Chapter One

Luna's POV:

I watched the truck with all my belongings drive away. I grabbed the handle on my luggage, my purse, and my phone before walking towards a taxi that pulled up. I climbed in the back and wrinkled my nose at the smell. I gave them directions and watched the scenery pass by until we pulled up to large, modern home. I gave the driver my money, ignoring the dazzled look, and clambered out of the car. Wheeling my luggage up to the front door, I knocked and waited. A middle-aged woman with dirty blonde, shoulder length hair opened the door. When she saw me her bright smile was infectious.

"Luna! We're so glad you made it. We almost thought you'd be late and we'd have to make a detour to pick you up!" She said with a bright smile. She turned behind her and faced another teenage girl who looked about my age "Bella! Look Luna made it. You girls go get in the car. Phil and I will be there in a moment." She exclaimed, shoving car keys into Bella's hands. Bella looked uncomfortable, but just bobbed her head and moved towards the door and me.

"Hey Bells, sorry to run behind, but those damn movers were taking forever!" I say as I start to walk beside her and towards the car. I met Bella when I first came to Phoenix. We've known each other for 2 and a half years, meeting during our freshman year of high school. We both were reclusive, we had similar interests, and just kind of came together. She's my first human friend, so when she told me she planned on moving to Forks, Washington to live with her dad I decided to go as well. Her dad, Charlie, was kind enough to let me crash with them. He even renovated the attic into a spare bedroom for me. Since I was bringing most of my bedroom furniture with me, all I had to do was pick out a paint color for the walls.

"No problem Luna, I'm just glad I won't be alone." She said with a small smile. We both climbed into the car after throwing our suitcases in the trunk. Bella's mother, Renee, and her step-father, Phil, finally make it to the car and then we're on our way to the airport. I watched the sunny and dry landscape pass by and hold my arm out of the window. I watch as the sun reflects off my light olive skin, making it seem like I'm shining in the sun. I pull my arm back in and let a small smile grace my lips. I haven't been to a dreary small town in a while, it will be a nice change from usual.

~~~~~~~~~~~~TIME SKIP~~~~~~~~~~~~

The plane is finally landing, and I look over at Bella to see she's just as happy as I am. We both wait to get up and grab our bags from overhead. People move out of our way as we walk towards the luggage carousel. Bella and I both grab ours as we walk towards the doors. I notice a man wearing a police uniform and tap Bella on her shoulder before pointing over to him. Bella looks over before her eyes her large and she cringes slightly. That must be Charlie. She starts the walk over to him as I follow along.

"Bells!" Charlie says as his face lights up and they embrace in an awkward hug that even has me wincing.

"Hey Char- dad..." Bella corrects herself, as she steps away from the embrace. "This is Luna. The friend I was telling you about. I think you guys spoke over the phone?" She continues as she waves me over to them. He looks up and as he does his eyebrows shoot up.

"Hello. Thanks so much for letting me stay with you guys!" I say painting a smile on my face and holding my hand out. Charlie shakes my hand looking slightly dazzled.

"No problem. Any friend of Bella's is welcome. Thank you for coming along to make her more comfortable. I'll feel better while I have to work knowing she won't be alone." He said as he looks over to Bella. "Alright let's get this show on the road." He says as he turns around and heads out to a police cruiser. Bella's eyes practically bug out of her head and I have to hold a laugh back. We clamber inside, Bella taking the front seat and me the back. The car ride to Charlie's was uneventful, awkward, and quiet. We pull into the driveway as Bella and I exit, grabbing our bags and heading inside. The movers hadn't shown up yet, apparently there was a delay. I mentally roll my eyes. Bella said I could just crash in her room tonight, so I set my bags in there.

Walking up to the attic, I notice Charlie put a lot of effort into transforming it into a bedroom. The walls were a dark grey color, exactly what I asked for, the ceiling was white, and the floor a gorgeous dark brown. Nothing was decorated and there was no furniture. Just as I had asked once again. I noticed another door towards the back, away from the large window and walked over to it. I opened it up and saw a small, but gorgeous bathroom. I had given Charlie money for the renovations and I'm glad to see it was put to good use.

