Chapter 1: Emperor Kane and other Powers

Emperor Kane walked the down a hallway made of marble, followed by a sortie of attendants and aids, planning his next course of action for his nation. The various non-human tribes had, for the most part, all been subdued to a point where they couldn't possibly mount an effective resistance. The only worry he had was that of the southern nations.

It had been a considerable amount of time since he had come to the continent of Rashanin, but within a few years he had managed to carve out his own empire. The empire of Carthax. He named it in memory of the two nations he'd single-handedly conquered to create Carthax. The nation of carlosi and the city states of Althaxion. He sometimes mused what was going on in the other continents of the world...

"My lord Emperor, there are other reports as well concerning a possible non-humans alliance from the scattered tribes across all Rashanin, and the rebels that.."

Ah, yes the rebels, Kane thought, those prideful fools who thought to overthrow him;or at the very least, destroy what he'd managed to build:A thriving empire that was economically, militarily, and scientifically greater than anywhere else in the entire least to his knowledge. The fools! Those power hungry, stuck-up, prideful 'nobles' of the former nations now called Carthax were soo darn spitefull!

"Also, the latest reports from the borders with the southern nations of Galatar and Saio'Shae and thier recent alliance to repel us. The most recent estimates of troops they have amassed has exceeded 250,000, sire"

Galatar was something like a germanic and scandinavion mix of his original world, A weird cross between southern and northern Europe. While Saio'Shae was something akin to the country of ancient China from Earth. From customs, to appearances, even the history(if only in a generalized sense), not to mention their border wall that was not unlike the Roble Kingdom's on the other side of the are they doing he wondered...It had been a long time since he had saved them from the beastmen invasion and drew-up plans for the forts...are they done being built yet?

"Hmmm, thanks for the update Steven" he told his informant in a distracted manner. Steven bowed and fell back to a respectfull distance. Turning a corner and continuing on past a crossing corridor, a glint caught Kane's eye as something flashed from down the way of the perpindicular, intersecting hallway.


Gasps are heard as Kane had grabbed a bolt with his gauntleted fist in mid-air that had been intended for his face. He had not seen, however, the bolt from the other direction that had been fired momentarily after the first. It had struck his upper-back, close to the open area of his neck where his armor ended. It was times like these that reminded Kane why he bothered wearing his armor in the palace...besides, it simply wouldn't do for those around him to see something like a bolt simply bounce off his skin. Yes, the armor was easier to accept than that.

"After them! Don't let them get away!" the captain of Kane's 'royal gaurd' shouted.

Kane just sighed, those damn nobles again, he was sure of it...was this the hundredth attempt at his assissination or the 200th? He couldn't keep track of such things anymore. With that thought Kane did what he normaly did in these situations...he used his might and magic power to, as some may call it 'shame' his gaurd, quickly grab his assailent before they could get far by using BLINK.

"Aaaaghh! Let go of me!" a shrill woman's voice yelled, as he grabbed her arm after BLINK'ing to her. "Now, why would i do that after you just tried to kill me?" Kane asked the would-be assassin. 'Let me go' after trying to kill a ruler? That was just absurd...

"Let go!"-she continued, hitting him and yanking on her arm trying to get was futile. "As you wish" Kane said calmly as he gave her a casual toss behind him and into the gaurds who were still running towards him. "Put her in the B-block cells"-Kane commanded without even looking at his 'gaurds'. They were, for all practicality, just for show in the end. Though, he pondered, were probably better than most.

The Royal Gaurd that was, all but forced upon him by the remainling 'loyalists'-non-rebeling nobles', were the 'best-of-the-best. Then, Kane would take them asside and give them special, personaly made equipment to enhance their natural talents and abilities. Then train them fairly harshly...some had died early on before he laxxed it, they were only human after all.

"Sire! The other attacker appears to be of Saio'Shae decent or, more likely, opperatives!"-Gaurd

"So they've begun making their move against me then, well, not that its unexpected of course"-Kane half-laughs.

Kane kept on as nothing had really changed, and indeed, this had gotten to the point of being the 'norm'. The nobles no longer protested vehementaly either as they seemed used to it...and probably because Kane never really seemed to care.

Continuing on Kane entered his throne hall and everyone inside immediately kneeled, bowed, or even prostrated themselves before him. Usualy the prostraters were the average folk who seemed to have made him out to be their new god. Well, when you look at most of the himan's gods, he supposed he was, in that sense, one of them...the newest and only living god to currently walk among them. He had tried to stop the beginning, but he had stopped and finally accepted or rather, tried to ignore it.

Sitting on the uncomfortable throne, made as such to hammer home the importance of what the one who sat in it was doing, so no matter who sat in it, would never feel comfort...fitting he had though, but now he'd rather sit on the floor if he were being honest.

"So who's first?"-Kane sighed at the noble's in a tired manner.

