Rick yanks his cock out of Beth's mouth and clutches it at the base, squeezing his eyes shut. At the same moment, her trembling hands push Daryl's head away from her oversensitive clit. When she looks down her liquid body, Daryl is staring up at her, eyes hazy but unsure, mouth glistening with her juices.

Before she finds the energy to reach out to him, Rick's hand tangles in the hair at the base of his neck.

"You made her come so hard she nearly bit my dick off," Rick says a little breathlessly.

Daryl continues to stare at her for a moment as the words sink in before he huffs a laugh and looks down. Rick yanks him up by his hair, crushing their mouths together. Beth watches them, her pussy throbbing at the thought of her juices being passed back and forth between their tongues.

One of Daryl's hands stays where it is squeezing her ass while the other tentatively reaches up to cup Rick's jaw. Rick hums into his mouth in encouragement and she watches Daryl's whole being melt into Rick's kiss.

With the aftershocks of her orgasm still pulsing through her body, Beth feels content, and more than a little turned on to watch Rick coax Daryl's tongue out of his mouth. There's a tenderness in Rick's touch that's just for Daryl, and she doesn't miss the way that Rick's forehead lingers against Daryl's for a moment when their lips part.

"I'm a little jealous Beth got to come in this sweet mouth of yours," Rick murmurs, kissing the corner of Daryl's mouth before pulling away.

A grin stretches across Beth's face as she watches Daryl's face flush with arousal, eyes locked on Rick's and breath coming in shallow pants as he breathes through the need.

Her smile freezes when Rick swings his lust blown eyes to her.

"Did he stretch you nice and good for when I fuck you?" Rick asks, mouth curling into a smirk as his fingers curl around the back of Daryl's neck.

Beth swallows down the urge to balk. As she inhales deeply through her nose she steels herself in the knowledge that they want her, and that means she is the one with the power here. It's written all over Daryl's face; the way his unusually wide eyes are watching her – open, raw, enraptured, but with an undercurrent of trepidation. She could crush him with just a word. With just one word she could destroy this strong beast of a man.

And then there's Rick. Rick wants her so bad he can't breathe properly. She can see the haphazard rise and fall of his chest, the tension in his throat. All she has to do is say the word and everything will stop. She rather thinks that they would continue without her but she puts that thought away for another day.

She has them eating out of her hand, out of her pussy, and that knowledge makes her feel a touch braver.

Tilting her head back she levels her gaze on Rick. "Come find out."

She doesn't imagine the way that Rick's eyes flutter, or the sound of Daryl's rattling gasp. Rick recovers quickly, as she knew he would, his lips twitching as though suppressing a smirk or a shit eating grin. He keeps his expression neutral as he turns to Daryl, jerking his chin as they lock eyes.

No words are needed; Daryl knows everything that Rick wants and needs from him in just that look. They're tuned into each other on a wavelength that she can't access; it's for them alone.

So she doesn't see it coming when Daryl grabs her by the hips, stealing the air from her lungs, and flips her over onto all fours. His hands hold her weight until her arms are firmly braced in front of her and then he's gone.

Over her shoulder, she sees Rick clap a hand on Daryl's shoulder as they cross paths, Rick coming to stand behind her and Daryl hovering at her side. She can't help herself from twisting her neck to watch as Rick climbs onto the bed and comes to kneel behind her, fisting his cock roughly.

"You want me to fuck you, sweetheart?" He asks, his voice raw and full of menace when their eyes catch.

Her eyes drop to his bulging cock, standing proud above where his hand grips the base tightly.

"You want this, darlin'?" He asks breathlessly as he drags his hand up his shaft, squeezing a drop of pre cum out of the tip. She doesn't miss the way that his jaw tightens and a moan dies in his throat.

"Yes," she says, her voice coming out so thick she might be embarrassed if she hadn't just seen Rick's cock jump in his hand.

"Yes, what?" He snaps.

Beth blinks up at him slowly.

"Yes, Sir."

Rick's pupils yawn and then his hand shoots out and she's biting the mattress.

