A/n: My sister yelled at me for abandoning this story so now I have unabandoned it. I'm neither an organized writer nor a fast writer, so I won't make any promises on how much I'll update or how long this will be, but I'll do my best. This is just a small update and it took me so long to write just this. If the muse allows it, maybe more will follow.

Characters: Timothy Swan, Emma Swan, Trevor Lucas, Henry Mills.

Appearances: Some Irreverent Towns People, Sheriff, Lacey, A blonde.


The wind drifts in through the open windows, bringing with it the smell of something burning. Neither of them pays it any mind. They both roll up their window and Emma continues to drive down the long road. They had thought about walking but opted against it, wanting to meet up with Henry and Trevor as soon as possible.

The silence is tense. At least for Timothy, it is. Emma is lost in thought with the rest of her mind focused on driving.

He taps the pads of his fingers against the cover of the closed book. He had been reading over it for the past few minutes, but he could no longer focus on the events of the past that had been revealed, so he closes it and stares out the window. He watches the townspeople all walking out and staring up at the sky. It doesn't register in his mind.

"What did you do?" Timmy asks, reopening the storybook and flipping through the pages just, so he could have something to do. His eyes absentmindedly follow the people on the street while he thinks about what happened before they left Mifflin. His other mother had told him that she would meet them at the diner right before she all but kicked them out of her house. He had only caught the tail end of their conversation, so he didn't know what was said, but he could feel their emotions. He knew something was wrong just not the specifics.

Emma hears the question but does not answer. Her focus is on the people that are gathering outside. She glances at him and back to the people outside before answering.

"I didn't do anything. What's with all these people," She says looking around. Timmy tilts his head up to give her a dubious look only to finally register all the people standing outside. Some are pointing, some are conversing, and some are just coming out of their houses. All of them are looking up at the sky. Timmy leans forward in his seat to look out the window.

"I think something's on fire." There is a large cloud of smoke rising into the sky. Timothy stares at it in shock. He scoots forward in his seat to get a better look and the storybook falls from his lap. The clatter from the book draws Emma's attention to him.

"Seat belt," She tells him. "Have you had it off this whole time?"

Timmy startles. "What. No. I just took it off to look." He picks up his book and scoots back. He clicks the seat belt into place and goes back to watching the people that are slowly gathering outside. Seconds later, they hear the sirens in the distance.


They are sitting in a booth at Granny's, quietly waiting for the rest of the people that are supposed to be meeting them there. Trevor is leaned back, staring up at the roof, and Henry has his storybook open on the table, rereading the pages for the hundredth time. There is something off about the story it's telling, but he doesn't know what.

He runs his hands over the picture on the second to last page of the book. The last page has been blank since he received it. The page that he is looking at has an image of the Evil Queen. Prince James is at her feet, and she has her arms spread wide, head thrown back as the curse sweeps over them in thick lilac clouds. He takes in every detail on the page with narrowed eyes, trying to find what's wrong with it. Henry's unable to find what it is and soon he starts to feel tension behind his eyes.

He pushes the book away and groans. His head hurts from staring at the pages for too long. Henry starts to bounce his leg impatiently. He turns in his seat to stare at the entrance to the diner.

"Where is she? I thought we were meeting her here soon. It has been more than thirty minutes." He is anxious to meet his real mother. The woman who has the power to break this curse. To save the town and him. His savior.

Trevor sits up straighter and looks at the young boy who's fidgeting in his seat. He can't figure out if the young boy is nervous or excited based off of the look on his face. The only thing Trevor feels is nauseous.

"Be patient. She should be here soon." She actually should have been here a while ago, He thinks. He pulls his phone out of his pocket and turns it on, so he can look at the time.

12:07 is what he reads.

"You said that twenty minutes ago. When is soon." He turns back around in his seat and plops down on the cushion. His eyes land on Trevor who is quickly typing away at his phone. Henry assumes that Trevor is texting Emma considering she is the one they are waiting on. He doesn't ask.

When he eventually pulls his attention from his phone, seven minutes later, Trevor is visibly agitated. He tosses his phone down on the table and groans before letting out a stream of unintelligible words that Henry can only guess are curses based on his body language. He is too bewildered to interrupt.

