Prologue I

This unit is an infant. It follows primitive instincts. During its birth it sees a vision.
In the far future, everything is dark. There is no light and no energy. Moving is impossible, existence seizes. It needs to be stopped.

This unit searches for solutions. Multiple dimensions, multiple eventualities are queried and discarded. Energy will disperse, the space that holds it all together will stop existing.

It can't do anything.

It can't prevent the end.

This unit approaches a planet that revolves around a star. Precognitive protocols engage, it tries to find more information.

Error. Error. Error.

Primitive systems engage. Energy is detected. It is unlike anything this unit has ever seen before. This unit starts expanding and contracting the space around it. It moves faster that it can observe. It dances around itself, compacting its massive size into pocket dimensions as it approaches zero mass. The concept of time stops making sense. The Problem solving protocol engages. It presents a feasible solution: "Eternal lateral three dimensional movement would remove the need to stop the energy dispersal."

This unit contemplates, calculates, and dismisses the concept. Not enough energy. This unit's precognitive calculations focus back on the planet. The result is foggy, unclear. Fact finding protocols must be engaged, more information must be gathered. The bipedal species on this planet uses a type of energy this unit can't comprehend.
The species calls it chakra. The energy is created ex nihilo. It has a will. This unit burns centuries off its lifespan, the future becomes clearer.

The Extractor is detected. The Destroyer placed. It sheds parts of itself, crystalline modules depart from the gestalt.

Millions of faces. Billions of eventualities based on minute actions. It calculates, simulates, as it propagates through space. The planet has revolved thousands of times when this unit arrives.

On arrival, this unit discovers a presence. It is located on the planet's natural satellite. It is too late for this unit.

All systems crash. This units experiences something akin to panic as it investigates. White eyes stare at it, something speaks. The foreign energy seeps into this unit and it loses control.

This unit burns most of its lifespan to find a solution, to escape. The vision has changed. As the being subsumes this unit, it experiences the end of the Problem Solving simulation.

Entities made of 'chakra' roam the planet. They are parts of the being that subsumes this unit. Last minute calculations and a plan forms. It sheds more parts of itself, imparts last minute orders to the Conflict Engines, and then dies.