A/N: Final Chapter.

Re-watched some of the Graveyard scenes from Season 5 Finale to make this Chapter.

I've adlibbed / borrowed some lines. No Profit made / Ownership etc. etc.

Will be continuing this in it's Sequel to come, I shall keep it's Title a secret for now.

Michael and Lucifer stood in the graveyard, face to face.

Gabriel was on all fours across from them, feeling beaten with regret and guilt. The weight of the Key lay heavy in his pocket.

"Give Dean back!" Gabriel pleaded with his oldest Brother.

"I can't do that, Gabriel. Lucifer and I have our score to settle, you are only here to give Lucifer what he needs, we know Sam will come and find you as he is your weakness and you are his, among his actual family"

Gabriel tried not to let that comment get to him however the look in his eyes must have betrayed him.

"Michael, I only wanted what was best for our Father" Lucifer defended himself "God created us all to be who we are, he wanted the Devil. We will kill each other for something that we are clueless about the outcome. It is a test"

"The vessel you have will not hold out much longer, Lucifer" Michael changed the subject

"Loyal until the end" Lucifer spited his elder sibling.

"Dad loved you best, Lucifer!" Gabriel shouted, standing himself up "What you're doing is just a giant hissy fit because He gave his love to the Humans we were told to watch over and protect. We were suppose to love them more than Him"

Gabriel felt like the cherub he once was always begging his Brothers to stop their fighting and now millennia's later he is still helpless to stop it

"Return to Sam, Gabriel. I have my Vessel, Lucifer will not be needing his"

"We could still walk away from this, forfeit the game we are playing" Lucifer tried again

"I can't let you do that. Father sent you to Hell, you rebelled and fell from your Grace. If anything, this is a mercy. I am only sending you back to Hell"

"I see, we kill each other all because-"

"Dean!" Sam's voice was clear, the presence of Castiel was strong, this wasn't good

Fear engulfed Gabriel "Oh no,"

"It seems you may receive your Vessel after all"

"Run Sam!" Dean begged beneath Michael's weight.

"Let Dean go, Michael" Castiel ordered

"Giving me orders, Castiel? You rebelled for this Human, the Righteous Man, all for nothing"

Castiel seemed to shrink away from his eldest sibling.

"Hello Sam, come to say yes?" Lucifer called over expectedly.

"Shut up!" Sam hurled something aflame towards Lucifer. Ending him within fiery screams.

"That won't last long, Sam" Gabriel mentioned "He'll be beyond pissed"

"I don't care," Sam marched towards his Brother grabbing and shaking him by the shoulders "Dean! Dean, I know you're still in there"

"Sam you misunderstand" Michael gut-punched Sam, kicking him into Castiel "Dean is long gone, only I remain"

"You Son of a Bitch!" Sam wheezed out

"Do not use my Father's name in vain!" Michael snapped

"He is not just your Father, Michael" Castiel stood up, guarding Sam while Gabriel moved to his side "Dean, if even a small part of you is left in there fight Michael"

"Don't waste your breath, Castiel. Your precious Human is beyond your grasp. You did your job of raising him from Hell, you don't need to be part of this fight"

"I do if it's involves the Winchesters"

"You are making a big mistake little Brother," Michael walked towards Castiel, Angel Blade slipping into existence. Castiel armed himself too.

"Dean, please"

"Dean is gone!" Michael swung at Castiel, the fledging barely able to match the Archangel's speed and power.

"Cas, please... don't"

The two were forced apart by Gabriel "Enough!"

"Little Brother, interfere again and I will smite you"

"I'm not scared of you Michael. Dean-o you've got to be somewhere in there"

"Guys just throw the Key down, send us to Hell. Now!"

Michael hesitated, his neck twitching.

"Dean!" Sam and Cas called in unison.

"Dean is no more" Michael raised his Blade to slice Gabriel's throat, in that moment Lucifer returned, pulling his Brother backwards

"Dean!" Cas charged in behind Gabriel.

Michael slammed his elbow into Lucifer's nose, to then quickly kick Gabriel in the chest sending him flying backwards into a tombstone, his head smacking against the marble knocking him out cold.

"Gabriel!" Sam rushed to his side.

Castiel was sucker-punched in the face by Michael, Castiel knew he wouldn't stand a chance but he needed to get Dean back.