I walked back downstairs and into Bella's room. She was unpacking and putting all her clothes away. My heightened hearing picked up a monstrous noise approaching, but I thought nothing of it. It sounded like an older vehicle, but a lot of people in this town seemed to have older vehicles. I knew my own vehicle wouldn't blend in once it arrived. I had it shipped here before moving. I didn't care though. That was one thing I didn't want to give up when moving to Forks. Suddenly, I hear a honk and the rumbling stop, with car doors open and closing. Bella and I both moved over to her window to peer outside. Two people I've never seen before were now speaking to Charlie. One was an older man in a wheelchair and the other was a young teenage boy, probably a year or two younger than Bella. An old red Chevy truck is parked beside Charlie's cruiser.

Bella made her way down the steps and outside, with me following behind her being curious. We both came to stop and glanced at Charlie, wondering what was going on.

Charlie looks at us before speaking, "Bella, you remember Billy Black."

Billy speaks before anyone can say anything, looking at the both of us, his eyes suspicious, as they land on me "Glad you girls are finally here. Charlie hasn't shut up about you since he was told you were coming." he finishes with a chuckle.

Charlie's cheeks heat in embarrassment before saying "Keep exaggerating, I'll wheel you down the hill."

Billy laughs before grabbing his wheels and moving towards Charlie exclaiming "Right after I ran you in the ankles!" The two continue to battle and dodge one another.

The teenage boy steps towards us, "I'm Jacob Black. We used to make mud pies when we were little kids." He says directing his sentence towards Bella.

Bella looks slightly uncomfortable and not at all like she remembers, but answers anyway "Yeah...I think I remember."

Jacob looks at me, my eyes specifically, and pauses before speaking "I haven't met you though. Charlie said you were a friend of Bella's from Phoenix. It's nice to meet you." He holds his hand out.

I reach mine forward, noticing Billy staring intently at us, before grasping Jacobs hand. "It's nice to meet you. Yeah I moved there my freshman year and Bella and I have been friends ever since." I said with a small smile I direct towards Bella. After I said that Billy seemed to relax his tense posture and turn his attention back to Charlie as they continued their little game of war.

Bella looks over at them and motions awkwardly, "Are they always like this?" She questions.

Jacob gives a small bob of his head "it's getting worse with old age."

Charlie walks over to truck and pats the hood before awkwardly clearing his throat and looking at Bella "So... what do you think about your homecoming present?" He asks.

Bella's jaw practically drops "No way! The truck is for me?" She questions walking over to the truck.

"Just bought it off Billy here." Charlie says, looking happy that Bella approves of the vehicle.

Jacob steps forward looking excited "I rebuilt the engine and— "

"It's perfect!" Bella shouts, cutting Jacob off. Not that he really seemed to mind. Bella is practically glowing with happiness. It's one of the few times I've seen her express such outward emotion.

Charlie hands her the keys as she opens the door and sits inside. Jacob practically sprinting over to the passenger side. I walk over to the driver side window as Bella rolls it down. I poke my head inside looking around as Jacob explains how everything works.

"Maybe I can give you a ride to school?" Bella turns to Jacob.

Jacob awkwardly coughs, before saying "I actually go to school on the reservation."

"Too bad. Would have been nice to know at least one person..." Bella says bummed out. I slap her shoulder.

"Hey! I'm right here!" I laugh, faking an offensive facial expression.

Bella's cheeks heat up before she explains "I meant someone who already lives here. Ya know, to help us acclimate..." She trails off embarrassed.

I giggle, "I know what you meant Bells. It's no problem. I was just messing with you." I wink. Jacob is staring again, but I don't really blame him. I doubt they see many people that look like me around here.

Eventually Jacob and his dad leave. Charlie offers to take us to a diner for some food. We both agree, grabbing our jackets before we get inside the truck, following behind Charlie who is in the cruiser. We decided this way Bella could get some experience driving the truck and Charlie wouldn't have to take us back home since he must go to work after we eat.


I hear Bella's alarm blaring, waking me up. I shift off the bed and walk across the room to grab my luggage. Before walking out, I walk back over to Bella to shake her awake.

