Living The Dream

Rated; M
Pairing; Hiccup X Astrid
Disclaimer; I do not own anything from HTTYD; it belongs to Dreamworks/Cressida Cowell

Live The Dream

=Astrid's POV=
(Sunday, June 6, 2021-9:45 am)
{Archipelago, Berk; Hofferson Residence}

It's been about ten weeks since the battle with Red Death and Drago where Hiccup emerged victorious with Toothless. Hiccup, thankfully, wasn't seriously injured from the fight; he just had some light burns, scrapes, and bruising. Also, Hiccup woke up around 6:30 pm in the hospital after everything, and he was discharged an hour and a half later at 8:15 pm. Of course, I called Viggo to update him on Hiccup, and he let the others know. Hiccup and I spent the night in my room as I was just grateful he was okay. I had been terrified when I saw Toothless's tail catch fire and Hiccup fall from such a height and near that explosion. The following week when Hiccup was just about entirely healed from everything; he returned to Dreki Heart with the others to make the final report about Drago and the Red Death to the United Country Dragon Association. Everything was calm and peaceful by the start of April. And I hit thirty weeks by April 9th. I was beyond excited about the upcoming birth of mine and Hiccup's son, Finn.

Construction for mine and Hiccup's space inside Dreki Heart was finished, but I haven't seen it yet. My doctor ordered me to no more traveling whatsoever, so I've been basically stuck in my mother and father's house since the start of May when I was thirty-three weeks and one day alone. Also, just like Hiccup promised me; he told Viggo he was taking an extended leave of absence from Dreki Heart since everything was calmer without the impending threat of a second dragon war looming over us. Hiccup has been with me at my parents' place since then; it happened about a month after the fight on April 22nd when I was thirty-one weeks and six days along in my pregnancy. I loved having him here with me for all the appointments and baby movements going on.

I loved that Hiccup, and I were good with out parents too; I was glad there was no more fighting. Our parents have finally accepted that they can't protect us from everything, and need to let us live our own lives, but always be around if we do need them for anything. Viggo gave everyone time off to enjoy the peace. I want to say he gave them the summer off, so we'd all be back to work in September; myself included. Oh, Hiccup rebuilt Toothless's flying rig! It's just like the one that burned since he knew exactly what he needed this time. It didn't take more than two weeks for my fiance and his dragon to be flying again. Did I mention a couple of our friends are in relationships now? Fishlegs and Heather have been together for a year as of May 14, 2021. Snotlout and Minden finally got together; that took place in April before Hiccup got his extended vacation.

Soren is with Vera, shocking development there. I never even knew they were crushing on one another, but they began dating on June 1st, 2021. Tuffnut and Camicazi never ended up getting together. Instead, Thuggory and Camicazi are a thing. Tuffnut was crushing hard on Ragna. And Eret was with Ruffnut. Also, Dagur is finally with Mala. They actually got together in January but kept it under wraps. Everything was going nicely for each couple, and I was happy for all of them. Signy isn't with anyone, but that was okay because Soren was ridiculously overprotective of her. I'm due to give birth in about two weeks; I'm thirty-eight weeks and two days along today, and it's a little beginning of Summer Picnic with our friends and family. We're doing it at the Haddock House because theirs is bigger and can fit everyone in the backyard.

Honestly, I wasn't feeling all that well today. I didn't have my usual energy, and I had a lot of trouble getting comfortable last night. Hiccup knew it because I kept shifting around a lot. I'm up and showered now, but not really having an appetite.

"Good morning, kids," Alvina smiled as she slid forward two plates of food towards Hiccup and me.

"Hi, Mom," I greeted tiredly. Hiccup smiled and started eating; I looked at my food and started eating a piece of toast, but it didn't last. I quickly covered my mouth and went to the closest place I could; the sink, and threw up.

"Ast?" Hiccup moved next to me and made sure my hair was out of the way. "What's wrong?"

"I-I don't know. The smell of food is making me sick," I replied.

"Perhaps you should go lie down for a bit longer, Astrid," Calder offered. "If you're not up for the picnic today, don't go," he added.

"I'll lie down for a bit and see how I feel when it comes time to leave," I agreed. Hiccup helped me back to my room and into the bed. "I'm okay, Hiccup…You don't have to stay here with me. Go on and eat," I said.

"Alright. If you need anything, don't be afraid to ask," Hiccup kissed my forehead and left the room. I sighed out and closed my eyes. Finn was very active today; he hasn't stopped moving and kicking since about 3:45 am. I rubbed my belly a bit and tried to relax.

