This is my first HP fanfic (besides my other one that's still offline) and my 2nd fanfic written in English. As it's not my mother language I apologize in advance for any mistakes, I don't have a beta. I will likely update the story once a week, probably every Sunday or Monday.
This story is a muggle AU, which means none of my character have magical abilities. The Slytherin gang is lightly based on The Serpents from Riverdale.
Enjoy the story guys, please let me know what you think :)

'Gosh Harry your godfather is so damn hot, why does he have to work on his motorcycle without a shirt on?' Ginny complained to her boyfriend.

Harry made a face at his girlfriend and put his hand in front of her gazing eyes. 'Stop staring at him like you want to eat him or undress him with your eyes, I'm your boyfriend remember so stare at me instead,' he murmured.

Hermione followed Ginny's gaze and she had to admit the redhead was right. Sirius looked damn good without a shirt. His arms were huge, his abs seemed to glow in the sun and his messy hair and many tattoos made the man even more easy on the eyes.

'She's right though, Sirius is hot,' Hermione agreed, smirking when Harry's eyes snapped to hers.

'Mione! He's too old for you and don't encourage Ginny please,' he hissed, slowly getting annoyed with the girls.

'If you take of your shirt and get all sweaty while working on a motorcycle I'd stare at you even hungrier,' Ginny confessed teasingly, winking at Hermione.

'You know what, maybe I will. I'll go see if Sirius needs help,' Harry said, already getting up from the blanket the couple sat on.

It was a beautiful Summer day and Hermione, Ginny and Harry were enjoying the sun in The Potters garden. Sirius had arrived twenty minutes ago to fix up James his old bike

Lily, Harry's mother, who was busy plucking several fruits from her raspberries and blueberries bushes, chuckled at her son. She had followed the conversation with amusement, totally agreeing with the girls.

'Calm down love, don't you see they're teasing you,' she called to Harry as she adjusted the sun hat she was wearing.

Harry stopped for a second to look at the three woman with narrowed eyes and then stubbornly continued to walk over to where Sirius was working. The man greeted his godson cheerfully and immediately handed him one of his tools. Harry stared at it with big eyes and both Hermione and Ginny couldn't help but laugh, he looked so helpless.

'I guess I have some making up to do tonight,' Ginny grinned as she watched her boyfriend struggle to try and impress her.

Hermione laughed and sipped her cold lemonade, not really asking for more details. They used to talk about everything, but it just got weird when Ginny started to date her best friend and Hermione had no love life to talk about. She had tried to date, but she just never got that spark or the butterflies all the other girls always talked about. Kissing had never felt special or particularly good and the one time she had sex was horrible. Sometimes Hermione wondered if she might be asexual, but when she had talked about it with Ginny and Luna, both girls had convinced her that she hadn't felt that way because those guys just weren't it for her.

Ginny interrupted Hermione's thoughts by nudging her with her elbow.

'What do you think, shall we make some lunch for the hard workers? Maybe some pasta salad, that's always good on a hot day,' she suggested.

Hermione smiled at the girl. 'Already starting to make up are you, I know your recipe is Harry's favourite,' she teased as she jumped up and offered Ginny a hand.

As predicted the salad was a hit, even Sirius liked it and Hermione knew he was picky when it came to everything that was and looked green. Harry had clearly forgiven Ginny , the two sat very close to each other and Ginny kept giggling whenever Harry leant closer to whisper something in her ear. Hermione smiled at the couple, she loved them too much to feel jealous, but sometimes she wished she had someone to love as well.

After lunch Hermione joined Sirius in the garden. The two love birds who she called her best friends, had gone one a romantic stroll and the older Black had asked for some help.

'You seem to know what you're talking about little one,' Sirius said surprised, when the girl had pointed out another problem to him, one he hadn't seen yet.

Hermione smiled and got her hair out of her face by making a messy ponytail, preparing herself to show Sirius just how right he was. She took one of the tools out of the big black box with the Black Repair Shop logo on it, and went to work. Her father had always loved fixing up motorcycles and cars, and in the twenty years she had lived he had fixed over a thousand of them. When she was little she used to watch him, but when she got older she had wanted to help and he thought her everything he knew. The both of them continued to fix up cars and motorcycles in their free time, but a few months ago it all stopped when the Granger family got the horrible news of her father being sick. Richard Granger was still fighting for his life, but he was strong and the treatments seemed to be working.

'Djeez Hermione I always knew you were smart, but I never expected this,' Sirius murmured when almost an hour later Hermione started up James his motorcycle, all fixed up.