"Hey Bells. Time to get up. First day of school and all." I say with a roll of my eyes. She groans but gets up and gathers her own clothes. We both walk out and into the hallway. I head upstairs to my room, it's still completely bare. I lay my luggage on the ground and open it up pulling out a pair of underwear, dark ripped jeans, a burgundy sweater, a beanie, and socks. I grab a towel out as well and walk into the bathroom. I noticed it was stocked up on supplies when I looked inside yesterday. I hang my towel up and strip down. I turn the water on and adjust the temperature, stepping in once I deem it perfect. I sigh as the water hits my back. Rolling my neck and starting to lather shampoo into my hair. I hurry through my shower, not needing to be late on the first day. I step out, grabbing my fluffy grey towel and start patting myself dry. I wrap my hair into my towel, squeezing to get as much water out as I can. I leave my hair in my towel as I walk out into my bedroom and back to my luggage. I pull out some lotion and deodorant.

After I'm dressed I pull my hair out of my towel and dry it quickly. Letting it fall in my natural waves. I walk to the bathroom and hang my towel up to dry. I step in front of the mirror and admire my reflection. Bright, unnatural, blue-green eyes stare back at me. My white-blonde hair falls flawlessly in waves. Deciding to not put any makeup on, I walk out of the bathroom, grabbing my backpack on the way towards the stairs.

I meet Bella in the kitchen. She's already munching on a granola bar and has a glass of milk. I see she started a pot of coffee and my eyes light up.

"Bells, you are literally the best." I say before pouring myself a cup. I added a bit of milk, seeing that there was no creamer. I sat down at the table, grabbing a banana and beginning to eat that. I chugged my coffee down before glancing at my phone. I pull up today's weather forecast and notice that for once it won't be raining. I inform Bella of the good news making her crack a small smile. We both finish up our breakfast and head out to her truck. We both agreed that we would just ride to school together, seeing as my car still isn't here, plus why take two vehicles unless we need to?

Finding the high school was probably the easiest part. As we pull into the parking lot I see people glancing at the truck with raised eyebrows. I don't pay them any attention as Bella parks. We both step out at the same time as I hear slosh and a curse slip from Bella's lips. I walk around to see her grumpily staring at her, now soaked, shoes.

"What a great first day..." I trail off, glancing around the parking lot.

We start walking together as some random guy shouts "Nice truck!" As a group of gangly teens snicker.

Bella, not catching the jibe, or just not caring mutters back "thanks" as we keep walking.

After a small issue with schedules we both stand in the hallway to compare, both looking dejected as we only have three classes together and lunch. We split up to go to our first class, which unfortunately, we do not have together. Bella has Mr. Varner first while I have Mr. Lopez.

I find the English classroom with ease and slip inside. I set the slip, the one that all my teachers from today need to sign, on the teacher's desk, who appears to not even be here yet, and walk towards the back. There aren't many people in here, so I don't have to worry about people staring, not that it would matter since that's all that will happen today. I settle on an empty seat. Plopping down I dig out a notebook and pull out my phone.

I glance through my texts, settling on one that I forgot to reply to.

FROM: Dem ()

Hey Lu, I don't know if you've been getting these texts, but can you at least respond if you are? It's a change without you being around. I know it's only been a few months, but hell, do I miss you. I'm serious. I know we ended on a sour note and you haven't responded since, but I'm begging you to just reply.

Miss you lots.

I roll my eyes. A sour note is putting it lightly. Why can't ex's, just be ex's and leave you alone? As I debate responding, more people file into the room. People glance at me, but I refuse to make eye contact. A girl with wavy brown hair, brown eyes, and glasses pulls the seat out and sits next to me. She turns to me hesitantly.

"Hi, I'm Angela." She says with a small smile and I give one back.

I hold my hand out introducing myself, "Luna Vestalis."

"That's an interesting last name." Angela says.

"Yes, it's an older name. My parents said it was of Roman decent." I say bobbing my head as I explain the small truth.

"Being the new girl can be tough, there's another new student as well. Do you know her? I heard her name is Isabella Swan. The police chief's daughter." She questions looking genuinely curious. Sure, I'll bite.

"Yeah, I do. We actually moved here together from Phoenix. I'm living with them." I say while bobbing my head a bit.

"Wow that's so cool. I've never been anywhere except Port Angeles." She says before the bell rings.

