
Lucy P.O.V

I was sat on a bench in Hargeon, I wasn't sure how long it had been since I ran away, it must have been at least a few months because the locals had stopped giving me funny looks, as if asking why an eleven year old girl was out alone and why she was taking on way too many jobs. I shivered, it was cold in Hargeon and winter had no intention of leaving any time soon, it didn't help that none of the money I earned on jobs went towards new clothes, so I was sat in a knee high sleeveless pink dress and a pair of buckle up leather shoes. I clutched my keys close to my chest, they pulsated warmly in response. I looked down at them, Aquarius, Cancer and Taurus were from my mother, Capricorn, Sagittarius, Virgo and Scorpio were all earned on numerous different jobs, Leo and Aries I had won after seeing a mage called Karen mistreating them and challenged her to a fight and Gemini I had been given after saving a girl from a gang of men after her. I shifted my gold keys over on my key ring to look at my silver ones, they were the reason that I had no money, Plue, Lyra, Crux and Horologium. I loved them all. However they couldn't make the money I desperately needed appear, so it seemed as though I would be sleeping under the stars, which was something I was at ease with, having done it often enough. I hooked my keys back onto my belt, next to my whip, Fleuve dé'toiles, it had been a gift from Virgo after I had summoned her, a gift I was very grateful for. I stood up and walked towards my sleeping hill, as I now called it.

It didn't take long for me to reach the top of the hill, I slouched against the trunk of the one standing tree on the hill. Stars were sparkling merrily in the darkness of the night sky, I stared up at them and softly named each constellation I could see under my breath. The night was quiet and still and I started to drift off to sleep when I heard a twig snap and someone cursing quietly under their breath, followed by multiple twigs snapping and a lot of cursing. I scrambled up the tree for a better view, holding my breath and trying to be as silent as possible. I grabbed my whip but didn't dare to open it, for fear the light would catch the attention of whoever was there.

"Gajeel, Juvia swears that someone was up here," a female voice said, she sounded as though she was my age.

"I can tell, their scent is everywhere," the male voice replied...wait, scent? Could he smell me? I clicked my whip hesitantly, not allowing any light to show.

"What was that?" the male voice said.

"Gajeel, you forget that Juvia's ears aren't as good as yours,"

"I heard something up there, the scent seems to get quite strong too," the male, presumably Gajeel, said starting to climb the tree, the female sighed and followed him, there was only one option now. I couldn't really get a good shot at them, it was too dark, but I was certain I could capture them...Now! I released my glowing whip and it split off and captured them, it's bright glow illuminating the entire hill. I hung them over the side of the tree, looking down at them from the top branch, where I was perched.

"What do you want?" I asked, trying to be menacing, but not succeeding in doing so.

"First off, what is this thing?" Gajeel asked squirming so much I had to tighten must hold. This was my first chance to get a good look at them, Gajeel seemed to be about my age, but rather tall, with lots of piercings and shaggy black hair and blood red eyes, the girl had pale skin, dark blue eyes, that matched her shoulder length blue hair that curled at the bottom and she held a pink umbrella in her hand.

"It's my whip Fleuve dé'toiles, now answer my question," I replied.

"Gajeel and Juvia just wanted directions, nobody was out but Juvia saw you up here and thought you would be able to help us," the blunette said, is she Juvia, or does she just have a weird obsession with someone called Juvia?

"What do you want to know?" I asked, loosening my whip slightly.

"Where are we and where is the nearest forest?" Gajeel butted in.

"You are in Hargeon and the nearest forest is Kamikawa," I said. They looked at me blankly.

"Where is it?" the blunette asked.

"Could you let us go first though, Juvia is really dizzy," the girl added. I released them roughly but they both managed to land on their feet.

"I'm Gajeel and this is Juvia," Gajeel said, pointing to the blunette. She talks in the third person, weird, although who am I to judge?

"And you are?" Juvia said curiously.

"Lucy," I replied, "So then, to get to Kamikawa, you head east towards the coast, head through the valley, cross the Kamikawa river and then you will have reached the forest. Don't eat the berries there, or look the wolves in the eye, now good night," I said, retracting my whip and slumping back against the tree truck.

"Lucy, don't you have anywhere to go?" Juvia asked softly, I heard Gajeel groan.

"Not specifically," I replied curtly.

"Why not come with us then, we could use some more company and you seem nice," she said.

"How do I know I can trust you?" I asked. Juvia held out her pinkie finger her face still solemn but a small smile graced her lips.

"Gajeel, Juvia wants you to come over here as well," Juvia said.

"Damn it rain woman, ever since you saw the sun, you have been way too nice," Gajeel groaned, however he still came over and extended his pinkie. I looped my fingers around both of their's.

"I guess I'll tag along if it isn't too much trouble," I said softly. With that we left. It was odd, I barely knew these people but I had given them my trust, there was just something so...different about them. It made me want to be their friend.

"Oh Lucy, Juvia wants to know what sort of magic you use," Juvia said.

"How do you..." I said, only to be interrupted by Juvia.

"No non-mage would have something like that whip of yours,"

"I'm a Celestial Spirit Mage," I said.

"Juvia thinks that is amazing , Juvia is a Water Mage and Gajeel is having a sulk so he won't tell you what he is, Juvia will though. Gajeel is an Iron Dragon Slayer,"

"Wow, that's so cool," I replied, I had never met other mages before, just dull company associates and disgusting potential fiance's.

We walked in silence for a while but somehow Gajeel and Juvia ended up getting into an argument, it wasn't particularly angry or spiteful, oddly it just made me feel more at ease. Then I realised, I'd made friends, at least I was pretty sure I had, so I never wanted to lose them. I'd stay with them forever...