Wanda's PO

I was sitting alone in the Raft, they gave me a cell that was on its own, so I couldn't use any of my powers. They secluded me in a place where there was no people, the only people I did see were the people that fed me, even they had to be in a completely different room, everybody was cautious. I understand why, as Tony put it, I'm a weapon of mass destruction, they just want it so I won't be able to hurt anyone else. It's a good plan, I will probably just be rotting alone in here, it's what I deserve. I haven't had a conversation in weeks, I begin to imagine conversations with people, especially Vision. I imagine that he sits with me and I could tell him everything I wanted to say to him before I got thrown in here.

Just at the right moment, another one of my conversations was about to happen. "Hey Vis." I say depressed, I am, I don't have any company and near enough the same meal every day.

"I thought you'd be a bit happier to see me." He says sounding like my first imaginary conversation with him. I just want him to be real, so badly.
"Vis, I miss you, I wanted us to be together but I didn't have the courage to tell you. You were the only one who didn't treat me like I was going to blow everything up, I can't express enough of how much I want you to be here right now. Not cap, not Sam, but you, you always make me laugh and have the heart of a puppy. If I didn't know any better, I'd say I was in love with you." I say, not looking at him, this is normally how our conversations go, but this time, something different happened, he put a finger under my chin and made me look at him, my imaginations never do that.

"I am here Wanda. I won't leave you." He says, I could see the cogs working in his eyes, trying to perfect the situation, I know Vision and he's scared.

"You're really here?" I ask as tears begin to form in my eyes, I want him to be here so badly that I don't care that I'm still in a straight jacket or even in an underwater cell.

Vision looks at me with such intensity and he's no longer scared. "I am really here. I'm here to break you out, Cap is breaking the others out and I came here because there's something that I need to tell you." His voice sounded urgent I wondered what it was? "Once I break you out of here, I'm a fugitive myself and if I am, I wanted to know if you would want to run away with me? I have everything planned out, just say 'yes' and I will be the happiest synthazoid ever." He said with a smile on his face, because he makes me so happy, I began to smile too, he's amazing.

"Of course I will run away with you, you're my everything, Vis." I say, and with this he breaks me out of my straight jacket and he breaks down the walls, we then escape together, hand-in-hand, two souls running off together. This is going to be the start of our adventure.

The End of the First Chapter

I know this wasn't much for a first chapter but I will be writing more of what happens to these two, hopefully there will be more in the future chapters. Reviews/comments and feedback is much appreciated.