Disclaimer: I do not own FOP, nor any of their characters or likeness. This story is for entertainment purposes only. Please forgive my choppy writing.

"Hello Tony." Mrs. Carmichael spouted wearing what appeared to be a pretty deep smile almost to the point that it seemed forced.

Chloé let out a deep sigh. "Mom you know his name is Timmy."

Her mother simply waved off the correction with the same cheerful tone. "Oh Chloe you have so many friends, you know I can't keep track of them all."

Raising her arms in frustration, Chloé still persisted. "We've been friends for six years and he's the only one who ever actually comes around the house."

"I'm sure I'll get it one day." Mrs. Carmichael then turned to walk to the kitchen. "I'll be right back. I have a surprise for you."

"I don't know Chloe. I'm pretty sure your parents don't like me" Timmy lightly whispered into her ear.

"Well luckily they don't have to. You're my friend, and even if they don't agree with it, I'll always stick up for you." Chloé then wrapped an arm around Timmy's shoulder. "Just like I know you'd do the same."

"Yea the only difference is my parents actually remember your name." Timmy snarkily commented under his breath.

"Chloe, Tommy let's do the birthday cake." Timmy rolled his eyes towards Chloe as a Mrs. Carmichael brought a green tinted cake. "We probably shouldn't be eating cake this early, but I figured, what the heck, you only turn sixteen once."

Chloe stares at the the square glob in puzzlement. "Ugh where are the candles Mom?"

"I read that blowing out candles is one of the most germ spreading acts you could commit, so we are putting a hard stop to that in this household." Mrs. Carmichael then proceeded to cut a slice for both Timmy and Chloe.

Timmy broke off a tiny piece of it, and stuck it in his mouth. "Is this made of grass?"

Mrs. Carmichael pursed her lips. "No but it's made with several herbal cooking powders."

"Thanks Mrs. Carmichael" He said sarcastically with a forced smile trying to keep the concoction down.

"So it's your special day, how would you like to celebrate?" Chloé's mom looked back and forth expectedly between the two teens.

"I was actually wanting to spend it with Timmy." Chloé gently nudged into his shoulder with a slight grin. "Something big is happening today and we want it to only be us for the most part."

The joyous expression on Ms. Carmichael's face faded and she started to glared. "You two plan to be alone together all day."

Timmy shrugged. "We're probably gonna go do some things, but yea that's kind of the idea." He noticed that the woman in front of him was beginning to act strange, but he had no idea why.

Suddenly her demeanor became calm once more as she lightly pointed at Timmy. "Terrance can I talk to you in the kitchen for a moment?"

This seemed to only confuse the young teen even more. "Ugh sure."

They make their way to the kitchen and as soon as they turned the corner Mrs. Carmichael grabbed Timmy by the collar and shoved him into the refrigerator. "What's your intentions with my daughter?"

"What" he blurted deeply confused. He felt the magnets fall to the ground behind him.

She got nose to nose with him with a fury in her eyes. "You've played nice so far, but I know you Turners. You take and and use whatever you want without any concern on how destructive you are in the process. I will not let you use my daughter,"

Timmy raises his arms up high in defense. "I'm not using her. Chloe and I are friends. She was the one who suggested we hang out alone." This felt near humiliating, the last time he was man handled like this was when he was 10 years old by Vickie.

Mrs. Carmichael let go of him and started to pat her palms together as if she was knocking dirt off of them. "Whatever you say. Just have enough decency to use protection."

Timmy's went wide at the mention of protection. "Wait, hold up. What do you think were going to be doing today?" A chill fell over his spine.

The older woman shrugged while looking him up and down judgtngly. "The usual thing two teenagers do when they are by themselves without any supervision."

"Mom!" Chloe yelled out standing in the doorway of the kitchen. "Leave Timmy alone." She grabbed ahold of his hand and pulled him away.

"Where are you going?" Mrs. Carmichael called out to her daughter frantically.

Without hesitation Chloé looked over her shoulder and with a straight face retorted "I'm gonna go give him a BJ in a Sonic parking lot." Mrs. Carmichael reared back in shock, and looked like she was about to say something. However, Chloé let out a loud scoff and cut her off. "We're gonna go to the park. Give a little faith and trust Mom." She then led Timmy out the door while apologizing. "I'm sorry about that. I was casually flipping through channels one day, and she happened to walk in right as it turned to Cinemax. Ever since then she's been extra vigilant of my virtue."

Timmy simply laughed it off as he started to ponder aloud. "You know I haven't put much thought into it. I always considered that topic kind of part of growing up, which would always worry me about losing Cosmo and Wanda. I guess there's no point in running away from the subject anymore."

Chloé raised an eyebrow while flashing a devilish grin. "You do know how everything works right?"

He rolled his eyes as he kept moving down the driveway and onto the sidewalk. "Of course, I have the Internet. It's just I never considered myself being in that kind of situation with someone else."

As she moved beside him Chloé started to stare at her feet as she absentmindedly spoke her mind as well. "I thought about it once or twice, with certain people. I have no qualms against having a relationship like that with a guy, it just has to be the right guy you know."

"Yea I understand. I mean it is kind of a big deal." As they kept walking Timmy found himself wondering if these were the thoughts and worries that will flood his mind when Cosmo and Wanda leave.

"I suppose. The act doesn't seem that big of a deal, but the emotional trust factors certainly are." Giving a brief glance to Timmy as he stared blankly into the space ahead of them, Chloe couldn't help but feel at peace near him. "You're giving yourself fully into somebody, they see you completely open and vulnerable. It's not something you can take on lightly."

Timmy suddenly halted and began to chuckle. "Didn't you almost strip in front of me this morning?"

Not missing a beat Chloe grinned and responded "That's because I trust you." With that she walked ahead of him towards the park.

Author's Notes: I apologize for how long it took to update this story, hopefully the chapter makes up for it. And I want to give my continued reassurances that these stories are continually worked on and not forgotten.