Summary: An unlikely Vegeta and Bulma get together that spans over the infamous three years. How did it really happen? Slow burn. Harsh language, sexual situations and tons of mayhem.

Disclaimer: I, of course, do not own any Dragon Ball characters, etc etc. Rights to their respectful owners.

Brief note: It's about to get saucy. :3

She slams the last machinery in the series down onto her lab desk far harder than she should have, hands covered in grease and her cheeks speckled with the evidence of the time she spent on the demands of the stubborn prince. She swiped her arm upwards toward her brow, only further streaking her face. The tight form fitting dress was still on, having gotten obviously carried away, her initial date forgotten. Her eyes suddenly lit up, a deep smirk adorning her face at her completion of the bot. It was, dare she say, perfect. She suddenly thrust both her arms downward in a bent position, letting out a loud squeal in excitement and triumph. Finally! She suddenly lifted her eyes upward to the clock to only shock herself with the time.

4:35 am.

So much for her date with Christian. If anything, she knew he probably considered himself stood up. Shoulders drooping at such a realization, she sighed, taking a second to look at her less than attractive state of dress. She closed her eyes momentarily, trying to soothe her annoyance and anger at the entire situation. Her houseguest was truly starting to meddle into her attempts at some sort of normality in her life. She knew it was ignorant to assume she could have anything of the sort, but it still didn't deter her from selfishly wishing to obtain it. With a flick of some rust off her right forearm, she gathered two bots from the pile to head up to confront the ignorant idiot that demanded such a task. She knew he was due to wake up any moment, knowing he always woke around 5 am to start his routine for the day. Determined look on her face, she could not wait to rub the accomplishment in his cocky face.

He felt her before she knocked, making him pause mid tug of his right glove, gaze raising to look at the door quizzically. She was never up this early. Granted, he had demanded a task of her, but he certainly didn't expect her to come before he was even ready to storm into her lab demanding them. Approaching his door, he pulled it open with such force the movement suddenly sucked her forward, nearly crossing the doorframe upon his appearance.

" What is it woman?!" His stern voice lost a bit of gusto as he observed her appearance.

She was still wearing her dress from the night before, making him assume she had went about the task immediately after their last confrontation. She was covered in grease, her hair tosseled and eyes blurry and tired but seemingly hard and determined. He was breathless by the way she appeared, like a woman having come from battle. He was taken back by how incredibly attractive she looked to him in that moment. It seemed he was not too good for such primal instincts after all. She suddenly shoved two objects into his chest, his hands coming down automatically to grasp them, eyes dropping to observe them. He found himself analyzing them with a rare curiosity that seemed to only surface around her. The woman in front of him crossed her arms arrogantly as he examined them.

"Twenty four of them," She started, "These absorb your own energy attacks, analyzes the level of which you're inputting and therefore determines a rather stronger output. They move faster and adjust based on your own movements."

Her voice was so clipped and arrogant that it amused him. He raised his eyebrows impressed that such a task was completed in such a quick timeframe. It was obvious that the woman was capable of more than she had been leading on this entire time. Without the weakling's distraction, it was obvious she could create him anything he could possibly need, whenever he needed it. The possibilities were endless to him and he could not hide how seemingly greedy he was.


Bulma snorted in response, nose turned upward, "Don't be so stingy. They're nearly perfect. I am a genius, ya know."

His gaze lifted to her, smirking at how similar her arrogance and over confidence was compared to his own. He weighed heavily on her appearance, dress still snug in all the right places, though covered in filth from tearing apart destroyed machinery in creation of these pieces. She looked disgusting, yet strangely alluring. Her arms crossed propped her ample chest out to him as they had done the night before, distracting him easily. Something about this woman called to him. He found himself placing the bots off to the side of the door on his dresser with brute purpose. His arms braced the door suddenly as he leaned into her personal space as she had done to him the night before. So seemingly uncharacteristic of him but at this point he didn't give a fuck. Her scent drew him to her like a moth to a flame and for some reason the smell of her arduous work coupled with her obvious willingness to please him only enhanced her attractiveness in this moment.

