Getting Over It

"Yo Guys! Salamander coming back at you with another Blind Play Challenge video!" Natsu couldn't help but smile. It had been awhile since he'd gotten to make one of these or even any video. As he'd told his fans he'd been moving recently and he'd just now FINALLY gotten his new recording room all set up. This was much nicer because now he had his own room for recording instead of his bedroom. What he hadn't told his fans was that he'd moved because Gajeel and Levy had decided to move in together. While they had told Natsu he didn't need to move right away, He really hadn't wanted to be a third wheel. Besides, the paychecks he was getting from YouTube and its millions more than covered the cost of buying a new apartment. Not to mention this was bigger and nicer than the place he'd been sharing with Gajeel. Plus, he was pretty sure Levy was turning his old room into a library for her MASSIVE book collection.

"It's nice to be back on YouTube. It sucked to be away from you guys so long, but I couldn't let Happy unpack those boxes all by himself. I'm sure that if it had been just him I'd have been living out of those boxes. I'll be posting a video that I made over the hiatus of the box fort we built for Happy and him playing on it as soon as I'm done editing it. But let's get into this!" Natsu decreased his face-cam to a small portion in the corner to let the viewers see the game's start screen.

"You guys know the drill. I get one of my gamer friends to recommend a game to me and I just play it with not a clue what it's about or what I'm doing. As you can see, today's game is Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy. The recommendation came from BeastModeMan so I have no idea what's going to happen with this. Let's get this started!" He hit new game.

The screen showed a tree on a barren landscape with a cauldron and a hammer underneath it. Weird, but then the cauldron began to shake. Suddenly half a man popped out of the cauldron and grabbed the hammer.

"Okay, what the heck kinda game is this? Why is this man in a cauldron!" Natsu moved the mouse and the man's hammer moved. Natsu fiddled around with it for a minute until he accidentally used the hammer to push the man off the ground and make him jump. "Okay, so I have to use the hammer to jump?" Natsu played around with that a bit more. "What the hell am I supposed to be doing here!" Natsu yelled as the cauldron man landed by a tree. Then he realized something.

"Wait, am I supposed to just help this guy climb the tree and shit? There's no way it can be that simple." Still, he shrugged and started helping the man climb the tree. And the rocks beyond it. Looked like this was going to be a boring Challenge video.

"There's no feeling more intense than starting over." What the hell? No there was some weird Australian guy talking about how he deleted his homework the day before it was due. Natsu just decided to ignore it and keep going. He had a big pile of rocks in front of him and he needed to get his Cauldron Dude over it. But then the man said something that caught his attention. "Starting over is harder than starting up. If you're not ready for that, like if you've already had a bad day then what you're about to go through might be too much. Feel free to go away and come back. I'll be here." Natsu paused.

"Okay what? What the heck is this guy saying?" Natsu was trying to figure out what he meant but the voice just kept on going.

"Alright, thanks for coming with me on this trip. I'll understand if you have to take a break at any point. Just find a safe place to stop and quit the game. Don't worry, I'll save your progress, always. Even your mistakes."

"Okay, thanks?" Natsu said as he kept trying to get this guy up the pile of rocks, which had a weird oar in it for some reason. Unfortunately, it was not going as easily as he thought. He was starting to question what this game was about. He just kept trying to get over the bizarre obstacles on the mountain. At this point, he wasn't sure if he was speaking words or if he was just creating some new language that was a combination of grunts, groans, and whale noises with the occasional piercing shriek. This game was proving to be much harder than he had thought and the weird Australian voice was saying something about "Sexy Hiking". He'd almost made it past the weird green shed when his hammer slipped and he fell back to the bottom. "SHHIIIITTT!"

"Oof," the weird voice was back. "You lost a lot of progress. That's a deep frustration, real punch in the gut."

"No fucking shit!" Natsu growled. This was it, time to get serious. He was not going to let some weird ass game with half a cauldron man and some random, very critical Australian guy get the better of him. He was Sala-fucking-mander! He'd played a billion games way harder than this and got PAID for it. He was one of the best and most popular gamers in the Fairy Tail Gaming Network. He was going to make this game his bitch!

"FUCKING WHY!" Natsu had been playing Getting Over it for over an hour now and instead of making the game his bitch, he felt like the game's bitch. Every time things were going good and starting to look up for him, he'd fall AGAIN! To add insult to injury every time he did the game would rub it in his face. Sometimes it would play music like "Goin' Down the Road Feeling Bad" or the Australian man would come back and comment on his failure or, even worse, START READING FUCKING QUOTES ABOUT FAILURE AND MOVING ON WITH HIS LIFE WHICH HE COULDN'T FUCKING DO BECAUSE HE WAS PLAYIN THIS STUPID AS GAME! As a YouTuber, Natsu was well known for yelling and screaming at basically every game he played, no matter what the mood. Hell, it was documented in one of his videos that his yelling at a game was how he'd met his girlfriend of the past year, Lucy. But this game. this FUCKING BULLSHIT GAME was taking him to a whole new level of rage and yelling.