"I'm not sure you deserve my cock, little girl," he hisses, one hand on the back of her shoulders pressing her down, the other wrapping around her hip.

Beth smiles where her cheek is pressed into the mattress when she feels Rick's rough hand slide down her spine. Her eyes flick up to Daryl, stomach tight and nostrils flaring right in front of her. His eyes are glued to Rick, nervously tracking the movement of his hand as it comes to cup her ass with a hard squeeze.

She can imagine the cruel smirk on his face when Rick digs his fingers into her tender flesh, milking a whimper from her lips and making her pussy walls grab for his cock. Daryl's gaze nosedives, catching hers and holding it with a question. Her heart flutters at the protectiveness and arousal waging war in the deep blue seas of his irises.

Beth straightens so that her chin is resting on the mattress. "Have I done something wrong?" She asks, eyes boring into Daryl's. His eyelids ripple and he shifts, drawing her attention to the thick line of his cock pressing uncomfortably against his zipper.

A resounding slap fills the air and then heat floods her ass cheek.

The burn is so sharp and sudden that it rips a moan from her lips. She can feel her eyes grow wide as they bore into Daryl's and all the colour leaves his face.

"First, I caught you using my razor without permission," Rick grates out behind her.

Before she can catch her breath, Rick strikes her other ass cheek with the back of his hand, scorching her bare skin and making it scream.

"Then I heard a dirty word come out of your mouth," Rick rasps, the words scraping their way out of his throat like it's too tight.

Daryl is tying himself in knots before her eyes; hands clenching and unclenching at his sides as though he's wrestling with the urge to lunge across the bed and punch Rick; mouth jerking open and closed like he's searching for a safe word; pupils black holes of lust.

Beth keens -a high and desperate sound fraught with her arousal – when Rick brings his palm down hard across her pussy.

"And again, after I told you to watch your mouth," Rick whispers hoarsely.

Daryl's hands stop twitching, his chest stops heaving and Beth thinks that if she could see into his chest then she would find that his heart had stopped beating. Beth arches her back as hot pins and needles hurtle up her spine and flare out, spreading through her muscles, leaving them warm and tingling.

"I'll be good," she whispers, eyes locked with Daryl's.

As the corners of her mouth curl up into a coy smile the action somehow allows Daryl to breathe again and he draws in a deep shuddering breath. Colour floods his face, his expression slack like he's just been fucked six ways to Sunday.

Daryl's eyes widen as she lurches backwards, her scalp stinging as Rick's hand tangles in her hair and tugs her up against his chest. He pulls her head back across his shoulder, exposing her throat for his mouth. Shivers paint her spine as Rick licks and nips his way up her neck.

A heavy moan dribbles from her lips as she feels Rick's throbbing cockhead nudge between her slapped cheeks. Her eyes roll back into her head when the hand on her hip glides up to her breast and teases her nipple between his rough fingers. His hand in her hair tightens and when her mouth falls open on a gasp he covers it with his own.

Rick's kiss is gentler than she would have expected, his lips moving against hers in a caress as his hot tongue licks the back of her teeth. It's sure, practised and teasing; leaving her reaching for more when he pulls away, a string of saliva linking their swollen lips. His eyes are glistening and hot as they burn into hers for a moment, taking her in as she does the same.

Her stomach flips over when his eyes swing forward to Daryl and he pulls her head back by her hair so that she's looking down her face at him. All the attention on him, he freezes, hand between his legs where he'd been palming his cock watching them.

Beth sucks in a breath, her heart racing, as Rick takes the hand from her breast and wraps it around his dick. When he drags his cockhead slowly along her slit her pussy pulses on a broken moan.

"Daryl got you nice an' wet, but I bet you're still tight enough to snap my dick off, you insatiable little whore," Rick murmurs against her ear, nudging her clit with his cock so that she gasps.

Daryl's eyes glaze over and his palm flattens against his dick. He's unravelling before her eyes while all of the tension in her body winds tighter and Rick takes them both apart piece by piece.

As he drags his cock back down her slit he catches on her hole and she arches back, swallowing his cockhead. All of Rick's breath leaves him in a rush, streaming across her bare chest. A hand reaches back to loop around the back of his neck and she turns her face into the hollow of his throat.