'Thanks for letting me help Sirius, I hadn't realise how much I missed fixing up bikes,' Hermione said, grinning at the man.

'I should be the one thanking you Mione, you helped me big time and I'm not sure if I would have finished it today without you,' Sirius said, smiling back at her.

The two of them took turns riding the bike for a small test round, and when both of them were satisfied with the results they walked back to the house side by side. Just before they entered, Sirius halted and grabbed Hermione's shoulder to stop her as well.

'Do you have a job Mione?' he asked, brows furrowed as if he was thinking too hard.

Hermione looked up at him in question. 'Uh well, I have my job at the bookstore but that's only a few hours so I can combine it with collage,' she answered slowly, wondering why he was asking.

Sirius his face lit up. 'But it's summer break right, so you have loads of free time?'

'Yes, I guess so. Why? Are you offering me a job?' Hermione joked, still not knowing why he asked.

When Sirius nodded her mouth fell open.

'Wait really?' she asked excitedly, she would love to work in the shop as summer job. Why hadn't she ever thought of that before?

'Regulus and I have been talking about hiring an extra hand, we need someone who can jump in at the shop when needed. But, we also need someone to do our administration. So if you're interested?' he asked hopefully. They could really use someone like Hermione on their team.

Hermione thought about it for a while. A part of her wanted to take it immediately, but she wasn't one to jump at something without thinking it through.

'I'm interested, but can I think about it?' Hermione asked.

Sirius smiled at her and nodded. 'Sure, let me know what you decided by the end of the week? Otherwise I'll have to continue my search. You'd be perfect for it though.'

'I'm flattered Sirius, and I can already tell you that I'm really considering it. But, don't you have to talk to Regulus about it first?' Hermione questioned as she pushed the backdoor open to get inside the Potter's house.

'Nah, I'm the oldest and I'm the boss,' Sirius smirked.

Hermione chuckled and filled a glass with Lily's self made lemonade and handed it to the man before taking a glass of her own. The Potters were as family to Hermione and their home was as good as hers. When she was five years old, she and her parents had moved next door and Hermione and Harry got close friends rather soon. They did everything together and there was a time when everyone thought the two of them would end up together. Both Harry and Hermione never agreed since they only felt brotherly and sisterly love for each other.

'Oh there you two are, I was wondering when you would give up on James his dead machine,' Lily said smiling, as she walked into the kitchen.

Sirius barked out a laugh and wrapped his arm around Hermione's shoulder.

'We haven't given up Lils, this girl here helped me fix it,' he said proudly.

Hermione felt her cheeks heat up when Harry and Ginny came in as well, just in time for them to hear what Sirius had said. They both smiled at her and when Sirius told them about his job offer, Ginny even cheered.

'That's perfect for you Hermione! Way better than your boring job at the bookstore,' she grinned.

'Hey! I love that job,' Hermione pouted, knowing that Ginny was right anyway. She did love the job as she loved books, but after a few years it was probably time for something new.

The next day Hermione and Ginny met up with their friend Luna at their favourite café across from their go to pub; The Three Broomsticks. They were supposed to go out there Friday night with all their friends and Hermione was actually excited about that. She wasn't much of an party person, but she did enjoy some drinks with her favourite people on earth.

'You look awfully happy Luna, anything you need to tell us?' Ginny teased the blonde who indeed looked very happy.

Her cheeks were flushed, her eyes twinkled and she had this amazing smile plastered on her face that made Hermione want to smile as well.

'I am happy, do you remember Theodore Nott?' Luna asked, her smile getting even bigger.

Hermione's jaw dropped. 'No way? Theo? The boy you crushed on for years? You two have been dancing around each other ages.'

'Not anymore, we went on a couple dates and yesterday he asked me to be his girlfriend,' Luna said proudly, sitting up straighter in her chair.

Ginny squealed and threw her arms around her friend. 'So that's who you've been seeing in secret, I knew it,' the redhead smirked when she released the blonde.

'I'm happy for you Luna,' Hermione smiled. 'When do we get to meet him?'

Luna sipped her coffee before answering. 'I hope you don't mind, but I invited him to come with me to The Three Broomsticks on Friday.'

'Of course we don't mind,' Hermione and Ginny said at the same time.

This made all three girls giggle.

'Isn't he in some kind of gang?' Ginny asked Luna carefully, when their second latté's arrived.

