[Following the events of Trey's battle against Yuma, he did not fall comatose, instead, he gained knowledge of how good Yuma duels, and he wanted to be like Yuma. Trey had 6 heart pieces, and gave one to Yuma, so he was in the finals, but went to have a cosy rest straight after (note: in this fanfiction, none of the Arclights fall comatose after losing a duel, they feel sleepy). Vetrix (Tron) and Quinton (V) discussed the power of Yuma.]

Vetrix asked Quinton, "how strong is Yuma? Trey went through a gruelling ritual, and he was sure he would win! What is happening?"

Quinton replied, "I don't know, but this Tsukumo kid has the potential to beat us all!"

Vetrix exclaimed, "Don't worry. Trey was going to win for us, but I guess we have to do it for him. Now let us get some rest. We all have a busy day tomorrow."

[The next day]

"Humph!" yawned Quattro (IV). He was determined to win the WDC.

"Be quiet Quattro, Trey and father are resting!" said Quinton

"So what? Both of them are sleep-"

"You guys ok?" said Trey, in his clothes coming out of the bathroom.

"You never wake up this early Trey! It's 4:30 in the morning! What's gotten into you?" replied Quattro.

"I was strengthening my deck. I was going back to sleep and I just needed to go to the toilet."

"That's odd." Quinton said. "You're always sleepy. Did Yuma influence you?"

"In a way, I guess. He showed me his power and how good he is at duelling. He was so good! He beat me fair and squa-"

"Shut up, you runt! How could you say that? He's our enemy Trey, not our friend!" exclaimed Quattro.

"But after we duel, we become friends, don't we? Me and Yuma had the best duel eve-"

"Trey, you little pipsqueak, you forgot. He stands in our way. Why did you duel hi-"

"Quattro, I duelled for that, yes, but he made me realise! Duelling is not a way to get revenge, or to hurt someone, but for fun!"

"Trey, are you sure you're alright? What is in you?"

To the brothers' surprise, Vetrix was walking down the stairs. He was wide awake, and in his clothes, but not angry when he said that.

"Nothing, father. I'm totally fine."

"Has… Yuma's influence… changed you?" Vetrix said as he stared down on Trey.

"Not at all, but it has inspired me. I realised the power between Yuma and Astral is greater than I thought."

"Who's Astral?"

"What's that little pipsqueak's friend's name called?

"Settle down, Quinton and Quattro, and let Trey do the talking"

"So… what happened is this…"

[The same day: 8:54 pm, at the hall where the finalists' party is being held]

'Astral… Astral…' Vetrix thought to himself. 'Where could he be?'

"I suggest you stop shoving your hands in that chocolate fountain, Yuma," a voice said.

'Huh?' thought Vetrix. 'Who was that?'

"Astral, please!" said Yuma. "This is the best chocolate ever!" he said, stuffing chocolate in his mouth.

Then Vetrix saw it.

'Just as Trey described! So this is the hidden power Yuma has!'

[The next day]

"Hello everyone! Are you ready to watch the duel coaster finals!" screamed Mr. Heartland.


"Your voices are… HEART BURNING!" exclaimed Mr. Heartland back! {Heart burning is what he said in the jap/Italian version}

"YEAH!" screamed the crowd back.

"Are you ready for the plan guys?" said Quattro.

"Yes, and now we can get revenge on Faker!" said Quinton

"Alright, so let's do it! Target Kite!" screamed Vetrix.

"You have me as a backup, though. I'll try not to fight unless I need to." replied Trey.

"So let's show Faker our power…" replied Quinton.

"AS THE ARCLIGHT FAMILY!" screamed Vetrix!