Set during Scott's death in S5E10, the 15 minutes he was dead.

He opened his eyes to see he was where he used to meet Allison in the woods.

'Scott' he could never forget her voice, he turned around and felt his air leave him. Allison was right in front of him smiling at him. She wasn't a day older then when he had last seen her. They rushed to each other embracing in a tight hug. He smelt her scent, listened to her strong heartbeat. When they broke apart but still very close and still holding hands, he felt a single tear fall as he told her

'I failed them Allison, I failed everyone.' She wiped his lone tear away, and he kissed her hand

'No, you haven't Scott.' She told him softly. He only shook his head

'I did, I couldn't save Hayden, I trusted Theo the person who killed me over my own brother. I pushed everyone away not meaning to. I fought Allison and I lost.' He looked down at the ground ashamed of what he had done from the last time they had been together.

'Scott, you did what you thought was right with Hayden, she wouldn't have survived the bit. Stiles, all brothers have their fights, but they always come out on top at some point. You must fight for them, to win. Be strong like I know you can be. You might have lost a battle, but you haven't lost the war. Not yet.'

'But I'm so tired Allison, I don't have any fight left in me. Anyway, I died Allison, I can't fight even if I wanted to.' He looked at her and he cupped his face

'listen' she told him. He heard quiet voices from a far, somewhere in the distance.

What are you doing? Was that Mason's voice, right he was there, that poor kid, he had to see Scott be killed

Bringing him back, his mother's voice rang out.

'There are people trying to fight to bring you back Scott, they haven't given up yet. I talked to Aiden when he got here, he told me the reason he died was Derek told them that you Scott, you get up and fight when no one else does.'

'I don't want to leave you' he told her, holding her hand, he just wanted to stay here with her.

'I know, but the Scott I know would never give up when he still has a chance to stand up and fight. You are been given an opportunity to stand back up and fight, to save as many people as you can. They might not know it and you might not know it. But if you die right now, they, they wont survive. I know you don't think it is true but, I know you have a little fight left in you because if not we wouldn't be here. Trust me one last time Scott.' She told him

He's my son, and he's an alpha and he's too strong to die like this

He didn't believe anything she said, but he trusted Allison.

'But I, I don't want to leave you. I trust you, I do.'

'I will be here when it is your time. I will wait for you, because we are meant to be together. I don't care how long it takes. I will be here when you come.'

Come on Scott roar

She leant in and kissed him, he missed her lips, he missed her.


When they broke apart Allison whispered 'Roar, Scott roar' and so he did he opened his eyes and roared as loud as he could.