A/N: Hey everyone! Apparently, this story has been a bigger hit that I thought it would be! I've gotten SO many wonderful comments and some of you have even gone on to read "Muted"(My other Destiel story for those who don't know)

I'm apologizing in advance for how I update. I am NOT on an update schedule.

NONE of my chapters are pre-written.

I honestly have no clue where the story is going until I sit down and think to myself "Hey I need to put out a new chapter..." and then I write the first couple of lines then seriously my brain takes over, sometimes even I'M surprised at where my stories end up.

But I will tell you there won't be character deaths in my stories and almost always a happy ending. My thought is that Life doesn't always have a happy ending so the least I can do is give the characters in my stories their happy ending!

Well, now I've gone back through the whole thing again, and just fixed the small errors I've seen. I just want to say thank you to everyone that comments!

I can't believe I have, as of right now, 40 comments on just 9 of the chapters, and I'm not done yet! I just wanted to come back and look at it on a computer instead of my phone to make it an easier read.

Also, feel free to PM me(I can't check them from mobile for some reason) or Email me (They come straight to my phone) or follow me on Tumblr.

If you have an idea for a story you'd like me to write, or a prompt please feel free to contact me! I'd LOVE to talk to ya'll!

Once again thank you SO much for all of the support!


Second Chances

Chapter 1:

"I'm Screwed"

There are a few things you need to know about Dean Winchester. Dean is 17 years old. He has a 5-year-old little brother, Sam.

Dean got emancipated at the age of 16 and petitioned the court for custody of his little brother, which he got with the help of Bobby. His father died before Sam was born, in a car accident.

His mother died about 2 years ago, she was sick so dean has taken care of Sam most of his life. They lived with their 'Uncle Bobby' until he could save up enough money to get them moved into a nice apartment in a good school district. Today they are finally moving into their new place.

Dean is gay, he has already come to terms with that, and the two people that mean the most to him, Sam and Bobby, accept him completely, but he doesn't advertise it. Everyone is not as accepting.

He has never had a relationship though. It's not that he isn't handsome, he catches many eyes, but he's just never had any time or reason for a relationship.

In a week he and Sam will be starting their new school. He as a Junior and Sam will be in first grade.

He doesn't plan to go to college, but he will be damned if he doesn't finish high school. Their parents had insurance policies in place, they will pay him a check and Sam a check every month until they turn 18 or 21 if they attend college.

So Dean has another year before he has to get an official job, but he helps Bobby out in the garage on weekends for extra money. He wants Sam to have everything he needs, he wants his little brother to be happy.

Dean collapsed onto the well-loved couch with a thud and a sigh of relief. A rambunctious Sam came running in and dog piled on his big brother. Groaning "Sammy!" Dean started tickling his little brother.

"Stop!... I can't breath, Dean!" Sam said in between a fit of giggles. "Uncle!" He gasped out as Dean stopped to let him get his breath. They laid there for a moment laughing.

"Well Sammy, I finally got the last box unpacked. Do you like your room?" Dean asked curiously. Sam nodded his head vigorously "I love it, Dean! Thanks! You're the best!" And lunged to give him a hug.

Dean accepted the hug happily. "Hey! No chick flick moments kid!" He said jokingly and Sam just hugged him tighter and Dean laughed. The older Winchester checked his phone and made a face.

"It's 9:30 kiddo. Let's get you to bed." Sam pulled a face "Oh come on Dean! I'm not in school yet" he whines slightly. Dean fixed him with a look that said 'My way or the highway' and said "We need to get you in a routine buddy. Can't have you tired for school when you start".

With a sigh, Sam resigned to his fate. "Alright Dean" he mumbled making his way back to his room. "Teeth" Dean added in a sing-song voice he could literally feel Sam roll his eyes.

"And don't roll your eyes, Sammy!" He added in amusement and laughed when he heard Sam gasp and made a run for the bathroom to brush his teeth.

"Dean" he heard Sam say from his bedroom. Dean smiled and walked towards the back of the apartment, towards his brother's room.

He leaned on the door frame and saw Sam cleaning his room a little before bed, clad in his Scooby Doo pajamas, he laughed to himself. Sam saw him and grinned big, hopping in bed and under the covers.

