Diane sat beside the fairy, it had been three years since King gave his life to save her. Not a day had gone by that the giantess didn't bring Oslo to pay their respects to her beloved Harlequin. The sight of the fairy king lying so still,knowing he wouldn't be waking up, no matter how much she silently pleaded with him to do just that, still hurt her heart. The fairy rested on a bed of white roses which Merlin had enchanted to bloom eternally.

"I'm here,Harlequin." She said softly. "Captain said he'll stop by later. We all miss you so much. It feels like forever since I heard your voice, since I turned around to find you standing there. A lot's changed since I saw you last. Ban left us last week,he's been gathering things to try to get Elaine back,he said he thinks he found a way to do it.I asked Merlin, but she said even if I found a way to bring you back, you'd still be really sick. She tested some of your blood and the poison was still there. I'm not going to give up, there has to be something." Sensing the great sadness,Oslo rested his head on her lap,allowing Diane to stroke his fur.

"You're such a good boy,Oslo. " she praised through her tears. " King would be so proud of you. "

"Anyway, The captain and Elizabeth are getting kind of serious.. I mean as far as their relationship. She spends the night sometimes and he doesn't grab her as much as he did before. He actually took her out for lunch yesterday..we were surprised. Now they kind of remind me of us in a way. We talk about you a lot, it's been a while but there are times we still expect you to be there. I'm hanging on,but it's been tough. I wish I could turn back time and find a way to protect you. Honestly, I don't know what happened to me that day,I wasn't- I just-" she sighed heavily,wiping the tears from her eyes with her free hand.

"Ban's been more obsessed than usual about chasing any kind of leads to get everything together. Oh and the captain and Elizabeth created a new drink for the tavern, it's pretty popular, he adds strawberries or apples to it and I'm not sure what else but it really is good. They made it in your honor. Merlin comes by sometimes, She helped out last winter, Elizabeth got sick and she ended up taking her shift, I think I told you about it. Oslo's been taking care of me, just like you asked." A faint smile appeared on Diane's face.

"He doesn't seem to like Howzer either. He always gets between us when he come to the tavern, like you used to. He's been a good friend, you don't have to worry, he-no one can replace you. You're my forever love and there can never be anyone else, you took my heart with you that day. I wear the necklace you gave me all the time. I haven't taken it off since I met with you and you told me where to find it. I'd give anything in the world to have you back " Diane reached out ,her hand shaking as fresh tears fell.

"Harlequin, I- I'm sorry, I know I say that all the time. I love you and miss you so much. I'm sorry I can't stay longer today, I promised to help at-" She leaned down,kissing the fairy's head.

"I'll come see you tomorrow, I promise." She pushed herself to her feet and with one final glance at King, beckoned the black hound to follow.

King sat a lot staring into the distance, his heart shattered. Each day for the past three years, he felt the pain in his heart.

"Brother, are you okay?" Elaine asked softly.

"I'm feeling it again, it's stronger today. It feels like it was so long ago, she's still-"

"Sometimes I feel Ban's sadness too. We share a connection that can't be broken, the same one that you share with Diane. You're joined at the heart and sometimes... Their pain is ours."

"It bothers me that she's still so upset and there's nothing I can do for her."

"I've felt the same way for Ban. I'm sorry to say that you don't get used to it."

"After all this time, Ban still-"

"Yes." Elaine replied. "He misses you too."

"Do you think Diane's heart will ever heal?"

"Not completely. She'll learn to live with it, but as long as you're here and she's not with you it'll be painful at times." Elaine rested her head on her brother's arm.

"One day I hope she finds you again and you can both share your happiness again. I want good things for you, Harlequin. I wish I could give you back to her. Take comfort in knowing that one day she'll join you. I won't ever be with Ban. I don't regret what I did, but-" King placed an arm around his little sister.

"Maybe one day, Elaine. Ban won't stop looking until he finds a way. You know how stubborn he can be."

"You're right. He'll do whatever it takes."

"He'll do it. If he loves you the same way I love Diane, I know he'll never stop because I wouldn't if things were the other way around. It'll be okay." Elaine smiled faintly, recalling Ban's words.

'I'll take what's mine." Her heart would always be his, this couldn't be denied, it was only a matter of time before he kept his promise.