Hermione frowned at that, she had heard something about that too. Harry's dad James, worked as an undercover cop and she was almost sure he had come home one day for dinner with a story about this gang. She remembered him telling them that there were kid's their age in this gang, following in their father's footsteps. She just couldn't remember the name.

'Yes, they're called The Slytherins,' Luna said calmly as if it was no big deal.

That was it! Slytherin. Hermione remembered now how James had described how all members wore this leather jacket with a serpent on the back. Also according to his co-worker all the loyal members had a tattoo on their wrist with that same serpent. He hadn't told them much more, besides to try and avoid them if they ever came across them.

'That doesn't worry you? That you're future husband might be a criminal?' Ginny asked baldly.

Luna laughed. 'Our relationship has just started Ginny, no wedding bells yet so calm down.'

Hermione noticed how she avoided part of the question. Was he a criminal? If he wasn't, he was probably surrounded by them or he just wasn't one yet. There was of course the chance that Slytherin was just a biker gang, nothing too criminal.

Ginny decided to drop the gang subject and started asking for more details about the dates Luna had. The girls spend another two hours at the café, before Luna had to head home to help her dad.

'You want to go home too or..?' Ginny asked Hermione when they had said goodbye to their blonde friend.

'Well,' Hermione started as she thought for a bit. 'I was thinking on stepping by Black's Repair Shop, I want to see where I get to work before I say yes.'

'You haven't been there before? I'll come with you then, Regulus isn't really fond of strangers in his shop,' Ginny said, linking arms with her friend and heading of in the direction of the shop.

'Relax Gin, of course I've been there before. I've just never seen the office and since I'll be doing their paperwork as well, I want to see if I can tell Sirius that I have some conditions for him before I say yes. I need a good workplace,' Hermione grinned.

Ginny fake gasped. 'You, Hermione Granger, are going to blackmail Sirius into changing the office so you'll work for him? How evil, I'm proud of you.'

Hermione chuckled. 'I know how messy Sirius can be and you know how much I hate mess.'

When the girls arrived at the shop just out of Diagon Alley, they were happily greeted by Padfoot. The big black dog walked around them in circles before pressing his head against Hermione's leg, waiting to be petted.

'Hello boy, good to see you again.' Hermione greeted the dog.

Padfoot followed them inside and barked a few times to let his owner know someone was there. Hermione didn't know if Sirius trained his dog that way, or if he was just that smart. The shop looked the same as when Hermione had last been there and her hands immediately got itchy when she saw how much cleaning the place could use. There was a rack with tires next to the counter that was covered in dust and the floor was full of black footprints. The counter itself didn't look very clean either and the desk behind it was covered in papers. Hermione cringed at how unorganized everything was. While waiting, the girls walked through the shop. They did have a lot of stuff, everything you could need when owning a motorcycle or car. Hermione was actually impressed, but she hated the way they showcased everything. She just knew that if she could chance just a few things, they would sell even more than they already did.

'What's taking them so long,' Ginny groaned, when it had been twenty minutes already.

Hermione shrugged and tried to look through the dirty window behind the counter. It looked into the workplace and she could see some figures, but they stood to far away for her to see clearly if Sirius was there too. Padfoot sat down at her feet and whined softly. Hermione looked down at the dog and patted his head.

Just as Hermione was planning on asking Ginny to get into the workplace together, the figures behind the glass started moving. Padfoot dribbled away from her to wait at the door for his owner. The door between the two spaces flew open and almost hit the dog.

Hermione yelped and glared at the first person who came walking through.

'Can't you watch it, you almost hit Padfoot,' she snapped, feeling defensive for the dog's sake.

The young man looked at her in surprise, his grey eyes scanning her from the top of her curly head till her toes covered in white converse all stars. His lips curled up in a grin and he raised his blonde eyebrows at her.

'I'm very sorry princess, it wasn't my intention to hurt Black's dog,' he said, stepping a little closer to her.

He was taller than her so she stubbornly stared up to him, seeing the amusement in his eyes. She narrowed her eyes at him and stabbed her finger against his chest.

'You think this is funny? I-' she got interrupted by Ginny pulling on her arm.

Hermione was about to glare at the girl when she noticed the shop was now filled up with man. They all wore a leather jacket with a little serpent on their chest. She looked back at the young man in front of her and noticed he was wearing a jacket too. His hair was almost platinum blonde and he looked at her curiously.



When Hermione opened her mouth to continue her sentence, Sirius walked through the door and with one look at Hermione he stalked towards her and the blonde guy.

'Malfoy,' he barked.

The blonde held up his hand to Sirius and took two steps back from Hermione.

