"So, baby hold on just another day or two.
I can see the clouds are moving faster now,
And the sun is breaking through.

If you can hold on to the one that's holding you,
There is nothing that can stop this crazing love from breaking through."

Hold On by Toby Mac

Weddings could be a nightmare. From the months of planning to endless, mundane discussions about flowers and icing, getting married was a difficult process for all those involved, but this wedding went off without a hitch. That is, except for not being able to find the bride and groom whenever the toasts were being made. A few minutes later, a quick survey of the grounds found the happy couple in a small closet satisfied and smiling. They just couldn't wait for the honeymoon.

The bride couldn't have been more beautiful; Alice made sure of it. The groom seemed to be the lucky son-of-a-bitch who was just happy that she said yes to his marriage proposal. The look on his face throughout the ceremony gave away how much he loved the woman standing beside him who vowed her life and love to him.

An eruption of cat calls and whistles erupted from the small crowd when the preacher presented the new Mr. and Mrs. Emmett McCarty to the congregation. There was never a bigger smile on Edward's face as he stood and applauded the new couple.

The small, private wedding took place on the beach on the Blacks' Miami estate. When Rose let Nessie know that Emmett had proposed, the younger Cullen jumped at the chance to have the ceremony at her house. The beach behind their home was the perfect venue, and having everyone here would bring a bit of home to their new place.

Jacob and Nessie had moved to their dream home after the Dolphins picked him in the second round of the draft. After they received the first installment of his paycheck, they knew they wanted to buy a house. Money never mattered to either of them, but not having to worry about it or ask their family for anything was good for them.

Life had changed since their days at the University of Forks. Being the new starting quarterback for a professional team was a whole new experience. More demands were made of Jacob, and life seemed to speed up ten fold. Their house was their sanctuary; the place where they could be alone and forget the world and the real life demands, at least for a little while.

Nessie happily accepted Jacob's offer to leave the reception for a little while to take a walk on the beach. He needed to get away from all the wedding madness and have time alone with his wife. They walked a little ways, letting the fine sand tickle their feet as they did. Jacob noticed Nessie's pace slowing down a bit and could hear her breathing become labored. He knew they needed to rest; the wedding planning with Alice had consumed her, and just the smallest of tasks wore her out these days.

Nessie lay between his legs as he leaned against a large piece of driftwood that had been used as seating around a fire pit that had long burned out. They listened to the waves lap onto the shore and held each other as the sun disappeared behind the horizon.

Jacob rubbed her swollen belly, a habit he had gotten into lately; he couldn't help himself. His child grew inside her, and there was no bigger pride for him. Watching her get more beautiful everyday as her body changed for their baby made him feel complete and like everything was right with the world. It wouldn't be long before they were able to hold their own baby. Hopefully many more would follow.

Nessie rolled his platinum band around his finger. The Quileute designs etched into the ring calmed her as she ran her fingers back and forth over it. Hers matched his, only smaller. She didn't want a diamond or anything ornate. On their wedding day three years ago, all she'd needed was him; jewelry didn't matter. They were bonded more than any wedding band could signify; they were soul mates in every sense of the word.

On their slow walk back to the party, they held hands. They'd held on through the rough times, clinging to their love, the only thing they had at times. He linked his fingers with hers, holding on to her, the woman who made him a better person. And she melted her body into his, thankful for the man who rescued her.

They knew they would grow old together, bending and not breaking to whatever hardships would come their way. They knew they'd make it if they could just hold on to one another and their love.

And they did.
