Fate series and characters belong to Nasu and TypeMoon

In a bedroom, a raven-haired teen wearing a white T-shirt and dark blue shorts spin from his swivel chair. He pushed the chair towards the orange-haired girl sitting on his bed, examining the flyer she was holding.

With his blue orbs narrowed, he looked at her and questioned, "A recruitment flyer to be a mage?"

"That's right, Ritsuka!" She grinned at him. A finger pointing at the bottom corner of the paper that showed the word: 'You're hired!'. "And, there wasn't a need for an interview too! I went for a blood test, and they told me I'm in for the job!"

"You're sure what they say is true, Ritsuko? Not some lady who charmed you by her beauty and complimented you? You remember we need a decent amount of work experience before we graduate from high school, right?" Ritsuka reminded with one of his brows raised.

Ritsuko folded her arms and glared, "I'm not an easy person to get charmed by every woman's appearance! And, it's a guy that told me I got the job. You should try, who knows you can get it too! They also said they are a government agency, so it's ideal for our portfolio!"

At another dubious expression to her grin, Ritsuka pushed himself on the chair back to his laptop and said, "Definitely a con job, Ritsuko. There's no way, they would accept you in just by taking your blood. Besides, they could be some dangerous organization–!"

His words interrupted when Ritsuko had placed her hands on his shoulder. As he turned around to ask, Ritsuka shook up in surprise at her fearful and pleading face, she shouted, "Please…. Please help me, Onii-chan! I'm begging you, please come with me to their organization!"

"H-Hah?! W-What did you this time?!" Ritsuka yelled back in surprise, not questioned of her abrupt way of addressing him.

"I-I said I got the job, but I didn't want it too! They were going on about weird things of saving humanity… A-And, I rejected them but they were insistent that I should! They were following me right after I leave that place!"

Knock! Knock!

"T-They are here!" Ritsuko screamed, jumping and clinging to her brother. The sound of knocking came again from below them.

Ritsuka facepalmed and groaned, "They are even worse than the salesperson on the street…! But, I'm still not joining you, Ritsuko. This is your mess, and you will get out of it yourself."

"N-Not fair! I even submitted your blood to them for the application. There's no way you will leave me to go with them," Ritsuko glared back.

"Submitted my what now?! When?!" This time, it was Ritsuka who screamed back at his sister.

"Erm… Remember the night before you got a cut from the knife? While you were cooking dinner? H-Hey, at least you got in too!" Ritsuko replied with a nervous smile. But, it earned a harsher glare from Ritsuka.

Knock! Knock!

The pair flinched and hugged each other in fear at their persistent stalker. Blue orbs met orange orbs hoping that they would give up and turned to leave. Unfortunately for the siblings….

Knock! Knock!

A second of silence later, Ritsuka sighed and conceded, "Fine."

"Eh?" Ritsuko turned back to her brother with a confused expression.

Ritsuka removed his arms from her and continued, "I'll try to persuade them into letting us go. Otherwise, I'm coming with you since you already dragged me to this level of hell."

"R-Really?! Thank you, Ritsuka!" Ritsuko squealed, giving a tight grateful hug to her brother.

Ritsuka sighed and patted her head, "The things I sacrifice for my little sister…"

"But you love me still, Onii-chan." Ritsuko winked back mischievously.

The older brother rolled his eyes with an amused expression, added, "I'll love you more if you stop having me to play matchmaking with any of the female colleagues."

"Deal! And, I'll help you find the best boyfriend you'll be on knees for introducing him to you!"

Despite the faint blush on his cheeks, Ritsuka chided, "Leave me and my love life out of this. Come on, we got an irritating stalker to deal with."

IAs Ritsuka stood up, Ritsuko removed her arms and laughed at his earlier reaction. He rolled his eyes again and walked out of his room with Ritsuko in tow.

Prologue End

Hey there! This is reposted from AO3

And yeah, this is my first time doing a novelization...
I had hesitation in doing this as generally making most of the canon characters too OOC or so
Ritsuka and Ritsuko (Aka Gudako) will most likely be near borderline OC-like personality
I'm following the options given from the game, but there's input that would change

Also there's original twists in the stories in both servants and story wise, but not so much for the latter

Hope you guys enjoyed this story :)