Olivia was able to make it to Emily's first appointment and they'd already filled all the information out and were waiting in the waiting room. Olivia was still shocked she had a sister, especially one that looked just like her, but here she was sitting next to her. Emily sat staring at a tv that was mounted on the wall, random pregnancy fact and tips were rotating through a slide show. Her hand was rested absentmindedly on her abdomen as she leaned back in the chair.

Olivia watched her. Not long ago she had almost been in her shoes, though Brian Cassidy would have been the father. She's still not sure how that would have played out and she was kind of grateful now that it hadn't happened. It would be strange to see her sisters body change with pregnancy given they are identical, but Olivia was excited to see what she would have looked like.

The door to the exam room hallway opened and a nurse appeared, clipboard in hand. She adjusted her glasses and read the name on the patient list.

"Emily Drake?" The nurse said, looking across the waiting room in search or her.

Emily stood up and started to walk away but stopped short and looked at Olivia. Without a word between them, Olivia stood up knowing exactly what Emily wanted her to do. Just as they entered the long hallway full of exam rooms, Olivia had what she could only describe as an "omg" moment. She had just had a twin connection moment with her sister. That hadn't ever happened before and it felt so natural. She'd had a few times with Elliot where he'd known what to do or knew what her next move was, but it didn't feel anything close to what just now felt like.

Emily used the bathroom to pee into a cup and Olivia waited in the exam room, sitting in the "guest" chair next to the exam table. A folded hospital gown was sitting on the gray table and exam table paper. A few minutes later and she returned with the nurse as she instructed Emily to change into the gown and the dr would be in shortly. Emily shot a shy glance at Olivia and Olivia looked away as Emily changed. Just as Emily got comfortable on the table, the doctor came in, wheeling a machine with a screen on it. A few more uncomfortable moments with Olivia looking away and then she heard it. Her niece or nephews heart beat. Her head shot to see the doctor's arm under the tarp across her sister's lap and then to the screen he was pointing at.

Emily laid there in shock. This tiny, hedgehog looking thing was inside of her. A real baby with a real heartbeat. She instinctively grabbed her sister's hand as a tear rolled down her cheek. She was excited and terrified at the same time.

"It-it's healthy?" Emily asked, her voice cracking.

"I'd say about 9 weeks, heartbeat at 156." The dr said, printing a few pictures and then removing the odd probe, "congratulations." He smiled, handed the photos to Emily, instructed her to get dressed, and walked out.

Emily didn't even realize she was still holding Olivia's hand as she let go to take the photos. The black and white sonogram in her hand shook as she shivered. This was real. There was a little person growing inside of her. She got up, Olivia again looking away as she got dressed. The ride home was strange. She had this sudden awareness that she was growing a human inside her body.

Olivia dropped Emily off at Amanda's apartment. She only had another week until she could go back to Olivia's, but she kind of liked hanging out with Amanda when she was home. Olivia walked her up and hugged her so tight before she left. She probably knew she was internally freaking out the whole drive to the apartment and the walk up.

Emily used her key that Amanda had given her and went inside. It was strange being in Amanda's apartment without her there. She knew she would probably be working late and Jesse would be at her babysitters. Emily slowly made her way to her room and laid down, sitting the congratulations bag next to the bed that they'd given her with samples, coupons, and information. She laid looking at the sonogram, one hand on her abdomen and she rubbed side to side.

What was she going to do? She didn't even know who the father was.

Emily fell asleep as she kissed the phot in her hand. No matter what happened and no matter who the father was, she would love this baby more than anything she'd ever loved in her life.

Emily's eyes shot open at the sound of a key turning in the door. She was so hyper aware of noises since the shooting at Olivia's apartment. She probably had slight PTSD, but she wasn't ready to admit she probably needed therapy. She could hear Amanda's voice and Jesse giggling as they entered the apartment. It was dark out, but not fully so she shot a glance at the clock by her bed that read 7:45 pm. She was surprised that Amanda was home this early during a case. She slowly got up, learning her lesson the many times she'd shot up too fast and gotten dizzy, and then made her way sleepily to the main part of the apartment after fixing her slept on hair. Amanda was in the kitchen putting groceries away as Jesse walked towards Emily.

"Auntie Emily!" Jesse said, getting her name right for the first time. Emily was impressed, but then realized Amanda probably reminded her.

"Hi!" Emily said groggily as she kneeled to give her a hug, "Did you have a good day?"

She had never interacted with Jesse like this, but it felt so natural. Jesse told her in her toddler broken English what she did that day and Emily soaked it all up. In just a few years this would be her baby. Standing next to her, telling her about his/her day. Jesse giggled and ran away when she was done, digging into her toys as Emily stood up and went to sit on the couch. Amanda walked over, a big grin on her face as she handed Emily a coconut water.

"I got you some healthy stuff." Amanda said, "I did get you some other things too, I didn't know what you'd be craving."

Emily opened the coconut water and sipped, leaning back as she swallowed the liquid. Just as she leaned her head back and hand landed softly on her abdomen. She looked down to see Amanda smiling.

"How are you feeling?" Amanda said, removing her hand once she realized who she was touching, "Sorry, I keep forgetting you barely know me."

Emily smiled and placed her hand where Amanda's had been and smiled. Somehow the anxious and terrified feeling she had when she got home vanished as a happy tear rolled down her cheek.

Just want to say it is one thing to leave constructive criticism but if you tell me because of how I write the storyline you will not read? Don't waste your breath because I don't care. Also, I will not be shoved in a box being told my entire page is a Rolivia, Rolisi, etc page because of one story. I have many other stories in mind that are not and I'll write what I want. So kick rocks nd have a nice day.