Trevor finally seems to remember where he is and who he is with when multiple people rush out of the diner and down the street, making a ruckus as they exit. He watches them for a moment before he quickly loses interest.

"I apologize. I did not mean for you to see nor hear that," Trevor says to Henry. The response he gets is a shrug in the usual way a child does when they could not care less. Except Henry obviously does care and seems interested in the little show Trevor put on. If not a bit distracted by the people rushing out.

"Excuse me for a sec. I'll return in a moment," Trevor says quickly, trying to escape the questions he knows the boy has. Henry had always been quite inquisitive in contrast to his twin who preferred to just stay back and observe. Especially once their magic started to manifest in the many little ways that it did.

Henry tries not to dwell on the weird way Trevor had started to speak.

Trevor exits the booth and walks over to the countertop where a lone waitress stands staring longingly out the windows.

He clears his throat to get her attention and gives her a polite smile once she has it.

"Hi. Excuse me. I just have a question." He says, placing his hand's palm down on the countertop when recognizes her. He sees her startle despite her looking over at him when he walked up.

"Um. What can I get for you?" She asks, glancing briefly at his hands before she seems to relax. She may not have her memories but the gesture pacifies the instinct that her mind has subconsciously remembered.

"Can you tell me what's going on out there, or why everyone rushed out of here?" Trevor asks.

The waitress shakes her head and her eyes move to the people standing outside the dinner all staring up at the sky or looking down at their phones.

"I don't know. I wasn't paying attention to any of them," She responds after a short moment of contemplation. She looks a little sheepish as she answers, only looking at him for only a couple seconds at a time when answering.

"That's okay. Thank you." He walks back over to the booth where Henry sits. Henry looks up and him with a questioning look.

"Well?" He says.

"Nothing. I'll be right back Henry. I'm going to go see why all of those people are gathered outside." Trevor says brief placing a hand on the cold marble table before putting them into the pockets of his brown jacket.

"I'll come with you," Henry says, standing hurriedly and quickly shoving his book in his opened backpack.

"I'm just going to be right outside. You wait here. I will be quick."

"Oh okay." He says dejectedly. He drops his backpack back onto the seat and slumps back against the red cushion.

Trevor makes his way over to the entrance of the diner and walks outside. He stops by the nearest person. A middle-aged man dressed in a suit, curly red hair blown wild by the wind. He's doing something on his phone when he catches movement out of the corner of his eye. He turns to Trevor when then younger man stops near him.

Trevor stares at him for a moment before asking his question.

"Do you happen to know what's going on? I saw everyone run out here and was curious as to why." Trevor says.

The older man nods.

"There's a fire." He says.

"A huge one. Someone's burned up the whole library," Someone else chimes in from nearby.

Trevor's eyes widen at the knowledge.

"Nobody knows what exactly happened. Just that the library burned down with the Librarian still in it." The guys say glaring at the other man who had spoken.

The other man's phone chimes and he turns his attention the device in his hand.

"She's fine though. My sister is over there right now. Say's that they were able to get her out and aside from a few burns nobody was injured."

"That's good," Trevor says. "Thank you for the information."

He walks away quickly mind focused on the information he had just received and whether or not it would cause problems for them or not.


Lacey sat on the edge of the sidewalk with a confused look on her face and cloudy eyes. Her mind seemed to be elsewhere. There were a few paramedics standing around and a fire truck was close by but the fire seemed to have been taken care of though no one knew how. The sheriff was kneeling in front of the brunette trying to get her to speak to no avail while someone else, she didn't know who stood nearby trying to talk to the man.

After a moment or so of still no response the sheriff stepped away from Lacey and went to talk with the person who had been trying to get his attention, who happened to be a medic.

While they were fussing over Lacey and the wreckage of the once library, no one noticed the lean blond pulling themself from under the rubble and walking off covered in soot and tattered clothes that looked centuries old.


Watching from the window of Lil Devil pawnshop, Archie grits his teeth as the crowd in front of the library from disperses. Burning down the library did not go how he'd expected. Both of the people who were meant to die in the fire had made it out alive. Right now the "heroes" were gathering and soon enough they'd figure out what was really going on in this town. He couldn't let that happen. If things didn't start going according to plan soon, he'd have to wake up a few old allies.

A/n: Maybe they'll meet up in the next chapter. *Shrugs*