AN - Back by popular demand, Yami and Lara! If you haven't already you should probably read The Split of the Spirits before you read this one. Actually I'm not sure about that, maybe you might not need to because then you will know the ending.I don't know, make your own decisions! Those of you who have read my other fan fiction I'm afraid that a few chapters will double up, but that just means more chapters and you can refresh your memory!

Disclaimer: I do not own YuGiOh etc etc etc. BUT I do own Lara!!! Yay something to credit myself with!

It is the year 3000BCE in Ancient Egypt. After the tragic death of his parents Prince Yami became King, aged only twelve years old. He became a good ruler, with many followers and he earned respect from almost all of his subjects. Under his reign Egypt became even more prosperous, and his people thrived. King Yami ensured the happiness of his people throughout the year, and the capital city in which his palace was became larger and larger. Yami's palace was the one that had been built by his grandfather's grandfather. Inside the palace life was busy and interesting. Hundreds of slaves served King Yami. Yami's advisers were his closest friends and Yami never found himself in need of anything more than what he had.

He was, perhaps, the best Pharaoh for millennia. He ruled with a strong head but a good heart. He was diplomatic, approachable but his name struck respect into everyone's hearts. His political skills ensured that Egypt was a peaceful country, without war. His friendliness became renowned and his people never sort to overthrow him.

His changes to the way in which the palace was run were well appreciated. He ordered the building of servants' quarters with the palace grounds. Servants were not paid in money, however food and shelter as well as clothing were provided for them, so they needed nothing more. Large stables were erected for the palace horses and gardeners landscaped areas of the palace so that some places looked like an oasis. The palace was extended and stood proudly above the skyline. However Yami did not build on one part of the palace grounds, his mother's garden. This was left to grow in its own way, as Yami did not have the heart to go there. That place had been so special to his mother that, out of respect, he did not destroy it. However memories of her in that place were too painful for him, and so the garden was locked up, for no one to enter.

Yami was forced to be reminded of his father however. At first he had not wanted to sit upon his father's throne, however he was expected to uphold tradition and so he was required to sit on it. He did this begrudgingly but never felt happy about doing it until about a year after his father's death.

Now King Yami was eighteen and had grown up into a fine, handsome young man. Princesses, duchesses and ladies travelled from all around to meet him in the hope of sparking some kind of relationship with this legendary King. Yami's advisers promoted this, but although Yami was kind and polite to each one of them, he never showed any interest to be more than friends.

His most trusted adviser and closest friend was called Seto. Seto was the high priest and second in command. Yami and Seto were of a similar age and had been close friends since they were children. Seto had a younger brother, Mokuba, whom Yami doted over and he allowed Mokuba liberties that many others were not permitted. Yami's head "housekeeper" was called Tea. She made sure that the palace was kept in order and although she did little physical work herself, she commanded a large number of servants, mainly female. Joey was Yami's head guard, commanding a platoon of guards whose sole purposes were to guard Yami against wrong doers. Yami also had a council of advisers; among these were Serenity, Tristan and Ryou. Yami also had another adviser who did not live in the palace. Yugi lived in the town surrounding the palace. His duty was to report to Yami gossip from the street, such as what the people thought of him and also he brought news of any enemy uprisings. Among those that he kept an eye on was a tomb robber called Bakura. Bakura wanted Yami dead and Yami knew this, but he could never prove that Bakura was guilty, as he always had an alibi.

Yami also had contacts in other countries. Lady Mai Valentine was a Royal Princess from a country that bordered Egypt. She often visited Yami, hoping that he would one day ask her to marry him. She was in love with him, but he disliked Mai. He found her vain and self-centred as well as power hungry and greedy. He was always civil to her however, welcoming her when she dropped by for a visit, but he rejected her advances smoothly and subtly.

Many things happened in Egypt before the start of the shadow games, all centred on this powerful Pharaoh. These stories must now be told.

AN - So what do you think? Worth continuing? If so please give me some ideas for sub plots with some of the characters as I don't have a lot planned for them and they want some action! Read and review and tell me if I should continue!