"Please," She pants, her body thrumming on the edge of pain with need.

Rick's hands fall to her hips and he thrusts up, burying himself to the hilt in one brutal thrust. Squeezing her eyes shut, Beth howls as her body parts for Rick. She's slick enough that she doesn't tear but her pussy walls stretch to the point of pain adjusting to the presence of his thick cock.

When she opens her eyes she can see the watery figure of Daryl, stepping forward with his hand outstretched. She reaches her own hand out to meet his, linking their fingers as Rick pulls halfway out and then thrusts back in, punching the air from her lungs.

Rick chokes, burying his face in Beth's hair as he snaps his hips up in a fierce rhythm. Her fingers squeeze Daryl's, her half lidded eyes boring into his as white hot pleasure curls around her spine. His face mirrors hers, drinking in her pleasure as he clutches her hand with each pounding thrust.

Staring into Daryl's open blue gaze with one hand clutching his, while the other curls around Rick's neck as he mouths at her shoulder, it feels as though they're both fucking her with one dick.

Daryl's eyes break away from hers to look over her shoulder and Rick's mouth stills. Beth's pulse quickens when Rick peels his lips away from her shoulder and brings them up to her jaw, hot blasts of air misting her cheek each time the back of his thighs slap against her ass and he impales her with his cock.

On a particularly brutal thrust Beth moans loudly and she feels Rick's smile against her flushed cheek.

Rick slides his hand down from her hair to cup her throat firmly. "Do I need to gag you so you stop moanin' like a little whore?"

All of the breath blows out of Beth like a gun shot, her pussy fluttering around Rick's cock as he jerks his hips hard.

Rick's hand tightens around her throat. "Or would Daryl's cock in your mouth shut you up?"

A moan vibrates from the base of Beth's throat against Rick's palm as she watches Daryl's already wild, lust blown eyes darken.

Rick chuckles, his voice pitched low, raising goosebumps across her shoulders. "That gets you hot doesn't it, princess? The thought of both of us inside you, fucking you, filling you."

Beth's pussy answers for her, clenching around his dick just as he's mid way through pulling out and making him hiss. Her lips twitch at having wiped the smile off his cocky face.

When her cunt relaxes enough for him to slide back inside he shudders like he's close to the edge himself. "Do you want his cock? You wanna taste him? Is that what you want?" Rick asks, sounding ruined.

Beth nods, cheeks aflame under Daryl's burning gaze.

"Say it." Rick spits.

"Yes," She moans thickly, "I want it so bad."

Releasing her throat, Rick shoves her forward roughly, her hands only just flying out in time to catch her. His sure hands grab her by the hips and he slams back into her, fucking her like a jack rabbit. She wails, high and desperate, as Rick's cock hits the back of her clit just right, making her thighs tremble.

"Daryl, would you be so kind as to give our girl somethin' better to do with that mouth of hers," Rick grunts out, his cock hardening inside her as his grip hardens knuckle white on her hips.

Beth looks up and Daryl is staring at her, eyes slightly unfocused. His hands are shaking as they rip his belt open, pushing his jeans down just enough for his swollen cock to swing out in front of her where she's pushed up on her palms.

His large hand cups the back of her head, cradling half her skull as he brings his cock a breath away from her parted lips.

She watches him through her lashes as she tilts her head back, leans forward and presses a kiss to the tip. A shiver runs through Daryl and into her, sending a rush of electricity down her spine that jolts her forward, sliding her lips over the head of his cock.

A growl rumbles out of Daryl's chest, making her pussy walls flutter around Rick's cock and pulling a growl from the base of his throat. Trembling with new heights of pleasure, Beth groans, her lips vibrating around Daryl's dick.

His hips jerk forward in search of her mouth, sliding his cockhead to the back of her tongue on a moan. Soon Beth can't tell who the moans and grunts belong to as the room fills with the slap of skin on skin and desperate gasps. Her head in spinning out of control as Rick's frantic thrusts lose their rhythm and she watches Daryl fall apart in front of her eyes.