'Calm down Black, I didn't touch your bird. She's feisty though, I like it' he smirked.

Hermione's jaw dropped.

'Excuse you? I'm not his bird and you almost hurt an animal you git, stop smirking and-' she was stopped again by Sirius his stern look.

Hermione closed her mouth and gritted her teeth. She then noticed a few other young members standing behind the blonde, all staring at her with an amused grin on their face. One of the older man stepped forward, his hair was platinum blonde as well and Hermione wondered if they were related.

'Come Draco, we're leaving,' he said before turning to Sirius. 'We'll be in touch Black, let your brother know he's expected tonight.'

Draco. Hermione had never heard that name before and she kinda liked the sound of it. She knew it meant Dragon in Latin and she already found it fitting for the guy.

'Bye Princess,' Draco whispered to her when he walked past here and Ginny to the exit.

All the other members followed and soon it was just Hermione, Ginny and Sirius. The latter sighed an rubbed his face with his right hand. The sound of multiple engines being started outside made them all look out of the window, watching the gang leave.

'You girls alright?' Sirius asked when they were out of eye sight.

Hermione and Ginny both nodded. Sirius looked at Hermione and smiled at the girl.

'I knew you were perfect for this job. The Slytherins come here quite often, but I see you can stand your ground. If you get this feisty about Padfoot, I'm sure you can defend yourself as well. I might teach you some self-defence just in case though,' he said, touching Hermione's cheek. 'I would never want you to be in danger, but you must understand that this job won't be as safe as the one you have now.'

Hermione chuckled at the man. 'It almost sounds as if you're trying to talk me out of it Sirius. I'm aware this is going to be different, but I can handle it. I'm a big girl.'

Ginny nodded in agreement.

'Are you saying you'll take the job?' Sirius questioned, grinning at her.

Hermione crossed her arms and pursed her lips. 'Only after I see the office and if I want to change anything, you'll let me.'

Sirius crocked his head to the side and narrowed his eyes at her. 'Only in the office, if you want to change anything in the shop you'll have to ask me or Reg first. We're open for ideas.'

'Agreed. Will you let me clean the shop?' she asked, ignoring Ginny's giggle.

'Er, if you really want to,' Sirius said, his eyes shining with amusement. 'Will you try to avoid Slytherin as much as you can? I don't like the idea of they being around you, they're sneaky little bastards.' Sirius growled the last part which made Ginny giggle again.

Hermione shot her friend a warning look and the redhead immediately pressed her lips together.

'That won't be a problem, I have a feeling I won't like them anyways. Especially that Malfoy boy,' Hermione murmured, thinking back of the blonde with the gorgeous eyes.

Her eyes widened slightly at her thoughts, but neither Sirius or Ginny seemed to notice. She couldn't deny Draco Malfoy was handsome, but she was certain she was never going to like him with that attitude of his.

'Alright, let me show you the office. If you accept my offer I will need a day or two to fix you a contract and chance your workplace the way you want to, and then you'll officially be my employee,' Sirius said, leading the way to the office.

'Sounds good,' Hermione replied.

The office was a mess. As Hermione expected, both desks were overflown with papers and nothing looked organized. The room wasn't small, but it seemed like the Black brothers used their office as bonus storage room. There were bike parts, car tires and multiple tools scattered on the floor and the black couch in the corner was barely visible because of all the laundry on top of it. It also smelled kind of mouldy and Hermione couldn't wait to get her hands dirty on this room.

'How can you even work in this place?' Hermione asked Sirius as she walked, or rather climbed, to the other side of the room to open a window.

Ginny sneezed when the fresh air blew some dust her way. Sirius actually looked ashamed, his cheeks flushed a bit and he looked around the room as if he saw the absolute mess for the first time.

'Reggie mostly works here, I can't focus on the paperwork,' he said, not looking one of the girls in the eyes.

Ginny rolled her eyes and Hermione smiled softly at him, both girls weren't surprised at that. Hermione looked around the room again, it would take her at least a day but she really wanted this job. Her decision was made. She would quit her job at the bookstore and take Sirius her offer, it would be good for her.

'I'll take the job, but only if you let me use my first day to fix this office. You won't do a thing unless I ask you too,' Hermione offered the man, chuckling at his surprised face.

'It's a deal, if you need anything just ask and I will provide it to you,' Sirius beamed happily and Hermione's heart warmed at the sight.

The two shook hands to confirm their deal.

'Welcome to Black's Repair Shop Hermione, we're lucky to have you.'