Two Years Later

"I told you this would be a good place for a wedding."

"I never disagreed," Anakin said, chuckling.

"I guess that's true," Padmé said. "But you did say you'd keep it in mind as a wedding venue for when you married someone 'for real.' Someone who wasn't me, I'm sure you meant."

"Did I?" Anakin pulled her closer and nuzzled her hair, inhaling the familiar scent of her shampoo. "Well, I think this counts as getting married 'for real.' Even if it is to you."

They were back at the villa by Lake Como, having annoyed all their friends and family by making them fly all the way out to Italy for a destination wedding. But in Anakin's opinion, it was more than worth it. So was the astronomical cost of renting out the villa for the day. Though Padmé was paying most of it, so what did he care?

"This definitely beats our first wedding," he said a minute later.

Padmé laughed in agreement. "In literally every single way."

"I don't know, that tiny black dress you were wearing was pretty hot."

"Really? Better than this one?"

"Hmm." Anakin pulled back and pretended to think about it so that he could have an excuse to drink in the sight of her in her wedding dress for the hundredth time that day. "No. Not even close," he decided. "You look like an angel today. And every day, of course. But especially today."

Padmé smiled and wrapped her arms around him again. "Good answer."

They were dancing together on the balcony overlooking the lake, surrounded by many increasingly drunken guests. Both of them were completely sober, though; Padmé had said that she, Anakin, weddings, and alcohol really didn't mix, and Anakin had agreed that he'd love to be able to remember this one.

Out of the corner of his eye Anakin saw Ruwee and Jobal Naberrie dancing together, and suddenly he thought of a question he'd once asked Padmé jokingly. "Your parents eloped but never mentioned it to you until a few years ago," he said. "So, will we tell our kids the true story of our wedding?"

Padmé burst out laughing. "This wedding is a perfectly good true story," she said. "Very romantic and wholesome."

"But will we tell them the true story of both weddings?"

"I don't know. Maybe when they're older. I'm sure they'd get a kick out of it."

"Maybe," Anakin said thoughtfully. "Well, we have plenty of time to decide."

Padmé ducked her head, turning slightly pink. "Actually…maybe less time than you might think," she said.

Anakin could've sworn his heart stopped beating for a second. "What?"

She placed her hand on her stomach and smiled shyly, and that was all Anakin needed to know before he was kissing her senseless. "You—what—when did you find out?" he demanded when he could finally speak, feeling tears spring to his eyes.

"A few days ago," Padmé said, beaming and also teary-eyed. "I was going to wait until tonight to tell you to be extra romantic, but…"

"You've known for days and didn't tell me?"

"Well, you know now," she said, utterly unfazed.

Anakin let out a breathless laugh and rested his forehead against hers. "Pregnant before the wedding day. Whatever will people say?"

"Yes, I'm sure it'll be a shock for our Puritan community," Padmé said dryly, making him laugh again.

"I suppose we already scandalized them once with our divorce and remarriage."

"Oh, quite."

They weren't even really dancing anymore, just standing there holding each other close. "Do you ever feel so happy you feel like your heart's going to explode?" Anakin asked. "I mean, literally. You should probably ask someone where the closest hospital is, just in case."

"They'd have to send a boat to come get you, and then an ambulance would have to make its way through the winding narrow mountain roads to get you to the hospital. It would take ages," Padmé said. "If your heart explodes here, you're just gonna die."

"Wow. So comforting. Remind me not to let you write my eulogy."

"Who says you're dying first?"

"I sure hope I do. I can't imagine living even one day without you," Anakin said frankly.

Padmé gave him a soft smile. "And you think I could?"

"Definitely. You've always been stronger than me. Besides, our child will be there to comfort you and help you get through it," he said, smiling and resting his hand on her stomach. "You'll move out here to the lake where we got married to help cope with the grief of losing me, and then you'll meet a dashing elderly Italian and fall madly in love and get remarried and live out the rest of your life farming olives with him. I'll be a little jealous in the afterlife, but mostly I'll just be glad that you're not lonely anymore. But once you both die too, you're totally leaving the Italian to spend eternity with me, because I'm your first and second husband and he's only your third."

"Oh, unquestionably," Padmé said solemnly, her lips twitching to betray a smile. "Remind me again why we're talking about death on our wedding day?"

"I forget. Oh, that's right, hearts exploding with happiness."

"Ah, yes." She stood up on tiptoes to kiss him. "You'd better get ready to call that ambulance, because my happiness is just about at the heart-exploding level."

Anakin chuckled. "I love you so much," he said fondly. "You have no idea how much."

"I can't wait for you to show me how much later tonight," Padmé said, smirking a little.

Anakin smirked back, but then he frowned. "Wait. It's still okay to have sex when you're pregnant, right?"

"No, we're not allowed to touch each other for nine months," Padmé said sarcastically. "Of course it's okay, dumbass."

"I was just making sure. I don't want to hurt the baby."

"If you're going to be this overprotective and ridiculous for the whole pregnancy, I want a divorce."

"Yeah? I could go for having a third wedding."

They both laughed, then fell into comfortable silence for a moment. "I wonder if we'd be here if not for Vegas," Padmé mused. "Do you think you ever would've realized you were in love with me if we hadn't accidentally gotten married?"

"I'm sure I would've eventually," Anakin said. "Maybe it would've taken longer, I guess. But the universe would've had to give up and let me figure out who my soulmate was someday."

"You think we're soulmates?"

"Absolutely," he said. "I think any version of me would fall in love with any version of you, in any universe."

Padmé smiled and rested her head contentedly on his chest. "So do I."

And that's the end! I had lots of fun with this lil fic and I hope you guys enjoyed it :D I'll be back soon with a few one-shots for Tumblr's Anidala Week in May!