His fingers caress her wild hair where they touch her head but just barely, his hips jerking forward as though without his permission. Beth sucks him deeper, stretching her neck forward to take as much of him as she can until he taps the back of her throat. She swallows a gag as Daryl's hand pushes her head down experimentally. Hot tears prick at her eyes and a gag circles her stomach lining but it's worth it when she watches Daryl's head roll forward.

"Oh ffffuck," he moans, hand pushing her head down a little firmer, a little faster.

Rick's rhythm falters for a moment, clearly surprised that Daryl has made any noise at all.

"Jesus Christ, motherfuck," Daryl babbles deliriously, getting louder with each rock of his hips.

Tilting her head back, Beth takes him in her mouth until his balls tickle her chin, tightening her lips around his length.

"Beth, oh God, Beth," Daryl pants, his eyes snapping open and his hand pushing her shoulder.

Beth's hands fly up, grabbing his ass and sucking his cock as he comes hard, pouring hot sticky liquid down her throat. When she looks up at him, her own gaze a little hazy. He's cracked open; his soul pouring out of his eyes and into hers. There's something raw and beautiful in the way he's looking at her, like she's just hung the moon.

She comes in an explosion, her whole body seizing as electricity lights up every nerve ending. When her pussy clamps down on Rick's cock he roars, yanking himself out of her just in time to spray hot reams of cum across her ass, glowing white against her slapped red cheeks.

Swallowing around Daryl's cock she sucks every drop of it that she's earned as though it were liquid gold, savouring the sharp taste. She runs the pad of her tongue over his slit until he's whimpering helplessly with overstimulation.

Her eyes snap open when Rick's hand in her hair pulls her off of Daryl's dick with a wet pop.

"Don't break him, darlin'," Rick smirks, tucking his own spent cock back into his pants.

Daryl staggers forward, leaning on the bed so that he doesn't fall on it. He looks fucked out and more relaxed that she's ever seen him. His hand is trembling when it comes up to cup her cheek and he leans in to press a lingering kiss on her forehead. She's barely had a chance to catch her breath but then Daryl looks at her like she's the sun rising on the horizon and it sucks the air right out of her.

"Thank you," he rumbles.

Rick comes to stand at Daryl's back, pressing a kiss to the space where his thick neck meets his broad shoulder as his hands reach around and tuck his exhausted cock back into his pants. Either or both of the actions make Daryl shiver, his eyelids swaying so low he's looking back at Beth with icy slits.

Rick's eyes are bright and piercing as they fix her from where he's nuzzling against Daryl's bare throat. Daryl relaxes back against Rick's chest as he catches his breath

Rick reaches out to cup the other side of Beth's face and she's surprised by how much gentler his touch is. "You did so good taking us both, sweetheart."

Heat flares in her cheeks and makes it's way down her spine. She can feel Daryl's come clinging to the back of her throat as Rick's hot mess on her ass dribbles down, painting her throbbing cunt.

Rick's thumb strokes across her bottom lip sending tingles of excitement across her skin. He wipes the corner of her mouth and when he pulls away Daryl's come is smeared thick and white across the tip. Beth and Daryl's hungry eyes follow as he brings it up to his mouth and sucks it clean. The hum of satisfaction he makes is so lurid Beth hears it in her clit and sees it in Daryl's expression. Every single emotion he's experiencing crosses his face like clouds crossing a wind blown sky. Shock. Awe. Lust.

"Now let's get our girl cleaned up," Rick says giving Daryl a look. They're talking soundlessly again, tapping into the shared frequency of their intimacy that goes way beyond sex.

Beth squeals as hot wide hands wrap around her waist and Daryl hoists her up. Rick chuckles low and indecent as she scrambles for purchase on Daryl's thick shoulders.

"Don' worry, I got you," he murmurs into her hot sweaty skin, scratching his scruff across her ribcage.

Tired and orgasm slack, she lets her body curl around Daryl's shoulder as he follows Rick back to the bathroom. A giggle shakes her frame as she thinks back to how this began: with a borrowed razor and an interruption.