They all looked at one-another and/or at the floor, they sensed what had happened. They though he was in a bad mood and perhaps he really was he realised...but, in reality, he simply didn't want to be here...with them. Except maybe Clarissa, she was a if i could just..

"I-I guess i'll be first, my lord emperor Kane"-An elderly noble said nervously, sensing Kane's current mood.

"Just get on with it, and skip the pleasentries, i neither like nor have time to waste on such" Kane told the fellow.
"That goes for the rest of you as well"-Kane added, looking around the room, seeing who would make eye-contact and who would not.

Umm, ah, yes, well.."-nervous hesitating stammer...Kane grumbled his displeasure"What is it allready?!" "Out with it"

"Well, sire, umm, we are actually low on materials for the fortifications you had requested of the capital to be built...a-and we're behind schedule..."-old noble said, fearing displeasing a possible god that sat in front of him.

Kane sighed for what seemed the millionth time was going to be another long one, he could tell already.

"Okay, then here's what your going to do..."-Kane began listing for him to do, while he chuckled inwardly at the assassins remark of 'let me go' after trying to kill him. It was quite comical, really, it helped put a smile on his face as he dealt with these people. No matter where you were, what world he was in, all 'noble's were the same...

Somehwere to the far south:

The enire alliance between Galatar and Saio'Shae was only about continued existance for their respective nations. The newly formed Empire of Carthax and it's emperor 'Kane' had appeared only a handful of years ago and now held nearly the entire northern half of the continent. The king and emperor of the alliance had always had disputes and wars in the past. It was very much like two people who hated each other had teamed up in the interest of self-preservation.

The king was Roman de Louche the 3rd, while the emperor was Lao Tsai.

Roman was once again, expressing his concern over the fortifications being built within the empire of Carthax to Lao. Arguing that they should invade with all haste before they were finished buiding them or they would suffer grave numbers of casualties. This barbarion, in Lao's eyes, needed to be silenced. His ears were begining to sting from the rough sounding words of the Galatar language. Though each-other's languages were nearly a national secondary standard within their own nation's, this brute refused to speak to him in his native tongue.

"Yes, yes Roman, i am acutely aware as you have said this everyday for the past week"-Lao

"Then why won't you agree to move against the enemy!"A frustrated Roman said

"Because, though we may gain ground in the short-term, we would eventualy lose in the long-term should we move now"-Lao said, ecpertly controling his emotions.

"As always, our primary concern is this new emperor, Lao squinted his eyes further at the though of someone else calling themselves such, who is by all accounts, someone of extraordinary ability. Or have you forgotten how he has single-handedly taken out 2 nations' armies by himself?"-Lao asked his counterpart in a patient manner, as though instructing a student as a sensai.

The idiot, 'Roman' storms out of the mutual command post.

*What a fool! We must first get rid of this 'Kane' before we invade and when we do, i fully intend to get the majority of land held to add to my domain. And then, 'king', your lands will be mine as well*-Lao smiles at the pleasent thoughts of what he'd do to his hated enemy and his people as slaves.

Away from the mainland continent of Rashanin, the island continent of Kinaire:

"Divine King, Gilgamesh, we have received reports of a great war happening on Rashanin where a supposed god-emperor has appeared"

"Hmmm? This sounds amusing, do tell"-Gilgamesh smiled pleasently while sipping his Ambrosia, as the rest trembled in fear. For most messengers never lasted a year before they were killed for simply bringing news of something displeasing. Kinaire was ruled by an all-powerfull tyrant, a child of the gods...

(Gilgamesh from fate/stay nite series is basically the description of this guy to the 'T'...for tyrant?)

Kinaire is much like an ancient Egyptian nation +4000 years with Gilgamesh as its tyranical leader. Contact with other nations is purely by trade of goods, including slaves. There are great pyramids thoughout the island continent as well as large obelisks rising into the sky in every city. The nation is heavily influenced by worship, slavery, trade, as well as magic and similar arcane arts such as alchemy.

Somewhere among the many islands of Aligreppo:

"We should launch raids on the mainland while their attention is turned elsewhere"-One hooded figure said

"I agree, we have not had such a ripe opportunity in our lifetime" -Another figure in purplish robes said

"This may be a ruse to take out our fleets, we should not be careless"-A figure in a yellow hoody type jacket warned.

"Agreed, i also advise caution, as well as my consent to pillage the rich lands"-A figure in red states

"Very well, the majority agrees to increase our fortune by sacking the mainland, any against?"-A figure at the head of the table says.

"No? Then, it is agreed. Begin preparing the fleets, we'll set sail within the week!"

The commanders of the pirate nation's fleets began their preperations for assauling the mainland. As pirating is the only real thing keeping the fragile alliance together, they often only meet to discuss who or where the next target will be. After countless generations of cross-island warfare, a shaky coalition had been formed in the past century. Each islands' inhabitants varied in appearance, with it's own customs and beliefes.

Piracy and war was the only thing they all had in common and they all did it well. After all, they did have the largest and most experienced naval force in the world...