A long time ago there was a maiden who lived in the countryside, she was the daughter of a simple baker and his wife but that was the only thing simple about her. For this maiden was said to be the most beautiful woman in all the world. That no other woman in all the lands could measure up to the maiden's beauty and this was true for she was not only exceptionally beautiful in appearance but also in personality, grace, and heart. She was a kind, gentle, brave, selfless, and clever young lady. Anyone who knew her could not help but marvel at her beautiful face and her beautiful heart. Her family loved her and her friends adored her, some people believed that she was princess born into the wrong life but the maiden enjoyed her simple life. Unfortunately her cheerful life with her family and friends would end all too soon.

One day her surpassing beauty caught the eye of a strange and dark man. He came to the house where she lived with her parents and demanded her hand in marriage. When she refused, the man who was a sorcerer stole her away from her family and placed her under a terrible curse which could only be broken if a man pure of heart was to love her more than his own life and prove it.


In a small but glorious kingdom there lived a young prince called Adrien. Adrien the only child and son of King Gabriel and Queen Emilie who loved him dearly and only wanted what was best for him and they believed that what was for him was to be a proper prince. Sadly for them Adrien did not enjoy the activities of a regular and proper young prince. Now like most princes he was polite, intelligent, noble, brave, talented, and of course handsome but he was also carefree, thrill seeking, and somewhat rebellious. Rather than spend his days doing things like jousting, making royal decrees and bills, sitting through meetings,attending balls, and courting princesses he spent his days doing more fun things like riding horses, hunting, archery, and exploring the forest. He did all these things with his best friend and loyal squire Nino. His behavior was understood by his mother but it enraged his father.

"You are nearly twenty years old." He told his son one day. "You cannot act like this anymore, you will soon be king so you must start acting like one. I forbid you to continue these acts of Tom foolery with that squire."

"But Father-"

"Do not argue. Starting tomorrow you shall begin spending less time with him and more time with your tutors and I expect better results."

"Yes sir."

"Good now then you are dismissed."

Adrien sighed and then retired to the royal gardens. He always went there whenever he felt bad, something about the beauty and peaceful serenity of it made him feel better. There was a fountain, plenty of wonderful flowers, and lake that stood some where between the garden and the forest. Because of that sometimes animals from the forest would come by the garden.

Today he saw a squirrel, a rabbit, and a deer come out to graze on to the grass and look for other food. True he was a hunter but he only hunted for food not sport like other hunters and he had plenty of wild boar to eat from the last hunt so he had no need to shoot these animals.

Then his eyes caught sight of one in particular who had never come to the garden before. Floating on the lake with the most elegant of grace was a swan with feathers and wings that were as pale and white as moon light. Adrien had seen many swans in his life but none like this one. He didn't know why but he felt like there was something different about this one.

As if the swan could feel his gaze, it looked over at him and their eyes met. Now Adrien was confused, if he remembered correctly the eyes of a swan were always black or a very dark brown but these swan's eyes were a beautiful shade of blue that reminded him of the sky. He also had the strangest feeling that it wasn't a swan looking back at him but a young lady.

After awhile the swan broke their shared gaze and glanced over at the setting sun. The swan then flapped it's majestic wings and flew away into the forest.

"What a strange but beautiful creature." Adrien thought. "I wonder if it will come back."

His thoughts were anwsered the next day when he went into the garden after a long day of being tutored to see the same swan swimming over the lake but like before at sunset the swan left. This went on for several weeks, every day the swan would appear on the lake just as the sun had risen and would leave just as the sun was beginning to set. He found himself wondering why? Why did this swan leave at every evening? And where did it go? He had to admit it was very silly to wonder such things about a bird but he didn't care. As strange as it was he had to know where that swan went every night.

"You're highness is something wrong?" His squire Nino asked him.

"Nino grab your horse we'll be going on a trip."

"To where my lord?"

"To wherever that swan is going to."

"Oh I see you're craving swan for dinner tonight?"

"No and you are not to harm that creature in anyway."

"Then why are we going after it?"

"I want to find out where it goes every night."

"Come again? You want us to follow a swan to figure out where it goes? Your highness it probably goes back to it's nest."

"Maybe but I must know for sure."

"Sire it's just a bird."

"I know but I...I don't know why I just have to know."

So that afternoon they waited for the swan to leave. At sun set they grabbed their bows and arrows, mounted their horses, and began following it into the forest. It flew over a grove of thorns and disappeared behind some trees.

"Well it looks like we're gonna have to stop here." Nino said.

But Adrien wasn't giving up yet. He got off his horse, pulled out his sword, and began cutting through the thorns.

"Your highness why are you so interested in this swan? Do you plan to keep it as a pet? Perhaps you plan to make it a gift for your mother the queen? She does love exotic and majestic birds."

"Heavens no. While I do enjoy bringing my mother a gift this creature is far too beautiful to be kept in a cage. It belongs in the free world."

"Then why go after it?"

"I'm not sure I just have a feeling."

"What feeling?"

"It's hard to explain."

"Adrien I don't like the looks of this part of the forest." He said. "It's kind of spooky."

"Well if you're afraid then you can stay here while I keep on going."

"No sire, if anything happens to you the king will blame me and have my neck."

"Relax Nino I'll be right back, I promise."

Once he had an easy path made he got on his horse and continued riding down leaving Nino to worry. He knew all too well that if Adrien was harmed in any way the king would show him no mercy and Nino wouldn't be able to forgive himself if he let something happen to the prince.

"Adrien wait for me!"

But the young prince was gone. Completely vanished and was unknowingly on his way to a great and mysterious part of the forest where he would learn the swan's secret.