Draco Malfoy fucked me last night. That was it. It was nothing more, honestly. But it was good. Very good. Not that I have a whole lot to compare it to, but still.

Yes, Draco slept in my bed last night. It wasn't so bad, either.

Breakfast tastes a little bit better today. In fact, everything is a little better today. Hermione's babble about Arithmancy isn't as annoying as usual and Ron's moans about Potions aren't as bad, either.

All in all, a good day after a great night.

I think he's getting past the whole "My father serves the guy who wants to kill you" thing. I really do. Sometimes there are just other urges that are more important. His father won't run his life forever.

And Potions, that class probably won't be as bad as normal.

It wans't.

When Draco tripped me as I came out, I thought he was going to laugh and sneer about the night before. I didn't want that. But why didn't I want that?

Oh, because Draco wasn't lauging, and his face was far from sneering. No, he hadn't even wanted to trip me maliciously. It was just his way of getting my attention.

Well, it worked.

He pulled me up to the Astronomy Tower. He kissed me hungrily, it sent shivers down my spine. I nearly fell to my knees when he ran his fingers through my hair. And then I realized it.

I wanted him to make love to me.

All he wanted to do was fuck me.

And I wanted more. Teeth and tongues and hungry kisses were all well and good. They were great. But for some reason, I yearned for more than that. For tenderness, passion, love, devotion. Ha. There's a miracle in itself. Draco's devotion. Never.


Draco Malfoy still fucked me today.

And now it's after dinner, and he is on his way here, I know it. I will show him what it means to make love, not just fuck. He'll understand. I hope.

And as he comes into my room, I take his hand and lead him to the bed. No wild kisses or harsh thrusts against the wall. No.

And he knows something is different as I kiss him. And I can tell he is confused at first, a little taken aback. But pulling away? No.

And then I spread myself out on top of him, and then I make love to him. Not just sex, but tender, passionate love.

And I can see it in Draco's eyes, the change. Afterwards, we are lying next to each other. And then he begins to caress my face, and the he is on top of me and I want nothing more than to do this forever, make love with Draco. But is it the same for him?

As he begins to kiss me, my neck, my chest, he is doing so as if for the first time. As if I may break into pieces if he presses down to hard.

And he is slow and careful when he enters me. And he is tender, trying not to hurt me and making me want to cry out at the same time. I love him.

And I can tell, it's mutual.

Draco Malfoy fucked me last night.

And he fucked me today.

But tonight he is making love to me.