"I'm ready! Are you gonna read me a story?" He asked, already knowing the answer. Dean smiled and crawled into bed, on top of the covers, beside his baby brother. "What are we reading?" He asked.

After 5 books Sam was finally asleep. Dean sighed tiredly and headed for his room to crash. He plopped down on the bed after changing into something more comfortable and losing the shirt. He was out before his head hit the pillows.

The next few days went by fast. Making sure that Sam had all of his school supplies, and a Scooby Doo backpack with a matching lunch box, of course.

Dean used the backpack he always used, he just needed a few notebooks, some pencils, and maybe a binder or two. Today was the day, the day everything got hectic around the Winchester house, the day school started.

Led Zeppelin filled the air of Dean's room, he groaned and reached a hand out from under the cover, that he had cocooned himself in during the night, grabbing the offending object and hitting the "off" button on his phone's alarm.

He got up and got his clothes and headed for the shower, hitting Sam's door a few times. "Sam, Up" he grunted out. Dean was less than human before his coffee and shower.

He finished his shower quickly so Sam could have his turn, he pulled on his jeans and exited the bathroom topless, drying his hair.

Upon exiting he almost ran over a very excited Sam who rushed past him for a shower. "Woah Sammy, bring it down a notch. It's too early for that much energy" he joked.

Throwing on his black t-shirt and green plaid button up, that was left unbuttoned, he made his way to the kitchen to make coffee.

He started the coffee maker and walked back over to the door of the bathroom "Pancakes?" He yelled over the water and got an excited 'Yes!' In return.

Chuckling he headed back to the kitchen. By the time Sam was out of the shower, dressed and seated at the table there was a stack of pancakes, bacon, eggs and a glass of milk sitting on the table for Sam.

Dean was on his second cup of coffee, scrolling through his phone like it was a newspaper. "I packed you a PBJ, chips and some apple slices. That sound okay Sammy?" He didn't hear a response and looked up to Sammy nodding happily, mouth full of pancakes.

"Okay Sam, finish up and put the dishes in the sink, we are about to head out". Wit another nod Sam finished up his food and did as he was told. Dean grabbed his car keys and headed out the door with Sam in tow.

First stop was Sam's school. "You sure you don't want me to walk you in Sammy? I gave myself extra time" He asked his little brother. "No, thanks, Dean. I can do it!" He smiled determinedly up at him.

"Okay, you sure you have everything?" Sam nodded and hugged dean before he got out of the car "Love you, Dean!" He said before walking away "Love you too squirt." Dean responded and watched his little brother all the way into the building.

'Alright. Time for a new year, a new school, and a new me. Maybe I will be popular this year" Dean mused to himself as he pulled into his school. Taking a deep breath he headed towards the doors of the school. He headed straight for the office to get his schedule and his locker number.

He found his locker and was putting his lunch inside when he heard something a little further down. "Fag" Dean's eyebrow raised.

'What the hell..?' He thought to himself, walking closer to the source of the noise. He peeked around the corner and saw 3 guys cornering what looked like a smaller guy with messy hair and glasses.

He heard the three Neanderthal looking guys talking about how the whole football team wanted to kick his ass. 'But why?' Dean thought and continued to watch.

He heard a squeaked "Why" from the smaller boy as if reading deans thoughts. "Because" The biggest one, who Dean assumed was the leader of the group, responded, "We don't tolerate Fags like you, Castiel."

The other two sniggered. "You should be used to this by now." He went to throw a punch and the kid closed his eyes in fear.

Dean, without thinking, dropped his backpack and tackled the one that was going to hit the kid.

Said kid peeked open one eye to probably see why he wasn't getting hit. Dean jumped off of the guy and while they were all still in shock from the intrusion, he grabbed the unknown kid's wrist with a rushed "Time to go".

He grabbed his backpack on the way back towards the classrooms and more people. 'Well, so much for being popular this year' Dean mused to himself as they ran.

Finally stopping they leaned against a wall to catch their breath, now surrounded by plenty of people so they could blend in. Finally looking at the kid he 'saved' green eyes met crystal blue. Dean's Jaw went slack.

"I'm Castiel" the other boy offered quietly. Dean still couldn't form any words, but his mind did seem to come up with something.

'Yep, I'm definitely screwed.'

A/N: I really hope you liked it. It's my first true AU. And my first Supernatural fic. Please let me know if I need to continue! Thanks!