Seriously, listen. I know I have other stories incomplete. BUT, I'm seriously stuck on those. Narnia is too short and with Polly & George I'm blocked, I don't know where it's going they're still young but it's been a long time so I'm just confused. ANYWAY I want you to know that this story is an extremely slow burn. Because right now the whole story is planned out (by writer's block I've prepared) and it doesn't break any canon at anytime. So. Anyways enjoy.

And I own nothing.

November 6th, 1983

The front door of the house slammed, jolting Georgie from her studies. She was in the middle of reviewing her notes for a chemistry test when her little brother, Dustin, came in, complaining about a comic book that he lost.

"Are you even listening?" Dustin asked, sitting behind her on the couch. She was sat on the floor at the small coffee table with her books spread all over the floor and the table.

"Not really, pipsqueak. I have a whole lot to review and very little time to do it." She looked at him over his shoulder and saw his lightly defeated face. She sighed, and turned around. "You got ten minutes, tell me about today's campaign."

Dustin's smile grew, and he quickly went into depths about how the party had to save a city from a monster only to follow it back to it's lair to find out that it wasn't even the worst monster there was. Dustin also talked about how Will rolled for a fireball, but he doesn't know if it passed or not. "It's intense, because if it fails then he's gone." Dustin stood up and began to walk towards his room. "I'm going to grab my homework, and I'll come sit with you."

"Sounds good," she said, going back to her notes. The test wasn't for a few days, but she wanted to be prepared. She wanted to get a soccer scholarship to college, but if that doesn't pan out then she wants an academic scholarship. She keeps on the varsity team – hopefully making captain next year – and keeps her GPA at a perfect 4.0 then colleges will be fighting over her. She had high goals and no one will get in her way.

"You're friends with Nancy Wheeler, has she seemed different to you now that she's dating Steve?" Dustin asked, opening his science textbook and getting himself comfortable on the floor.

"Not really," Georgie said, "she's pretty well the same."

Dustin made a small grunting noise in response but that was the end of the conversation. Dustin knew better than to bother her while she had her nose in her books. She was a little obsessive and very competitive. If she wasn't the best at something, give her two weeks, and then she would be.

Georgie even learned guitar just because someone else in her class had. In the summer, on winter break – she was always teaching herself something.

November 7th, 1983

The next morning, Dustin and Georgie were sitting at the table eating some sugary breakfast cereal. Dustin was making ridiculous faces and spilling milk out of his mouth on purpose. Georgie just watched on and said nothing. She was too tired to care.

Their mother, Claudia Henderson, was making a pot of coffee for herself while watching her kids. She lucked out and got two that got along well. Yeah, they fought. That was inevitable. But, it was hardly ever.

"I'm heading out," Georgie said, bringing her bowl over to the sink and grabbing an apple off of the table. "Still want a ride, pipsqueak?"

"Uh, yeah sure. Let me just go throw my bike in the backseat," he said, grabbing his bag and running outside. "Bye mom!" he shouted over his shoulder.

"Bye," George said, kissing her mom on the cheek. She grabbed her backpack off of the table and slung one strap over her shoulder.

"Bye sweetie, love you!" Claudia said.

"Love you too."

While Dustin was getting his bike into the backseat of her car, Georgie got into the driver's seat and turned it on. Her dad left her his car when he left. She guessed he had bought himself a nice new one before the divorce and just didn't tell anyone. He still called every now and then, but he wasn't super present. Georgie had given up on that and began focusing on other things.

"Okay," Dustin said, getting into the car. "Let's go."

"Seat belt," she said, looking at him. She waited until she heard the click to back out of the driveway. "So what's going on today? Did Mr. Clarke get his ham radio yet?"

"Hopefully," he said. "We've only been waiting for almost a month."

"What a great addition to the AV club, a ham radio," she said, giving Dustin the apple to hold. She was afraid of it rolling onto the floor off of her lap.

"You don't care about AV club," he said, rolling his eyes.

"That's not true, just because it's not my cup of tea doesn't mean I don't care," she said. She told him to turn on the radio and find a working station. Her car liked to change the station every time she turned the stupid thing off – it didn't seem like a reason to stop using it. Down Under by Men at Work came on the radio.



The rest of the way, the duo sang along to the song and danced as much as they could confined in their seats. Georgie stopped out front of the middle school, where Mike and Lucas were already waiting by the bike rack. They waved at her, and she waved back. Dustin grabbed his bag and bike from the backseat and rushed over to meet his friends. He shouted goodbye over his shoulder at his sister. She rolled her eyes and shouted it back. Then took back off down the street. The school's were pretty close together. So she was parked at her own school before the end of the next song.

Awkwardly, she reached into the back seat to get her own backpack. While making sure she had everything she needed, she realized that her little brother took her apple with him. Jerk. She rolled her eyes before getting out of the car. She threw her car keys in her bag before making her way into the school. She likes to go about an hour early so she can just sit and review her work before homeroom started. Georgie was a bit of an over achiever. And maybe one day she'll regret not having more fun – but right now she's focused. Always focused.