The worst part was how it was constantly playing with his emotions. The past hour had seen the worst mood swings Natsu had ever felt in his life. He was constantly fluctuating between intense sadness, anxiety and completely over the top rage. Not anger, full-on RAGE! If Natsu wasn't making bizarre noises in desperation he was actually standing up and screaming in rage over this stupid game. His headphone and mouse had both been thrown around the room repeatedly. He was fairly sure that if the walls weren't padded thanks to the soundproofing, he'd need new versions of both by now.

This game seriously making Natsu question what the hell he was doing with his life. He'd been working as a waiter before YouTube had started paying him. He hadn't been great but the tips had been fairly decent. Honestly, he could've been doing anything. He could be doing what he'd wanted to do when he was a kid and become a fireman just like his old man. He could be running into building on fucking fire and saving people. But no, he was trying to get some bullshit half a man in a cauldron up a slide by swinging a hammer around. What the actual fuck was wrong with him and what was he doing with his life?

Well, right now Natsu was currently shrieking in physical pain as he fell further back down after failing YET AGAIN to get over this fucking slide. Seriously, what was wrong with the developer of this game. Why did he hate people so much? Fuck him and everything about him. Natsu screamed out in agony again as he slid back down to the patio. This much failure was seriously PHYSICALLY hurting him. Lucy knew a therapist right? Maybe he should ask her for that guy's number. He'd need it after he was done with this bullshit game.

It was at his moment when he was trying to get up the weird deck with a grill/ladder pile when the worst thing imaginable happened to him. As he was moving his hammer to try to climb up, his mouse slipped and he pushed off of the deck. Natsu watched in horror as his cauldron man fell all the way back to the bottom of the first pile of rocks with the oar sticking out. This was it. This was the final straw. To go all that way and fall right back to the start. Something inside Natsu snapped.

A roar sounding as if it came from the depths of his souls burst forth from his mouth followed by many curses screamed at a volume he hadn't known he had until then. He flung the headphones from his head and threw his mouse into the wall in the process. Natsu leaped from his chair and ran around the small room screaming his lungs out and filling the air with every curse he could think of as he beat on his legs. At one point he fell to his knees on the ground and began beating the floor with his fists, still screaming. When he jumped up to his feet again and looked around for something, anything to throw. And not just a mouse or his headphones this time. He needed something with weight. He needed the satisfaction. He grabbed the chair and hurled it into the wall, roaring like he had a dragon inside him.

Just then the door flew open with a bang! In the doorway stood a seething Lucy in sweatpants and an oversized Salamander t-shirt. She had her glasses on and her hair up, which could only mean one thing, she was doing classwork.

"WHAT THE FUCK NATSU! I WAS IN THE MIDDLE OF AN ONLINE TEST!" Then she saw the chair, on the floor and the dent in the wall. "DID YOU JUST THROW A CHAIR! WE JUST FUCKING MOVED IN HERE AND NOW WE WON'T GET OUR SECURITY DEPOSIT BACK BECAUSE YOU THREW A MOTHERFUCKING CHAIR AT THE WALL!" Normally this would've snapped Natsu back to normal, but he was in too much of a rage. He roared out curse words yet again, sending Plue and Happy scurrying for cover in the hallway. This didn't phase Lucy though. She knew just want to do in this situation. Natsu needed to calm the fuck down. With that she screamed "LUCY KICK!" and kicked Natsu square in the midsection, effectively knocking him unconscious. He'd be fine once he woke up but when he got one of his destructive, rage rampages he needed to be taken out asap. With that taken care of, Lucy calmly walked over to the computer and turned off the recording and saved the game before strolling out of the room and closing the door behind her to let Natsu rest and to return to her online test.

Later, (after he'd regained consciousness and apologized to Lucy, Plue, and Happy) Natsu had sent the recording of Getting Over It (and the subsequent events with Lucy) to Gajeel for editing and posting. While Natus usually edited his own videos, Gajeel helped out when Natsu was either too busy or, in times like this one, when he was too furious at a game to be able to calmly and sanely edit the footage. It wasn't a back gig. He got to watch his cousin be an idiot and make him look like a bigger idiot for the internet. And Natsu paid him well whenever he had to do it. There were worse jobs in the world.

