Don't Say It Out Loud!

Ari lay silently on the freshly washed sheets of the canopy bed. The room was silent, save for the sound of the cool air blowing from the air conditioning vents. The bedroom was lit by the soft glow of the amber lights lining the top of the ceiling, giving off a kind of home sweet home vibe and she basked in the carefree feeling that surrounded her in the quaint little space.

She loved their bedroom. It was her little safe place where she was free to do whatever she wanted, uninterrupted and without any unwanted attention. It was hard to describe the level of comfort she found here but she didn't care, she simply enjoyed the moments. Snuggling her face into the soft, warm pillow she reflected on the day's events and was happy to finally be home and able to rest.

She tended to always feel this kind of satisfaction after spending a long day out running errands with the crew. To her, all the running around not only got things done, but it gave her something to look forward to. It was one of her simple pleasures to come home, take a hot shower, flop down onto the bed and simply exist. That's it. Just taking a moment to breathe and just...well, be. She hadn't even taken the time to put on a full set of PJs. She simply threw on an abnormally long, pink tank top and her silk black housecoat and called it quits.

Ari sighed to herself, distantly wondering if she should eat something before retiring for the night. She glanced over at the wall clock. 11:56PM. She knew it didn't really matter to her what time it was. It was already late because they had all returned late, but lateness did not thwart hunger. The real issue was finding some spare energy to actually get up and cook something, much less walk all the way into the kitchen. Ari let her eyes slowly slide closed.

Who am I kidding? I am way too comfortable to do anything right now.

As she lay borderline battling in her mind over what she was going to do about food, she felt a strange sensation against her lower back. Her very lower back. Her eyes went wide for a brief moment before settling back in a knowing stare that was still directed at the wall across from her. She waited a few moments, but the sensation continued.

"So you're just going to pull on them like that?"


Ari rolled her eyes at the simple answer and smirked.


"Because that's what they're for."

"Oh, really?"

"That is, until I decide how else I shall play with them tonight..." Vergil gently tugged at the thin silk ribbons that hung from a small laced up portion that adorned the back of Ari's panties. He leaned over and slowly began to kiss his way up her arm, his platinum hair falling over one of his eyes as he did.

"Whatever." Ari hummed, "Stop it."

"Hm. But I thought you enjoyed when I..."

"Vergil!" Ari's cheeks began to get hot and her stomach fluttered. Vergil could be so blunt sometimes and it made her feel something. She didn't know exactly what, but it was just that: something.

Vergil slowly lifted a brow at her sudden interruption, "Don't you think it's quite futile to be shy at this point darling?" he had a somewhat bored tone, making it seem like a rhetorical question.

Vergil brought his hand up to rest on Ari's waist as his lips found their way to her neck...and then her ear. He purposely nibbled at her earlobe with one of his canines, earning a verbal protest and a swat as she turned to look at him who she realized had laid down next to her, resting on his side and propping himself on one arm.

Ari knew he had a point, but yet there was just something that stirred timidity within her when he did certain things. She knew that she could be slightly self-conscious sometimes, whether it was justified or not was still debatable though. Regardless, she was very aware of Vergil's uncanny ability to make her feel like covering every part of her body whether it be arms, legs, eyelids, you name it.

This reaction that threatened her every now and then was not because he criticized her or anything like that. Quite the contrary. Vergil just had a stare that she felt like burned into her very soul. The way she would catch him gazing at her sometimes with an almost predatory look would have her blushing beyond recognition. And she could definitely tell the moments when he was undressing her with his eyes, those were the times where she felt especially self conscious.

She also took into account the fact that she had never been with any other man before Vergil. In lieu of this, she believed it fair to say that she was still getting used to being looked at in this way by a man who had actually seen her as naked as the day she was born. And with Vergil being such an attentive lover, she knew in the back of her mind that he saw every imperfection she knew existed on her body, even if he didn't make mention of any of them.

"But still, it's different when you say those things out loud." Ari could see something in his eyes, but she couldn't quite decipher it.

"How so?" Vergil was curious.

He didn't understand why she sometimes got so flustered. Much of what they had gotten up to at this point he believed should have completely eradicated any chance of timidity. What was there to be shy about? She was absolutely beautiful and he loved seeing her presented in the nude before him. He most certainly did not feel even an inkling of any such shyness. It was quite easy for him to show himself bare in her presence and he was always amused at the way she would behave when he did. What was the issue?

He smirked at the thought of the first time they got naked together. Well, he got naked. Ari was undressed by she covered her eyes and squealed every so often about 'not believing she's about to do this.' He remembered glancing up at her as he slowly undid the button on her pants and seeing her sneak peeks between her fingers before hiding her eyes again. He just didn't get it, what was he missing here? After their first few rendezvous, he thought it would have stopped, but here they were one full year into their marriage and she was still trying to cover herself when he walked into the room as she changed or when he decided to join her for a shower.

"I don't know. It just is." Ari hoped he wouldn't press further. She just didn't know how to explain it. She knew it was useless to feel shy with him, but she felt like she couldn't help it sometimes.

"No it isn't. I know you enjoy it when I touch your-"



Confusion flashed across Ari's features before she narrowed her eyes. Vergil stared back at her with a blank expression. Neither of them spoke as brown eyes blinked once, before blue ones mirrored the action.

"Don't do that." Ari began, "You were not going to say arm."

"I was." Vergil was amused but he hid it from his tone at that moment.

"Vergil, you were not." Ari knew he was trying to toy with her. Given the way their conversation had been going already, there was no chance he was actually going to say arm. She refused to let him get her to doubt and think otherwise.

"I did say arm, my love. You are quite odd sometimes woman." Vergil leaned over and kissed her neck before moving up to plant a kiss on her brown curly locks.

Running his hand over the curve of her thigh, he admired her caramel colored skin. Flickering his eyes up to hers, a smirk tugged at his lips at her unbelieving expression before he re-focused on tracing his fingers over her waist.

"Well you're not too normal yourself there buddy. So..." Ari's grin was full of mischief as her voice trailed and she turned her head back to face the wall. If Vergil wanted to play, then she would play harder.

"Whatever..." Vergil's smirk spread into a devious smile as he decided what he would do next and he gave Ari a small firm smack to her backside.

Ari nudged him with her elbow and turned again to look at him as a low laugh rumbled in his throat, "You always do that."

Vergil simply stared at her, wordlessly. Ari could see the mischief swirling within his gaze.

"...You just like to touch my butt." Ari rolled her eyes with a smirk and turned back over again.

"I don't need to spank you to touch your butt my dear." Vergil purred, "I can just simply use my...arm."

Ari giggled, "Go to sleep Vergil."