What was it about this blasted woman that made him so easily lose control?

His gaze, usually cold and harsh, suddenly went heated. The way he observed her set her slightly at unease, making her arms uncross to look at him in confusion. She parted her lips to speak but choked slightly when he suddenly was there, leaning into her similarly to what she knew she had done last night. His nose met the side of her neck, causing her to jolt suddenly. So intimate and strange for a man that she knew valued every ounce of personal space owned by him.

Is he smelling me? Her thoughts raced in utter confusion and lust.

The feel of the warmth of his breath caused immediate goosebumps on her flesh. He blazed a hot trail that sent her body temperature skyrocketing. She was unsure how to feel within that moment. It was so fast, so so.. hot. When did it get so warm in the hallway? What the hell was he doing? His nose suddenly slid a slow agonizing path along the curve of her neck upward toward her jaw. His arms, due to his speed, were now suddenly gripping her waist. She gasped at the touch, still in shock that these arms, these hands clutching her were Vegeta's. Her own gaze dropped to her hands, which were shaking and resting upon the front of his armor. When did that happen? What the hell is going on?

A growl that sounded like a low purr of some sort came bubbling from his chest, startling her to look at him directly. The intensity of his gaze was suffocating and immediately set her stomach into knots. Her breath quickened, chest heaving slightly at how suddenly aroused she felt – and he had barely touched her! This type of exhilaration had never been felt the entire time she had been with Yamcha. He looked at her as though she was some sort of delectable dessert he wanted to devour. The primal look in his eyes only made her slick with desire, flustering her insides with hot butterflies. Embarrassment set in immediately, her cheeks developing a rosy blush at her sudden spike in arousal. Since when did she find him so attractive? When had this sudden transition in their... whatever the fuck this was… happen? Why did his touch feel so right? This man had murdered her ex-boyfriend for goodness sakes… and yet the way he was looking at her now made her heart sing, her insides hot and her legs spread.

He could smell it, and it was driving him mad. Her arousal was strengthening, making him smug with his effect on the woman, but it was clouding his judgement. You shouldn't be doing this. That small voice was still there but being easily defeated by his carnal needs. His mind was struggling and the vapor that was hovering over his brain only thickened as she ran her pink tongue over her lips. Cherry red lips that looked soft, appetizing and something he wanted to devour. His internal struggle left them in this intimate position in front of his doorway, hovering just above the line that they both knew they shouldn't cross. He merely stared at her lips, however, watching as her teeth suddenly came down to bite into the bottom of it, erupting action. Any remaining thoughts he had were gone.

She didn't have time to gasp. Her hands were suddenly in his hair, his lips slanted against her in a flurry of hunger. He was already prying them open with his tongue, determined to taste every single last ridge of her soft pink lips then every corner of the inside of her soft mouth, erupting a soft moan from her throat. It was intense. Bulma had never experienced such a spark before, her hands tugging slightly at the nap of his flame swept hair while his hands tightened around her waist pulling her to him and confirming what effect she had on him. He had her against the wall suddenly, her legs coming upward to square his hips welcomingly, excitement building upward. His desire only thickened, and he wasted no time thrusting the evidence into the softness of the apex of her thighs.

Oh! She thought to herself, oh god!

She wanted him. She really wanted him and the reaffirmation that he did too was enough to send her reeling. His mouth was insistent along the curve of her slender neck while his left gloved hand finally grasped the roundness of her breast over her dress. This was really going to happen and though she felt a pang of fear, the overwhelming want and desire outmatched any doubt she could have possibly had in this moment.

"Oh my!"

The recognizable voice pierced through both of their haze like a knife, causing the pair to throw themselves away from each other, faces red with mortification. Her mother, having come through the hallway to seemingly drop off Bulma's clothes (as was made evident by the laundry basket in her arms), stood at the top of the stairs with a happy smile. She looked so giddy it disgusted them both. Vegeta promptly turned to the side to hide the embarrassment of his arousal, seemingly cursing to himself quietly in a language Bulma could not understand. Whatever desire had been running through his veins had suddenly went dead cold.

