-constructive criticism is welcome!-

Chapter one

Final Goodbyes

The group of tricos stopped their attacks on the young beast as they lay still on the ground. Their blueish-grey feathers were ruffled up, bloody, or blowing in the air, ready to fall to the ground like a rain drop.

Disoriented, the group of tricos shook their heads and started to back away from the hurt trico. Whimpers and grumbles of confusion filled the air as tricos started to fall from the sky, plummeting to the ground below. Tricos from the tower soon followed afterward, stumbling backwards and off the large structure.

Trico lied in pain, not bothering to get up just yet. The most pain was in their ears, tail, and neck but the beast soon came to realise that the boy was no where to be seen. Not even a sound of him was nearby. Why wasn't he here to gently pet the blood and ruffled feathers?

Worry flooded Trico as they started to ponder more and more. With a huff of pain, Trico stumbled to their feet, letting out a long sigh afterwards. Ignoring the pain, the young beast limped up to where the boy was. Trico peered down at the boy before letting out a sorrowful roar.

Shaking their body slightly, Trico jumped down to where the boy's lifeless body layed. Gently, the beast nudged the boy, letting out a few panicked roars in attempt to wake him up. A rumbling noise made Trico stop as they glanced up startled.

The tower was starting to collapse, crumbling from top to bottom with the two still on it. Trico sighed as they grabbed the boy by the scruff of his tunic, lifting him up and turning to the opening of the cage like area.

With one rather clumsy jump, Trico pulled themself and the boy free and out onto the crumbling tower top. Looking around, Trico started to find a way off the unstable building, not knowing if their wings were healed enough to fly. Especially after the group of tricos attacked them.

The large beam, used to signal the tricos, fell to the ground, causing Trico to whimper in surprise and panic. It was time to leave, and fast. Trico walked close to the middle of the tower, sitting down briefly as they stared at the sky infront of them. Standing up, Trico shook away the loose feathers before running to the edge of the tower.

They jumped, wings spread in an attempt to fly but they buckled under the pressure of the wind, causing Trico to lean forward. The beast started to head for the ground below, seeming to have the same fate as the others. As Trico fell flashes of their and the boy's experience at the valley came to mind.

The loyalty and respect they had for one another. How many times Trico had saved the boy and the boy had saved Trico. It wasn't fair, it couldn't end this way. With a muffled roar, Trico pulled up, missing the buildings that they nearly hit. Flapping their wings, Trico went higher and higher, seeing the barrier of the land come into view.

A roar caught their attention as they glanced down at the trico they fought earlier. The trico who once stood proud with two horns and head armor covering it's face, only showing it's red eyes now stood in a crouching position with one of it's horns broken along with it's mask.

Trico returned the roar before turning their attention to the barrier. Slamming into it, Trico started to climb up, their hind legs slipping along with some of the rocks. But eventually the beast pulled themselves up onto the barrier finally free.

Placing the boy on the ground, Trico nudged him once more, hoping that he would wake up. It became clear to them that this time they couldn't help him by themselves, they knew what they needed to do. Trico grabbed the boy in their mouth before swallowing him, shame running through Trico as it reminded them of the beast they were.

Trico ran off the barrier before jumping, flying in the air as feathers trailed behind.

Trico let out a sigh of relief as they saw the village come into view. It was risky to approach the village, especially at a time like morning. But if this ment they could save the boy then that's what Trico was going to do.

The ground was coming closer to Trico, but they made no effort to slow down. The beast crashed down onto the ground, letting out heavy pants as they stayed still. The pain was worse than before but Trico tried to stand up as villagers started to swarm them.

Trico soon gave up on standing and instead started to puke up the boy. After a few tries, Trico soon spit the boy up, laying their head down to rest. Trico heard the boy cough softly, indicating that he was still alive. But Trico didn't know how long this would last.

None of the humans dared to come close to them in fear of being hurt or killed by this beasts. Spears faced Trico, warning them to try something but they didn't. After moments of waiting, Trico roared impatiently before pushing the boy closer to them with their muzzle.

The boy was now panting, still alive and somewhat well. The leader of the village, dressed in all white, came forward and quickly grabbed the boy before taking him over to a village elder and the care taker. Trico watched with a pang of sadness in their heart as they watched their best friend being taken away.

Trico let out a hurt roar before their eyes flashed a bright white. They then glanced around at the surrounding humans that held spears, some jabbing them threateningly. Trico's work was done now, the boy was home and now safe.

Trico was now unneeded.

Snarling, Trico glared at the humans, swiping at one that came too close. They continued to do this even when spears pierced their sides. A soft noise reached Trico's ears making them perk up.


It was the boy. Trico slowed down and watched the child from the corner of their eyes. The boy seemed to be trying to do something, specifically with his hand. Trico watched carefully now as the boy muttered quietly and pointed away from the village.

Trico blinked at the motion but nonetheless obeyed. Slowly standing up with a pained roar, Trico tilted their head as they stared longingly at the boy before bolting forward. They jumped over the crowd of people as they flapped their wings, taking to the sky.

When they were at a safe distance in the air, Trico let out a loud screech. It was a screech of pain and happiness but more importantly it was a screech for their boy.

1144 words, nice! I decided to do this scene as chapter one because... I don't know. The next chapter will come out soon, hopefully this week but I don't know for sure. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I'll try to make the next one better.