Gajeel watched the recording howling with laughter every time Natsu started raging at the game. This was going to be a seriously popular video, he could already tell. In fact, he might have to use it to convince Natsu to let him make a compilation video of Natsu's greatest rage hits. Now that would be funny. He was getting to the end and was about to start editing when he found himself watching enraptured at Lucy bursting in, yelling, and taking Natsu out.

Damn, he hadn't known the Bunny Girl had it in her. Well, he'd known she could yell (everyone had seen the live-stream video where she burst in on Natsu during One Night at Flumpty's. Gajeel may or may not be responsible for almost fourth of those 1,000,000 hits and counting.) but he'd never expected her to be able to take down his cousin like that. Natsu may not have been as big as his cousin, but he was no weakling. Just because he was a gamer didn't mean he didn't hit the gym frequently. In fact he was a good gym buddy for Gajeel when they lived together, still was when they could squeeze in a training session. And here he was, Natsu Dragneel, the Salamander of YouTube, being taken down by his pissed off girlfriend. Gajeel knew that Natsu probably wanted him to edit that out and put in the usual end card saying "Salamander was too pissed to finish this recording" but the opportunity was too good to pass up. Gajeel got to work.

When he was done he had edited together a good video, including the part with Lucy taking him out and turning off the recording full length, completely unedited. He posted it, making sure to add in the description "No Salamanders were injured in the making off this video". Gajeel smirked and let out a "Gihee". Just wait till the fangirls saw this one. They were going to lose their shit. But it made sense really. Everyone had met Lucy (including Natsu) when she'd burst into his live stream. And now they were going to find out they were living together the same way. It was almost poetic really, Gajeel thought. But in the end what it was, was just hilarious.

Hey, Guys! Back at it again with the NaLu YouTuber AU. This one was inspired by one of my favorite YouTubers Let's Play of this game. You may have heard of him, Markiplier? Anyway, this was totally inspired by him playing Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy and if you liked this then you should definitely go watch him play this. Not gonna lie some of the descriptions of Natsu's rage antics are completely based off of me watching that video. I was actually watching RedHood's video "Markiplier Not Getting Over It (RAGE COMPILATION)" as I wrote this. Seriously guys, go check it out, RedHood does a fantastic editing job and it is completely hilarious!

Okay, now that I've given credit where it's due, I'm gonna take a quick serious note. When I wrote Internet Famous I was honestly planning on it being a quick one-shot. A one and done kind of deal. I cannot believe how much positive feedback I've gotten on this and you guys are seriously awesome. You can ask my boyfriend/beta reader I(yup, the boy is actually going to use his FanFiction account now) I tend to feel really bad whenever I see a comment on one of my one-shots asking me to continue it. This isn't cause I don't appreciate your interest, I really do! I just have terrible focus when it comes to chaptered fics. I'll lose my focus and work on other projects and not get back to them and feel really bad about it. Or I'll feel pressured to churn out chapters so I don't let my readers down and they aren't as good to me the perfectionist.

But sometimes I get a good muse or constant inspiration and I'm able to create a series of one-shots for you guys and I'm so happy because Internet Famous is turning out to be just that! I really didn't get into YouTubers and gaming YouTubers until I got with my boyfriend (3 years this October!). He's the one who introduced me to Jesse Cox, TotalBiscuit, Dodger, Crendor, and the others (if you haven't seen them PLEASE check them out. They are fabulous!) and I've continued to grow and get into others like Markiplier and Jacksepticeye since then. I'll keep adding to this story for as long as I keep getting inspiration. I'll also make sure to let you guys know what videos (if any) inspired me in the author's notes.

Now, if you're still with me through this long ass author's note 1. Thank you! and 2. since you guys are seriously some of the most awesome readers EVER! I'm going to try to give you guys little shoutouts whenever I can. In my last one-shot Relationship Tag, some of you might have noticed that I included the usernames of the reviewers who so kindly asked me to continue this fic. That was done as a surprise thank you for those reviewers (please note not all usernames included were reviewers. Some were made up or my boyfriend because he betas for me). This time I'm going to make it a little competition. The first person who can guess which Fairy Tail member suggested the game to Natsu (check back in the story if need be) and leaves a review with the correct answer gets their username included in the next one-shot. (No flames or mean reviews will be accepted. Constructive criticism is always welcome.) I do have a few planned but no promises as to when they will come out. Can promise that they will be published though. Good Luck and once again thank you so much for reading my fic and sticking with me through this 4 paragraph author's note. Please keep reading, favoriting, following, and reviewing. You guys always brighten my day when you do that! See you in my next story!

~ Mallorie a.k.a. Lilymaid620