From a distance Hawkmoth or rather Gabriel was in the middle of trying to use the crystal to grant his wish to be immortal but for some reason it wasn't working.

"I don't understand! Why isn't it working?! I command you crystal of miraculous to make me immortal!"

"Gabriel oh thank goodness!" Emilie suddenly appeared in his chambers her eyes filled with tears of worry.

"Emilie what's wrong?"

"Oh Gabriel it's awful! That wretched, hideous man!" She sobbed.

"Calm down Emilie. Now tell me what happened."

"This man! No this creature appeared and starting saying something about a girl dying then he turned into an owl and flew away and Adrien went after him!"

"He what?!"

"He said he had to save a girl named Marinette! Oh Gabriel I'm so afraid!"

"No! No Adrien can't fight him! Lorenzo will destroy him without a second thought!"

"You know this monster Gabriel?"

"Regrettably yes. He was supposed to help me get the crystal! He wasn't supposed to harm Adrien in anyway!"

"What are you talking about?" Emilie asked.

Mother! Father!" The royal couple felt a great relief when they heard their son's voice calling to them. The young prince then burst into the royal chambers with Marinette, Nino, and a group of animals behind him.

"Oh Adrien!" Emilie threw her arms around her son, embracing him while crying tears of relief. "God be praised! You're safe!"

"We need to leave this castle now Mother! There's a very evil man with dark power here!"

"Then we better alert the residents of the palace at once. Gabriel summon the guards at once."

"Of course I shall send for them immediately." Gabriel said.

"That voice!" Tikki gasped in a soft voice of horror when she heard Gabriel speak.

"Your highness is something wrong?" Plagg asked her.

"It's him! It's Hawkmoth! The king is Hawkmoth!"

"Are you certain your grace?" Wayzz asked.

"I'd know that cold, unfeeling, voice anywhere." She said.

"Father what is she talking about?" Adrien asked the king.

"Nothing. She must be mistaken." Gabriel lied.

"It's him alright! Look he has the crystal!"

All eyes turned to the red and green crystal that lay on Gabriel's desk. Next to it was a stone that was a darkish, grayish, purple color. Emilie's hand went to clutch Adrien's shoulder protectively while he slowly wrapped his arms around Marinette to keep her safe.

"Gabriel my husband what have you done?" Emilie said.

"I only wanted us to live together forever. To conquer death. Cough! Cough! So I became a sorcerer dark magic determined to find this crystal and use it's power to make me immortal so I helped Lorenzo with his plan to kill the girl."

"Oh Gabriel how could you do this? How could do this to me and Adrien? How could you be so foolish and selfish?"

"I had good reason."

"Good reason?" Adrien said. Father you've cursed innocent people! Destroyed their home! Tried to kill Marinette!"

"So we could live forever!"

"Father no man can live forever. You know that! This illness has made you so mad that you know longer listen to reason and logic!"

"But a man can live forever! With this crystal!"

"The crystal cannot do that." Tikki spoke. "The crystal can do many things but even it has it's limits."

"You're lying!"

"No I'm not."

"Yes you are! You've cast some spell on the crystal from working and I'm sure once I destroy you it will work!"

He began shooting bolts of magic toward the animals.

"Gabriel no!" Emilie cried.

"Father stop!" Adrien shouted.

The two ran to Gabriel and tried to stop him but he was now completely overtaken with madness and he used his power to put his wife and son to sleep so they wouldn't get hurt then continued to attack Marinette, Nino, and the animals.

"Your majesty please you must come to your seneses!" Nino pleaded while trying to avoid getting hit.


The animals continued to flee in terror but Hawkmoth managed to snatch Tikki before she could fly off to freedom. He sneered at her with a wicked grin before beginning to crush it.

"Don't do it Hawkmoth or else!" Marinette called.

"Or else what?"

He turned in the direction of her voice and felt horror grip his heart when he saw her holding the crystal.

"Harm so much as one of her wings and I'll use this to destroy your stone."

"Don't make me laugh! That crystal cannot destroy anything in your hands!"

"Then why do you look so afraid?"

"I fear nothing! Now put that down!"

"Not on your life!"

"You don't know who you're dealing with little girl! Return the crystal or I'll use my power to turn you into an ugly caterpillar!"

"Even if you do get the crystal back it won't grant your wish. Immortality is impossible and no power on earth can give it to anyone!"

"I will not die! I refuse to die! I refuse to abandon my kingdom and my family!"

"But you've already done it! Your fear of death and desire to live forever has made you completely ignore and neglect both your kingdom and your family! You should've been spending whatever time you had left making your kingdom well and tending to your family. Please your majesty for your family's sake stop this."

"I will hear no more of this!"

He raised his hand to shoot another bolt, one directed at her. Marinette quickly clutched the crystal and made a wish.

"Crystal of miraculous please grant my wish, destroy the stone that contains Hawkmoth's evil power and relieve him of his madness so that he may rest in peace."

Just as Hawkmoth's spell hit her the crystal glow a bright red and green. The stone of Hawkmoth's dark magic was shattered into pieces and the insane sorcerer found himself collapsing on to the floor. When the light faded Marinette still remained human and the animals began to transform.

Tikki turned back into the beautiful fairy queen. Plagg changed into a chivalrous looking man in armor, Wayzz turned into an older man in green, Trixx turned into a woman in orange, Max turned into an intelligent scholar, Nathaniel changed into a man who resembled an artist, Rose and Juleka were turned into young maids, and Alya was changed into a pretty young peasant woman.

"We're back to normal." Wayzz said.

"Thank goodness I was worried that I would be a bug for good." Tikki said brushing dust off of her dress.

"I have fingers again! I can finally grab stuff!" Plagg cheered.

At that moment Emilie and Adrien started to wake up. Nino and Plagg quickly went to help them on to their feet.

"Are you alright your highness?" Nino asked helping Adrien stand up.

"I think so. But what just happened?"

Suddenly the air was filled with Emilie screaming and sobbing. She was clutching Gabriel who now lay on the floor. Adrien called the guards and Gabriel was rushed into bed where doctors and medicine men examined him. Adrien and Emilie waited with baited breath for news of weather or not Gabriel would be alright. After hours and hours of waiting the doctor came out and informed the queen and prince the terrible news.

Overcome with grief they went to Gabriel's bedside to say their final goodbyes. When Gabriel awoke his mind was clear, the madness was gone and he finally realized the horrible things he had done. He looked at his wife and son with eyes of pure shame and regret.

"Can you ever forgive me?" He asked them.

"Of course my love." Emilie sobbed.

"I've done so many horrible, unforgivable things. I was a monster."

"It wasn't your fault. It was your illness."

"That's no excuse for the deeds I've committed. Adrien."

"Yes Father." The young man kneeled at his bedside.

"You'll be a great king. Far better than I ever was."

"Father what are you saying?"

"My time has come and at last I shall accept it. I only wish that I hadn't of spent my last moments so foolishly. But know this I always loved you, both of you, and I never once wanted to cause you pain."

His final words before at last dying. Emilie wept as did Adrien but deep down they felt relieved for King Gabriel had done nothing but suffer over these last three years and hurt many people but now his damage was undone and he was finally at peace.