
"So, where do we go from here?"

"What...you're talking to me again?"

Getting up from her seat by the window Kathryn languidly walked over to where he laid on the bed. Sebastian had his head resting on a mountain of pillows and was holding two ice packs against his beaten face. Vincent had worked him over good. Two hours later the evidence was still covering his normally handsome face.

Kathryn might have suggested taking him to the hospital if she wasn't so annoyed with him. Needless to say she did not find his earlier joke amusing in the least. For a whole minute she actually thought he had once again lost his memory. She nearly had a heart attack when that car hit him. Scaring her further wasn't called for therefor she had resorted to giving him the silent treatment ever since.

"I suppose it's pointless to be angry with you anymore" she sighed.

"It was pointless to be angry to begin with" he grumbled back. "Come on Kathryn, you use to have a sense of humor."

"Ha ha"

"Besides which I'm the injured one here. You should be tending to my wounds"

"You'll live"

"I might need stitches"

"Would you like me to fetch the sewing kit?"

A loud crash sounded from the other side of the bedroom door. It sounded an awful lot like shattered glass. Kathryn and Sebastian both glanced over disinterestedly. "You had to tell him didn't you" Sebastian drawled.

Kathryn smirked "he had the right to know the truth."

"And you of course had to be the one to tell him."

"Well if I'm going down I'm taking everyone with me including that little bitch"

"Careful Kathryn your claws are showing"

She sat back on the bed beside him making herself comfortable. "He was going to find out sooner or later. I'm just speeding the process up is all. She should thank me."

"Yet somehow I don't see Annette being thankful for this."

Shortly after the boy's fight had broken up and everyone had headed inside to clean up, Annette had arrived. Apparently she suspected something like this might happen. Kathryn had then taken it upon herself to inform Vincent that Annette had purposely set out to seduce him at Sebastian's request. At first Valmont thought she was just doing it to divert Vincent's anger off herself but no, she just wanted to make Annette's life miserable. Mission accomplished. The pair had been fighting in the next room for the past hour.

"You know she should have just told him the truth" she chided.

"She couldn't" he snapped. "She was keeping her promise to us, remember?"

Kathryn shrugged unfazed "if she really cared for him she would have told him, but of course she's only thinking of her own needs as usual."

Sebastian looked up at her through his swollen eyelids completely flabbergasted. "That I could love you suddenly seems the height of improbability."

"But you do" she replied with a knowing smirk as she reached over and removed the ice pack from his hand. She gently pressed it to his bruised jaw.

"Sadly yes" he reached for her, caressing her dark locks. "Now come here, I want a kiss."

Kathryn pulled away "um, no."

"Why not?"

"I'm not kissing you with your face all bloodied and bruised" she teased. "It's unsanitary."

If he could, his eyes would narrow. "Kathryn come HERE" he demanded testily.


"I'm in pain"

"Yes I know, it's somewhat enjoyable to watch"

"Be nice, this is partially your fault"

Kathryn chuckled lightly "you should know by now Valmont, guilt doesn't work on me."

"It will hurt me fare more than it will hurt you"

"You think so?"

A flash of blond hair suddenly passed by the open bedroom door followed by a slamming door. Kathryn and Sebastian watched curiously as Vincent followed after calling out to Annette to come back. Kathryn smirked mischievously obviously quite pleased by this turn of events. Getting up from the bed she strut over to the window and peered out just as the couple rushed out. She couldn't hear them but it was evident they were still bickering. "It looks like another broken relationship for poor Annette. How sad."

"Are you sure?"

"Of course, there's no way he'll forgive her for that betrayal."

Sebastian stared up at the ceiling in thought. "Well there's no way he'll forgive YOU for you're betrayal but I'm not so sure about Annette. He really likes her."

"He LOVED me"

"Not anymore" he reminded her. "No I'm betting they get back together."

"No way."

"Care to make a wager on that?"

Kathryn looked back at him with a knowing smirk "perhaps. What shall we wager?"

"A kiss"

"Just a kiss?"

"Just a kiss" he replied with a look in his eyes that said he had other things in mind.

"Okay then." She stroked his slightly swollen lips with a gentle finger "prepare to lose."

"Go look out the window."

Kathryn did as she was told. She sat on the window ledge and watched as they bickered with great amusement. She would win and then spend the rest of the evening taunting Sebastian. However things didn't go that way. "Damn"


"They're kissing"

He chuckled "you don't say. Guess that means I won."

Kathryn looked away disgusted and huffed "what the hell is he thinking?"

"I got a better question for you: who cares? Now come here and give me my winnings."

She crawled onto the bed and laid beside him. Caressing his face she let her glib retorts subside for a moment and asked softly "does it hurt?"

"Not when I look at you."

"Wow that Didn't know you had it in you Valmont."

"Shut up"

Kathryn bent forward and gently kissed his mouth. He kissed her back as best he could but it was mostly up to her to do all the work. Not that she minded. Her tongue danced against his lips soothing him. For a moment everything seemed perfect and anything was possible. And yet one question was left unanswered...

She pulled away and rested her head against his shoulder. Sebastian caressed her hair and even though he already knew the answer he asked "so where do we go from here?"


A/N: Short. Sweet. Done. Thanks for all the reviews and comments, I'm glad you all liked it. Now that this is finally, finally done I'm starting a new story. Should be up tomorrow or Friday, so please look for that. Bye-bye!