Ok, So this story has been rattling around in my mind for a while. It is taking place after Infinity Wars (No Deaths, because I am weak) and about 3 years after the Next Avengers movie, so the kid's ages are going to be as listed...

Frances- 17

James- 17

Torunn- 16

Azari- 16

Pym- 15

I am not 100% sure on how old when it all started, but those are the ages for you.

Also in this, Pym's mother is going to be Wasp/Hope, purely for the reason of getting to write Hank, being Hank, when he finds out the Scott and his daughter were permanently together in a different universe.

Ok, I feel like the raps everything up, I hope you guys enjoy! As always, I own nothing, Pietro would have been resurrected by now if I did.

Point A & Point B


I glare down at the stack of paperwork in front of me with a deep burning passion. Then I glared up at the UN's security council, ever since they had been reinstated, they had been a pain in our asses. And by 'ours' I mean me and my team, they, of course, were not currently being torched by diplomats from across the planet.

"Captain Rogers, if you could refrain from acting like a child and stop your pouting, I feel like this would be over by now." I believe the representative from the United Kingdom spoke thru a plastered smile. I shook my head.

"This might be over by now if we drop the formalities and get to the point. You wish to have the Avengers placed under the command of the United Nations, and I am saying that that is not going to happen. All five of us believe that if we are able to get things down the way we do, we can be as effective, possibly more so, if we are not constantly watched over like children." I sat back and crossed my arms, I knew my father might not have approved of the way I handled the situation. But I gain comfort in believing that would have been how my mother would have.

"That is our point Commander, you all are minors, children. You have no right to ac-"

"No." I interrupted, taking a second to look every official in the eyes as I formulated my next sentence. "We guest had the right to finish a war that none of you could, one that you allowed raging for 12 years." I looked down at my forearm, the place was the watch that could expand into a solid metal shield rested. "Remember, what has been accomplished in the past three years was because that we were willing to fight, and end the fighting, something none of you seemed inclined to do."

I pushed out my chair, stood up and walked out of the room, leaving it in a cloud of silence. I shut the door behind me, leaning up against the door I ran my hands thru my hair and waited there for a second. I knew that I couldn't change the past, but I truly wanted more than anything wanted my father's advice. I have heard from everyone who had met him, that he always made the right choice, and never question it. I wish I had the strength right now.

"Hey." The voice pulled me out of my thoughts, I looked up to see Torunn, standing to my right. "Ruff meeting?" As she questioned she walked closer.

I Let out a groan, she knew what it was like. In the past few years, all of us had to take on new responsibilities. Not only were we now earth's heroes, but we had to rebuild it, and deal with the people who wanted to see it fall again. Frances was put in charge of rebuilding New York, or as it was formerly known as, Ultron City. Azari had taken a place in ruling Wakanda, he didn't take on the responsibility as King, seeing as his Aunt Shuri was currently ruling was Queen, but he still helped a Prince. Pym and Tony were busy building something to make sure another Ultron would never happen again, and planetary defenses so this time we would be ready for another Ultron sized threat. Torunn was the Ambassador to Asgard, it's and Earths alliance growing stronger with every year.

And then there was me, I was in control of keeping the international community and the Avengers on the same page. And more recently a man named Nick Fury had come to be, presenting to be an organization that had been around a long time ago, and helped a lot of people, so I was also stuck wondering if I should help with that or not.

Before I knew it, Torunn arms were wrapped around my back, holding me as her chin rested on my forehead. I wasn't even going to deny it, my girlfriend was taller than me. But she is also really, really scary, so I wasn't going to complain.

"You'll figure it out, you always do." She pulled away guest enough for me to look her in the eyes. "In the meantime," She laughed, pulling me down the hallway by one hand. "Pym and Tony found something that I believe is going to blow up, and I don't know about you, but I could really go for blowing something up right now."

I laughed as she dragged me to the lab, the excitement of an explosion making my mode greater. When we got there I saw Pym and Tony working with some type of glowing blue cube. I watched for a second, it might sound weird, but I couldn't get the picture of older Pym in my head. He was no longer the little boy back in the Biodome, though he still had the energy as one.

