Roman wasn't feeling like his usual boisterous self. No, the spark was missing, for lack of better words, which is part of the problem. He wasn't feeling creative, and the few sparks of creativity he was having, a voice in his head quickly shut down. It explained how absolutely stupid his ideas were, and how they reflected him perfectly. How he was simply a loud, obnoxious, idiotic, and unnecessary side.

He knew why it was happening. As Thomas's ego, whenever something happened that made Thomas feel exceptionally bad, he took the blunt of it. And while embarrassing situations did happen, those were rarely enough to truly harm the ego, just leave it a little bruised. So, when it did happen, Roman was never prepared.

Currently, Roman was hiding in his room, his back against his bed as he sat on the floor, his eyes scrunched up and Disney music blasting as he tried to focus on anything besides the voice in his head. It wasn't working very well. What's your purpose, if you crumble so easy? It whispered to him. Can't even handle a few blows… Roman pulled his head down and wrapped his arms around his head as tears started to fall. They'd go away at some point, he knew, but it could last a few days, maybe even a few weeks. And they just made it so hard to do… anything really.

Preoccupied with his thoughts, Roman didn't hear the whooshing sound of someone entering his room, and he didn't hear the footsteps approaching him. He did, however, hear when his name was called. Looking up just slightly, he was met with the sight of Virgil, crouching in front of him. Quickly, he put his head back down, hoping that he hadn't seen his face. He couldn't handle teasing right now, he just couldn't.

"Hey," he heard Virgil say, his voice softer than normal. "What's wrong?" He didn't respond, simply shook his head. "If you don't tell me, I can't help you."

Slowly, Roman opened his mouth. Maybe he could help. He had helped Thomas. "Voices…" he says, his own voice barely above a whisper. "They keep saying terrible things. I can't…" he trailed off.

He squeezed his eyes shut tighter, immediately regretting his decision to speak. He had never been nice to Virgil before, why would Virgil help him now? At best, he would just leave, let him suffer through this. He most certainly doesn't expect Virgil to stay, but that's exactly what happens.

"Can you look at me?" he says, and slowly, Roman does. His hair is a mess from not having brushed it yet today, and his cheeks re wet from tears, and he's certain he looks absolutely hideous, but Virgil doesn't comment on it. "What the voices are saying, they aren't true. You're important, you're creative, and you're fun to be around. Even if you do get annoying sometimes, that's nothing wrong. You're an integral part of Thomas."

As Virgil spoke, the voices started to quiet down, and Roman started to relax just a little. For some reason, Virgil's presence was comforting.

"Thanks…" Roman said, his voice louder than before. "But, why are you here?"

"Thoughts like those come from my room. I can tell when they start coming from someone else's'," Virgil said. "I came to help."

"Well, you did. Thank you," Roman said again. He bit his lip, before giving Virgil a quick hug and standing up. "Now, I think I'm going to take a nap."

"Uh…okay," Virgil said, blinking a few times in surprise. "I'll go then." He quickly sunk out of the room, and Roman, with his mind now much quieter than before, crawled into bed.