The teacher walks and glances at the slip on his desk before his eyes roam around the room. They stop on me and he pauses before raising his eyebrows. The lesson continues, and I have no problems keeping up. Finally, the bell rings, signaling the end of class. Before I can leave, Angela catches my attention.

"Hey, you and Isabella should sit with me and my friends at lunch." She offers as we both move towards the door and into the hallway.

"Yeah I'll talk to her about it. Thanks." I smile and head off to my next class.

Before I know it, lunch has arrived. I text Bella asking where she is, and we agree to meet at the cafeteria doors. I spot her as I approach and we both walk in together.

"How has your day gone so far?" I ask as we stand in line for food. I look at the choices with my nose crinkled.

Bella shrugs before replying, "Not as bad as I anticipated. I spiked a ball at the back of some guys head in gym. In my defense, I tried to avoid the ball the whole time. Then I got questioned, more like interrogated, by the guy and this other girl. Mike and Jessica. Anyway, they invited us to eat lunch with them." She said as she pays and glances around the room. I guess looking for this Jessica and Mike. I spot Angela sitting at a table with three other people.

"I also made a friend and she invited us to sit with her and her friends." I said as I pointed over to where Angela was "that's her." I direct to Bella.

"Oh, that's Jessica and Mike. Looks like we can just head over then." Bella says awkwardly as we walk across the room and over to the table. We set our food down causing the four people to look at us. The only other girl at the table, I can only assume to be Jessica, sucks in a breath at seeing me. There's a pale blonde guy with a boyish look to him and another dark-skinned boy who both are blatantly staring at me with open mouths. Angela, the only one I know at this table, smiles at me.

"Hey! So glad you found us." She says and motions towards the other people. She waves her hand towards the other girl, "that's Jessica. I think Bella has gym with her and Mike..." she continues as she points to the blonde who finally gets a hold of himself. "This is Tyler", She motions towards the dark-skinned boy, "and we're missing our other friend, Eric, but I'm sure he'll be here soon."

Almost as soon as she finishes the sentence a body appears and drapes an arm around Bella, causing her to tense slightly.

"Mike, you met my home girl, Bella!" The new boy yells giddily.

Mike raises his eyebrows before replying "Your home girl?" He questions with a laugh. Before I know it they're in a small wrestling match. Putting each other in headlocks and laughing.

"It's like first grade all over again...and you're the shiny new toy..." Jessica sighs, envy clear in her tone. Bella smiles awkwardly before she's blinded by a bright flash. I even blink to clear my vision. I glance over to see Angela holding a camera.

"Sorry, I needed a candid for the feature." She apologizes to Bella.

Eric glares over at Angela before retorting, "Feature's dead Angela. Don't bring it up again." He looks over at Bella and winks "I got your back, baby."

I look over at Bella and we lock eyes. I mouth 'baby?' Bella flushed and shakes her head.

"I guess we'll just run another editorial on teen drinking..." Angela trails off dejectedly. Bella looks guilty before glancing at me. Clearly not knowing what to do.

"You could always cover eating disorders or...Speedo padding on the swim team" I say with a smirk. Angela visibly brightens ups. Eric, finally finished with Mike, notices me. He looks just as dazzled as everyone else and I internally roll my eyes.

"Wait. That's a good one!" She says as she happily jots notes down in her notebook. I give her bright smile. I notice Bella isn't paying attention at all and glance over to where she's looking.

Suddenly, the cafeteria doors open and in walk these gorgeous people. My body tenses up as I stare at them. What are vampires doing in a high school? And why so many of them? There's two guys, one a huge buff guy with dark hair and another who's smaller in stature with blonde curls. Then there's two girls, one blonde bombshell and a short girl with dark pixie cut hair. The big guy and the blonde bombshell are walking together with their arms linked. The blonde guy and the small pixie like girl are walking hand in hand when she is suddenly twirled and his lips twitch into a small smile. The four of them walk over to an empty table and it seems like everyone's attention is on them.

Bella looks stunned into silence, but finds her voice to ask, "Who are they?"

A/N: It seems my links are not showing up so I will add my polyvore page here and do my best to tell you what chapter they are for.