of the school. And they smiled with satisfaction to feel as Dumbledore fought for control of the barriers, apparently did not want to lose power, but unfortunately for him, he had no chance to beat one of them, much less the four. They reclaimed their right and rejoiced in the pain their enemy felt when they lost the battle.

If he had yielded control for good, the exchange would not have hurt him, but by opposing ... well, they decided to teach him a lesson.

The message was clear: Hogwarts does not belong to you.