As per usual, there was no one in the halls yet. Another perk of coming in early, not having to deal with people crowding the hallways – the bastards.

Georgie stopped at her locker, put her bag in and took her books out. Her routine was boring. But it worked. Georgie was walking to her homeroom when she bumped into Steve Harrington who was walking around the corner fast. She didn't drop anything, but she still wasn't impressed.

"Sorry George," Steve smiled.

"It's Georgie." She rolled her eyes. She didn't have a personal issue with the guy, but he also wasn't the nicest guy around. He was sometimes pretty rude to her buddy Jonathan, and that didn't really fly well with her. But Nancy was into him, and they were friends. It was too complicated. Georgie didn't do well with complicated. She liked clear, concise. Not messy.

"Ah shit, sorry. I knew that," he said. "Look I actually gotta get going so, bye."

"See ya," she said, walking past him and not looking back.

As messy as the situation was. He was cute. She understood that much of it.

After nearly an hour of making sure every question on her homework was right, she left homeroom to go find Nancy and Barb and see what they were doing. Guaranteed catching up on all the gossip.

As she thought, they were standing by Nancy's locker. She walked up to them. They all all smiled at each other.

"Nance was just telling me how her and Steve were a two time thing – but," Barb said snatching the note left in Nancy's locker telling her to meet in the bathroom.

"That explains why he was here early, he wanted to slip that in your locker and not get caught." Georgie didn't understand relationships very well.

"How early did you get here today?" Barb asked.

"Early enough." Georgie smiled.

"I'm gunna get going," Nancy said tucking the note into her binder. She smiled and walked off in the direction of the bathrooms.

Georgie and Nancy giggled while walking away towards homeroom. Georgie had homeroom and chemistry with Nancy and Barb. Then english with Jonathan. And finally history with none of her friends. Her and Barb walked into the room, where classmates were finally filling the seats. Georgie sat in front of Barb. Her homework was left open on her desk. Someone could have stolen it. She closed her books as the bell rang.

Nancy didn't make it into the room before the bell, she rushed in just a few minutes after. She had a small smile on her face that both Georgie and Barb picked up on. They glanced at each other before turning back to the front and listening to the role call.

A few hours later, Georgie was back at home after both school and soccer practice. She was watching TV with her mom. Dustin is always done school a little later than Georgie is. So they had to wait for him to get home. Claudia got a call from Joyce Byers earlier asking if Claudia had any idea where Will was. Now, they sat on the couch. Making sure that Dustin came home exactly when he was supposed to.

He did, slamming the door behind him with a very angry expression. Georgie quickly made her way over to him, and they wrapped their arms around each other.

"They can't find Will," Dustin said, worry clear in his voice.

"I heard that, but you know that the police are gunna look super hard and find him, okay? He's gunna get found. You know Flo? From the station? She's putting together a search party and we'll help look and-"

"Actually no, I called Florence back and told her we wouldn't be able to make it," Claudia said, walking up to her kids.

"What? Mom, you can't be serious," Georgie said, letting go of Dustin. "This is Will Byers we're talking about here."

"I'm worried about that little boy and I pray that he comes home safe, but there's just nothing that you can say that will make me let you go stomping around in the woods after dark. Especially now that boy is missing."

"Mom! We have to help," Dustin said, taking a few steps towards his mom. Georgie hugged Dustin's shoulder from behind, and rested her chin on the top of his classic baseball cap.

"I said no," Claudia said. "That's final."

She left the room, leaving her two children in the den to think about what just happened. Dustin let out a frustrated sigh, and grabbed his older sister's arms. "I don't like this anymore than you do, but what can we do? C'mon, I know you have homework."

"Why is it always about homework with you?"

"When I feel like I'm losing control, I have to gain some back by accomplishing something. And right now I feel like I'm losing quite a bit of power. So I have to study." Georgie kissed the top of Dustin's hat and then let him go.

"You have some kind control problem," Dustin said. "You should talk to someone about that."

"Yeah, maybe."

Georgie laid on her bed, and began rereading her notes. She knew everything she read. She'd memorized it three times over. But she didn't know what else to do with her time without flipping out. Dustin had gone into his room and she assumed he would hide himself in there for the night.

Georgie woke up, books scattered all around her. She didn't mean to fall asleep. She didn't even remember falling asleep. It was ten at night when she looked at the clock. Her mom didn't even wake her up for dinner. Rude. Her body was exhausted. For the last two weeks she'd done nothing but homework and soccer. Her body finally quit. Of boredom? Of exhaustion? Could be anything. She got out of her bed, and gathered all of her notebooks, shoving them back into her backpack. For lack of a better idea, she went to bed. Hoping that she would wake up to this whole situation behind them.

Hopefully, she'd wake up to news that Will was found.

And everything was okay.