About one night on Alex's college dorm room

The small room was almost completely dark and almost completely silent.

Almost dark because even though the lights were off and there were no night lamps plugged in, some of outside luminescence managed to make its way through the curtains that hanged on the window placed directly above the headboard of the bed. Maybe it were the moon and stars decorating the night firmament or maybe was something considerably less poetic like a street light, but either way, enough light got through for the shape of two naked bodies lying in bed together to be pictured.
The "almost silent" bit wasn't just because of the man lying the bed on his back or the girl sitting on top of him were grunting and heavy breathing as one is won't to do in such a heated situation. No, the most prominent noise came from the girl holding the bed headboard with both hands as means of leverage while she was relentlessly riding her partner.
At first glance the situation might look like your average angry sex but it was, in fact, just intense. There was no anger, just passion.

The girl seemed almost in trance, every muscle in her naked body fully flexed and compromised to the task at hand. Such was her light headedness that if you were to ask her what her name was or where she was right now, it would have been impossible to her to simply mutter "Alex" or "at my dorm room on campus."
While flat on his back, the guy's strong hands held her by the sides of her torso, slightly above her waist. He just held her there while feasting his mouth on her ample bosom, conveniently placed all over his face as she slightly bended forward to grab the bed headboard. It was becoming increasingly hard for him to resist the primal need of firmly holding her hips or (even better) her thick ass like there was no tomorrow while she straddled him, but the way he held her now allowed her to be in complete control while she drenches herself all over him. Both of them seemed to be having the time of their lives anyway, so this urge was to be fought until he could no more.

The breathing and panting became heavier as well as the riding speed kept getting up.

"Look at you go, Alex Dunphy!" thought the girl in a brief moment of clarity. The scene was positively shocking to her, not because this was her first experience with intercourse (it certainly wasn't,) or her first casual hook up, nor her first time having this kind of rough primal sex. What most certainly shocked her is that there she was, absolutely fucking the brains out of this guy she met by dumb luck not two months ago in the very same dorm room she was now in, and he was KEEPING UP WITH HER.