Chapter 7: Peace, Love And All That Good Stuff.

A few months had passed and with the danger out of their lives, Tom and Jerry decided to take the next step in their partnership. Yes, they planned to get married the following spring.

Tom wrote to his cousin George, inviting him along with his old friends. Knowing no harm could come upon them, Lightning, Topsy, Toots, Meathead, Toodles, and Butch agreed to attend the service.

Jerry invited his look-alike cousin, Muscles, his sister and nephew Nibbles. He had Spike be his best male, and Tike would help Nibbles with the rings. It was a beautiful day, the trees and flowers were out in bloom. Jerry stood with Tom as the guests filed into the backyard.

"Well all I gotta say is, ya better be take good care of my little cousin, pussycat," said Muscles in his gruff voice.

Tom gave him a nod, still somewhat afraid of the tiny yet tough mouse. Jerry smiled and greeted some of his other friends.

"Oh boy, now I'm going to have to Uncles instead of one. I can't wait, We're going to have lots of fun together," chirped Nibbles.

Jerry patted him on the head and Tom only sighed, knowing the little mouse could be quite the handful.

"Oh, Thomas, I'm so happy things worked out," said Toodles. She hugged him and when she stood back Tom saw she was pregnant. "Oh this, yes well what can I say, Butch and I are finally going to be parents."

"Hi ya, Tom," said Butch.

Tom hadn't seen Butch since the fight but wanted to put the past behind them. He hugged Butch and slowly Butch hugged back, embracing his old friend.

"That's what I like about ya Tom, yer such a good guy," said Butch.

As the cats left Tom turned to Jerry, unable to contain his joy. Before the pair could hold paws, a 'duck voice' rang out.

"Mama!" said a yellow duck, Quackers. He rushed up and hugged Tom, who embraced him back. "Now I'm going to have a daddy."

Jerry laughed as he found it funny how the duck referred to Tom as a mother, when it was clear he was a tomcat. After everyone found their seats, Tom and Jerry stood paw and paw, waiting patiently as Jerry's Uncle Pecos was going to unite them.

"And now, the couple with to sing their vows to one another," said Uncle Pecos.


"With our friends and family here, to witness such an occasion, We've seen the worst, the best of each other, and I wouldn't change one thing about you,"

"I'll take you through sickness and health, For rich or for poor, or even poorer, I'll always be faithful, till death do us, I love you, I do,"


"We may have hurt each other, Yet we'd fight a third party together, I always knew, you'd be there for me, and I with you, so take my paw,"

"I'll take you through sickness and health, For rich or for poor, or even poorer, I'll always be faithful, till death do us, I love you, I do,"


"No storm, or any harm, will ever come between us, I'll take you through sickness and health, For rich or for poor, or even poorer, I'll always be faithful, till death do us, I love you, I do."

"Very good, I now pronounce you cat and mouse, you may now kiss each other," said Uncle Pecos.

Tom picked Jerry up and the two shared a kiss. The group cheered and clapped for the pair happy to see United. The two shared a smile and turned to their family and friends, bowing to them. After the ceremony, there was food and music and everyone chatted, getting to know one another. Tom and Jerry stood watching as all their friends, who were different animals all came together for the sake of love.

"What?" asked Tom.

"Nothing, it's just if animals can come together like this, why can't humans?" wondered Jerry.

"Who knows, but love can save the world, someday," said Tom. "So mate, what do you say we dance, my favorite song is playing."

Jerry laughed and the two went out, joining in on the fun. Tom held Jerry and the two stared into each other's eyes, knowing they would always be together.

The End.