Bath Bombs

It was quite by accident that Fred and George found out about muggle bath bombs. Hermione had given Ginny a basket full of muggle beauty products for her birthday. The twins had not been interested in beauty products at all. Until they overheard Hermione say the word bomb while holding a small round ball. Their eyes lit up with glee. A bomb? Could it be a stink bomb like the dungbombs they were so fond of?

Once glance between the twins was all that was needed to know they HAD to get their hands on that bomb by any means necessary. Quickly, George slipped Ron a Ton tongue toffee, while Fred used the distraction to get his hands on the bomb. He motioned to George and they raced up the stairs.

Cradling the bomb gently they ran all sorts of tests on it. Curious to see how bad it smelled, they unwrapped it. Careful not to drop it, least it stink up the whole dorm. The confusion was evident when they realized it smelled like flowers. But not in a bad way. Well, it wasn't a stink bomb, so what kind of bomb could it be? They thought back to the basket and realized almost all the items were for bathing. Maybe this was something to do with that.

The twins analyzed the bomb for several days, even using their potions knife to chip some of it off. It wasn't until a drop of water accidentally spilled on the sliver they had chipped off that they saw what it did. The sliver began fizzing madly. With a look of delight, the twins began to gather ingredients. They were going to make their own bombs. Only these would be prank ones.

They had just finished the first batch of bombs, and decided to use one on Percy. They followed him to the Prefects bathroom, counted to 1000 and then sneaked in. Percy was in the enormous tub, his back to the twins. He hadn't even heard them come in. Grinning maniacally, Fred tossed a several of the bombs in the bath. They fizzing began immediately. Percy was trying to figure out what was going on, and what had been thrown in the tub that he didn't notice the fact that they were turning his skin green. He was so busy yelling at the twins as they raced out, that he merely hurried out of the tub ans threw his clothes on.

On his way to the tower to find the twins he noticed people were giving him funny looks. It wasn't until he reached the fat lady that someone asked if he was feeling alright. He looked at them like they had lost their minds. Why ever would they ask that? Entering the portrait hole, he passed a mirror hanging up. He glanced and kept on walking like usual. Then his brain processed what he had seen. He stopped, backed up and looked in the mirror again. His face had giant green splotches all over it. Lifting his hands to his face he realized that they too were green. Screaming bloody murder he raced up to the twins dorm. In a nearby corner, a pair of red headed boys stood under the borrowed invisiblity cloak.

That was the beginning of a whole line of bombs for their future store. They made bombs that did just about anything you could imagine. Hermione never did understand why the twins started being nicer to her, but it was their way of thanking her for a great invention.