Fargo, North Dakota. Home of the Gerhardt crime syndicate. They were what my dad called and mom and pop shop. They kept it all in the family and ruled how they saw fit. They owned the judges, the cops everyone. They are in peace times right now. I was never used to snow like this. There was so much of it. It was beautiful though and with the snow and the color of the family I was going to see, I could hide in it. Our black car was pulling past the gates of their residence. Men with guns were watching as we entered. Their large white home was coming into view and slowly my driver, Silas parked the car right before the house. They're waiting.

Otto was the head of the family. He ruled with an iron and left bodies behind and didn't even care who saw. Floyd, his wife, my godmother was beside him in a red coat. She may be old, but she was just as ruthless as she was in her youth. Dodd was standing there hands on his hips trying to give off the same authority as his father. Standing behind Floyd was middle child, Bear and in his hand a big turkey leg. Go figure. Rye the youngest was not anywhere to be found. Standing at the bottom of the porch near the side of the house was Ohanzee Dent. He looked at me with tired and cold eyes and I couldn't help but stare as we were finally in each other's presence again. Silas cut the car off and got out. His guns were in holsters around his chest which were hidden under his black leather jacket. Georgia thugs always wore black. He moved around to my side which was behind the passenger's side. He opened the door and extended his hand to me. I took it and he helped out into the cold.

"Watch your step, Miss Everdale." he said and I smiled my thanks and looked at the porch of Gerhardt's. I was shaking some and moved toward the familiar house with Silas moving to the back to get my bags. I was safe here. Once I was the first step of the porch Otto nodded and waved me up to him.

"Well come on up let me get a look at you." he said gruffly and I smiled and moved up to him and stood before him. He gave me a look over and nodded.

"Yeah, just as I remember you. You've grown quite a lot Dawn." he said sternly, but I smiled nonetheless.

"Thank you. Daddy sends his thanks and the fifty grand will be delivered every 5 months like promised for my stays here." I replied and he nodded.

"Good. Back to business." he said and moved back into the house. Dodd just walked over to me.

"I don't want no trouble from you while you stay here, got it? I got half breed watching you so you mess up and I will know." he stated.

"Dodd, stop it. Why don't you go help bring Dawn's bags in. Bear you too." Floyd commanded before coming over and hugging me. Dodd huffed and slowly moved down the stairs.

"Yes ma'am." Bear said obediently.

"Don't you worry about him now. Whatever mess is going on in Georgia, your father has got it handled." I nodded slowly looking around a bit at the white ocean below me.

"You don't have any Klan here do you?" I asked nervously. Floyd took my hands and shook her head.

"No. Any one rubs you the wrong way my boys will handle them." she stated and I smiled some before hugging her again. Silas followed Dodd and Bear inside with my bags and I followed.

"Is Simone around?" I asked and Floyd walked beside me.

"No. Probably out with Rye all around town. You know the kids." she said and I nodded. To them I was still a kid, well I am twenty-five. But they hadn't seen me in years anyways. But I was never a problem to them when my dad sent me away to stay with them. My dad had a few run ins with Otto, saved his life on more than one occasion. They looked past race in order to do business. But soon business got personal.

Once I said my goodbyes to Silas, I decided to just relax in a hot shower. As the water ran over my curls, I thought to myself and wondered how long I would be here. I heard a noise coming from outside the curtain. It sounded like someone was peeing. I pulled the curtains back just enough so my face was sticking out to groan in annoyance.

"Dodd, really!" I snapped. Dodd was just sighing with relief as he relieved himself in the toilet. I looked right down watching in shock that he would just come in and urinate while I was showering.

"Hey this is my house, my rules. I do whatever I want." he said glancing at me with authority before smirking. "Like what you see?" I frowned and just swung the curtains open so he could see my entire body. He arched a brow and actually looked impressed. I cut the water off and wrapped my towel around my body.

"Please all this chocolate would melt your dick off." I said sharply and he looked almost stunned at my words before I just walked out of the bathroom. I passed a few men who stared at me in awe before moving into my room. I shut the door and just paced around in annoyance. God would I get no privacy here? The room was nice and comfy at least. I had a large bed and a walk-in closet. I had two dressers and all my clothes fit in their rightful spots. As I walked past the window I noticed the snow falling on the ground. The land was surrounded by trees as well. I wondered what was out there. I noticed someone leaving the shrouded forest and I leaned forward and noticed Ohanzee, well Hanzee as everyone called him. He was carrying a white rabbit, dead in his hand. I was tense at the thought of him breaking a rabbits neck without much effort. I looked down at the thought of the Native American. Dodd treats him so badly, and I never understood why.

As my brother would say "he's white, they don't need a reason to treat others bad they can just do it". I looked back up to see him staring up at me from below and I wasn't even surprised as he watched me. I wondered if he would talk to me today?

Dinner was served and I didn't expect anyone to want me to join, a colored girl at their table. But Floyd wouldn't want it any other way. Rye and Simone came over and I hugged them both and everyone chatted about business. I just remained quiet not wanting any of my business to become a subject of discussion.

"So Dawn, you want to come party with us this week?" Simone asked with a wink. "You haven't grown into a square have ya?"

"You ain't going out any this week. You need to be in this house at 9." Dodd demanded glaring at her and then at me. "And you ain't going to be driving her around any to get drugs or weed or whatever." I rolled my eyes.

"I wouldn't dare." I said innocently before seeing Simone smirk at me. I winked at her and Dodd just glared.

"Hey! Don't think you can undermine me in front of MY family!" he snapped.

"Oh Dodd hush. We don't talk like that to our guests." Otto snapped and Dodd just glared and looked away. I smirked and glanced at Bear and Rye to see them hiding their snickers. That night, I just lied in my new bed wondering what was to become of me here. What possible happiness could I get here? I heard the door knob jiggling slowly and I looked over my shoulder and sat up slowly. The door slowly opened and I was met with darkness before that darkness took form. I inhaled quietly seeing Hanzee silently enter the room. He was truly a spy for the Gerhardt's, able to come and go as he pleases and no one would even know he was here. He closed the door quietly and I could see his bare chest in moon's rays and as he neared me, I began to see more of him. I sat up more and stared at him now as he just stood beside the head of the bed.

"You don't have to do this-"

"Don't." he said lowly shaking his head slowly. He leaned over and my eyes never left his until he took hold of my gown and began to pull it over my head. I raised my arms and let him remove the light fitted fabric. He leaned over more and began to crawl over me and I lied flat on my back letting his face sink into my neck.