Michael and Lucifer brawled, Lucifer drew close to Sam and Gabriel. Sam swiped up Gabriel's blade and held it over protectively his unconscious boyfriend, finding the Key within Gabriel's pocket he hurled it across the grounds uttering the chant "Bvtmon tabges babalon"

The gate opened, Michael dragged Lucifer over to it "I am the good Son, Lucifer. Remember that" Michael rapidly punched Lucifer until the Second oldest was unconscious and released him as the edge of the gate's opening. Michael and Dean both knew what he had to do next.

Castiel scrambled to his feet, pulling his friend away "Dean, listen to me"

Michael proceeded to beat Castiel senseless "Let him go, Brother"

"No!" Castiel managed to shout beneath being constantly struck, his face was swollen and bleeding, he'd ended up on his knees after the continuous hits.

"Dean, there has to be some part of you left"

"Cas... let go of me..."

Castiel received another three punches and a snapped arm.


The fledging's persistence aggravated the eldest born "Castiel, he is gone"

"No" Castiel gripped Dean's leather sleeve tight with his one good hand.

"Acting like a defiant child will get you nowhere however," Michael revealed his Angel Blade above Castiel's head. Castiel could only follow it with bleary cobalt eyes.

"Dean, I know you are still in there. I didn't get to tell you-"

Another whack across the jawline, the younger spat out some blood.

"Dean, I-"

Another strike, this time with the butt of the Blade handle, dazing Castiel once more

"Dean!" Castiel raised himself up in a staggered position, forcing his broken arm to move grabbed Michael's left shoulder tight, the sizzle of the mark being reprinted caused a shockwave through Michael.

"He's... Cas, no. Wait, it's working. Michael you Son of a Bitch, I decline!"

"You cannot win" Michael wasn't sure who he addressed.

"Try me, Asshat!"

Dean clogged Michael with every memory Dean had at his disposal, having a chipped memory did cause trouble but man did it help with putting an Archangel in his place as some memories were dreams he'd only had recently but they all did what they needed to do; Michael vanished behind Dean's jade eyes "Cas..."

"Dean," Castiel was relieved he had Dean back.

The Winchester looked horrified at what he had done, giving a soft stare to then roughly shoving Castiel away from the danger afterwards he picked up Lucifer by the scruff of his clothing. Finding his little Brother Dean gave Sam one last 'Big Brother' smile that said everything that needed to be spoken about he purposely fell into the Pit of Hell dragging Lucifer with him.

The gate closed.

They completed their mission but at the cost of Dean Winchester.

"Dean!" Sam called out to the now vacant space, this woke up Gabriel.


"Hey, easy. You hit your head pretty bad"

"I'm fine, Cas?"

Both Sam and Gabriel watched as Cas crumbled, losing Dean crippled the fledging emotionally despite the lack of training in them, causing him to sink back to his knees.

"He didn't deserve that..."

Silence passed over the group, Gabriel immediately hugged Sam as he broke down. He'd check over Cas in a moment when Sam stopped crying

"I'm sorry, Sam" Castiel murmured out

The youngest Winchester gripped Gabriel's jacket tighter "You did nothing wrong, Cas. You tried to save him"

"We should go..." Gabriel finally spoke up after hours of sitting on the grass still holding his distraught boyfriend who was now silently grieving

"Where?" Sam asked quietly.

"Back to Bobby's?"

"It's probably what's best" Sam answered

Gabriel aided Sam to his feet, it was followed by another sob-filled hug "He's gone..."

"I know, Kiddo. I know"

Castiel hadn't moved from his spot.

"Cas, let's go"

"I didn't get to tell him"

"How about you drag his ass out a second time and tell him then, it's not like you haven't taken a nose dive into Hell before" Gabriel suggested firmly.

"But that's different, raising a Soul from Hell was extremely tasked, going down to the Cage is suicide"

"We'll figure out what to do on the way. Come on, I think we should leave" Gabriel hooked an arm around himself to keep his Sam-I-Am balanced while keeping an eye on his little Brother. It was now his job to protect them, that was something the Archangel took deadly serious.

"I will raise him from Hell again, Gabriel. No force alive down there will be able to stop me from doing so"

"I believe you Cas, but right now I want you to recover and heal. I'll tend to you when we get back to Singer's Salvage Yard"

"I understand" Castiel moved on his Vessel's shaky legs "I will raise you again, Dean. I promise"

Extra Note: Finished.

Apologies for the lack of Crowley that I mentioned in an earlier Chapter.

As I said before with Everything going on I forgot what I was going to do. This idea sprung to mind so I went for it.

Let me all know what you're thinking

I will be creating the Sequel as soon as possible.