"Sorry to interrupt my darlings!" The blonde chirped which only enraged the embarrassed Saiyan, her form moving past them both rather easily on her blue heels, laundry balanced in front of her as she continued down the hallway as though nothing had happened.

"Oh, what beautiful babies they will make!"

They could both hear her mumble such comments to herself, echoing softly within the emptiness of the hallway. They refused to hold each other's gaze. Vegeta's fists clenched in fury. The blue haired demon had bewitched him. He could still taste her on his lips and smell her faintly on himself, causing him to snarl into the quiet of the hallway, startling her. He took a minute then stood straighter, firmer with determination. He didn't have time for this bullshit. He suddenly held her gaze, once again startling her. The coldness that greeted her this time gave her goosebumps of a completely different kind.

"That will not happen again." He barked with anger, regret and embarrassment, "I have to train. Nothing will stand in my way of ascension."

Bulma was shocked briefly by the indirect way he had just blamed her, but it immediately exploded into anger, "What! You kissed me!"

"Tch," He ground his teeth, "A moment of insanity."

She huffed in annoyance, "You are a fucking coward."

Bold words, even for her and she knew she was pushing the envelope by the glower he had given her in return. His fists tightened but he forcefully told himself to ignore her, turning immediately to retrieve the two bots from his room with haste. He held her gaze for only a moment before almost disappearing before her eyes, moving out of the hallway with a purposeful speed. Bulma crossed her arms in annoyance, her own desire dissipating with a twinge of disappointment. Her heart was still beating rapidly, unable to deny the moment that had just occurred... what they had almost done.

She wanted more.

It was undeniable. She had never experienced such... raw passion from Vegeta before. Hell, the man showed little to no emotion save for his love of fighting, food and barking at her but whatever heat that she had felt from his fingertips and lips... the emotion existed. He denied its implications, but it was there. The heat of their arguments only seemingly fueled this hidden spark between them and it almost made her laugh out loud by how ignorant she had been of it until this moment. No wonder she and Yamcha's relationship had teetered downward since Vegeta's stay upon this planet. She had probably been in a stubborn denial herself considering how much she seemed to really cater to him, disguised in the excuse of his rage and empty threats of her death or the need for his power. This attraction had already been placed there since nearly the beginning. She had probably wanted him all along.

...and Bulma Briefs always gets what she wants.

She turned to head to her room to clean up and call Christian, to end whatever attraction he thought she contained. The only sights she had now, were on the monkey prince.


His fist came down in a bout of pure anger to hit the floor of the simulator, his mind constantly haunted by the soft porcelain skin of the heiress and the tousle of her light colored curls. She had wanted him and had clearly confirmed it by the arch of her lithe form and the eager way she had spread her legs for him. The entire day he had been distracted, unable to focus for more than a stretch of ten minutes, his thoughts constantly wondering back to what had transpired that morning. It was infecting him like a disease and it angered him. He stood and crossed his arms, gravity still blaring down on his form as he, yet again, thought back to the warmth of her skin, and the scent of her arousal that even now made his blood boil instantly.

"Tch," He echoed into the room as he suddenly spit onto the floor, an attempt to brush the memory off.

He didn't have time for such ridiculous affairs. He had less than three years to reach legendary, and such a primal distraction would do nothing but force such a goal out of his grasp. The woman would get over it, and she would find some other idiot to focus her attention upon. Such a thought suddenly made his stomach drop, however, and he snarled in disgust at himself. What the fuck was that? Jealousy?

She was not that attractive.

He could feel the lie behind such a statement but squashed it down with fury. He approached the control panel with purpose and dialed up the gravity, determined to force any further thoughts of the heiress from his mind. When it engaged, and the force of a higher gravity hit his bones, he relished the feeling - blissfully clearing his mind of anything and everything blue.