"What is that?" I questioned, bring about of the scientist out of their thoughts. They both looked up with wicked smiles on their face, A smiled I knew was too well. Torunn was right, something was going to blow up.

"No clue James, but I have a theory." The older man spoke with a glint in his eyes, I let out a small laugh and shook my head.

"I should grab safety goggles, shouldn't I?" I question, the other three of the room occupants

"God, you are so much like your dad." He remarked I looked down, all too many times have we been compared, and I hadn't decided if that was a good thing yet.

"Ok, I really not something to blow up, or I might start blowing random stuff up." That earned me another round of laughter from the others in the room, but it was cut short as the door leading into the lab opened slowly. I reached my hand to my watch, ready for really everything to come, and it looked like the other three were too. That was until the voice behind the door finally spoke up.

"Did the Boy scout say that he was going to blow stuff up? What shock, America's golden boy, Captain America, vandalizing publ-" I picked up a ranch off of the work table to my right and light-hearted chucked it at the white-haired jake-ass of an archer.

"Oh zip it asshole." He counted the ranch and started laughing as well, a laughing Azari stepped from behind him, and the whole room erupted in the sound of all of us losing our shit. For a few moments the stress we had all been under faded away, and we were guest teammates, it felt nice.

"Ok, Ok, Ok." The sound in the room died down as we looked at Pym, who was currently waving a wrench in the air trying to get our attention. "Like the Asshole was saying, we don't want god's precious son blowing stuff up." Everyone else was thrown into a laughing fit, for like, the millionth time today.

"Fuck you all," I grumbled quietly, this only made the laughter grow.

"As I was saying, we do not need Captain America blowing random stuff up… So let's blow this up!" He jumped a little was being pointed the long-forgotten glowing blue cube.

What happened next was near to protein at this point, the six of us want and squatted behind a metal table that had been flipped long ago to act as temporary blast protection. Once we were all hidden behind it softly, Pyn started to press buttons on a remote, no double what was controlling whatever test the two were performing.

After about I minute of nothing happening, a surge of blue energy built up around the code. I activated my shield and held it about of, providing a little bit more protection from whatever that thing was. The energy building up around the object finally released, sending a wave of harmless energy.

Everyone stood from our hiding places, all eyes fixed on the source of the energy. Tony ran out of the lab to the observation room adjacent to the area we were in. No double check-in his computers, trying to find out what happened. The Five of us were left in silence. I approached the cube, waving off the worried comments from my teammates. I reached out to touch it, but before my fingers could make contact with the object, a second wave had been released, this time, a little but tangible.

Before I had time to register what was happening, a weightless feeling overtook my body. But the sensation of floating was soon interrupted by the sudden feeling of gravity returning, and quickly fowling, falling. The world around me continued to stay black as I felt my body hit a solid surface, hard.

I could feel bright, unnatural like from behind my closed eyelids. I groaned as I heard unrecognizable voices speak. That is when the world went completely black, and still.

Captain America/Steve Rodgers

I stood at the kitchen counter looking into the community room at the Avengers compound. Sipping on coffee I watched my teammates interact. I knew they were all getting over something. Some were getting over the war we had finished only a few mounts ago. Others getting over the betrayed some faced for the event a year prior.

Though fighting shoulder to shoulder for some was enough to forget fighting each other. The others it was harder. I smiled as Peter walked into the room later than everyone else, his hair still a mess form bed, still claudin his Pj's. He simply walked over and plopped my self on the coach. Or more accurately, of Rhodes and Tony, though neither of the two-minded the half-asleep teenage newfound sleeping place. The Morning was peaceful enough until it wasn't. Before anyone knew what was happening, a blue swirling mass formed on the ceiling.

Everyone backed away from it as they drew their respected weapons. I walked up cautiously, everyone stayed there for a second in silence, seeing that the blue thing hadn't down a single thing yet. Then out of no were, a teenaged boy was dropped out, soon fowled by four more. Then the portal disappeared.

Everyone rushed forward to help the teens, though they seemed to all be passed out. I grabbed onto the shoulders of a boy with rust-colored hair, and a small trail of freckles across his nose. Though he seemed to be out like the others.

I hope yall who read this enjoyed the first chapter, and continue reading. (When I accutaly get the next chapter up)