. . .

(12:30 pm)

I woke up feeling a little nauseated, but not awful like before. I opened my eyes to see Hiccup sitting in my chair and reading something.

"Hey…You're up," Hiccup put the book down and moved to my side. "How are you feeling?" he inquired.

"Little better. What time is it?" I asked while sitting up with his help.

"About 12:30. You up for the picnic?" Hiccup asked. I nodded to him as he got my socks and shoes for me, and assisted in putting them on. Hiccup got me to my feet and led me out of the room where my parents were on the couch.

"How do you feel, dear?" Alvina asked.

"Better," I smiled.

"Well, let's get to the Haddocks then," Calder got up. We grabbed our things and got in my mom's car to get to Stoick and Valka's house. We arrived fifteen minutes later to find Gobber just getting there too. Getting out of the vehicle; I looked up to see a lot of our friends showing up on their dragons.

"Welcome!" Valka greeted. "Hi, son,"

"Hey, Mom," Hiccup hugged her, then his father and Godfather.

"And how's our little grandson today?" Stoick laughed a bit.

"Very active," I replied with a smile as I hugged Stoick and Valka, then Gobber. Hiccup helped me into the backyard to see everyone else. This was going to be a good day; I could feel it.

. . .

(1:15 pm)
{Archipelago, Berk; Haddock Home}

"Food is up!" Stoick called as he set down the platter with burgers, hot dogs, ribs, and chicken on it.

"Babe, help me up," I asked as Hiccup pulled me to my feet and we started for the table to get our lunch. However, I felt a wave of pain wash over me, and I stopped fast, panting.

"Astrid? Hey, what's wrong?" Hiccup asked quickly. Everything seemed to stop, wondering what was happening. I cringed with a hand on my stomach. The pain faded a bit as I took a few breaths.

"I-I'm okay. Finn kicked hard…" I told him. Hiccup rubbed my belly a bit.

"Easy on your mother, Finn," Hiccup stated. "Come on, let's get lunch," we started forward again as I felt the pain return and something else. I felt a gush of water run down my legs as my eyes widened.

"Shit…" I whispered. "Hiccup, my water broke…" I said quietly.

"One more time?" Hiccup asked.

"MY WATER JUST BROKE!" I yelled at him while in pain.

"Hiccup, no time to freeze! Hospital, now!" Gobber stated, smacking Hiccup upside the head. My dad came over to help as Hiccup, and my father got me into the car. Hiccup sat with me in the back seat as my mother took over to drive.

"Breathe, sweetheart…" Alvina instructed.

"We'll be right behind!" Stoick informed as my mom hit the gas and we were headed to Berk General Hospital.

. . .

=Normal POV=
(1:25 pm)
{Archipelago, Berk; Hopsital}

Hiccup didn't know what to do when Astrid said her water had broken; she was two weeks early. Of course, he froze and panicked! Thankfully, Gobber snapped him out of it as Hiccup and Calder got Astrid in the car to get to the hospital. Upon arrival, Astrid was put in a wheelchair and taken right up to Labor and Delivery on the 2nd floor. Hiccup and Alvina were with her as Calder said he'd stay behind to let the others know what was up. Astrid was checked first and determined to be in labor, and already three centimeters dilated. Also, the doctor suspected that Astrid's dilating and labor probably began around 4 am when Finn got active, and she was uncomfortable. After all this, Astrid was moved into the room she'd give birth in; and she requested that only Hiccup was there with her when it happened.

"I guess Finn doesn't want to wait," Hiccup said gently.

"Evidently," Astrid groaned a bit.

"Hey, everything is gonna be fine. The doctor said anything after thirty-seven weeks is considered term," Hiccup reminded.

"Where is everyone?" Astrid looked around.

"Waiting area. Your mom went to update them. I think they'll be able to visit, but not all at the same time," Hiccup replied. Astrid nodded as she breathed through another contraction; they were now about five minutes apart.

"How long until I can get that epidural…" Astrid whimpered.

"Doctor said around six centimeters, and the contractions are almost constant," Hiccup said. Astrid flopped back and sighed. Hiccup kissed her gently. "Hey…We never picked a wedding date,"

"You wanna talk about this now?" Astrid glared.

"We got time to kill," Hiccup shrugged. "I was thinking…Maybe in March on the 5th?"

"That's…Nine months away," Astrid pointed out.

"But it's also past our 21st birthdays, and three-year anniversary. I don't know about you, but I don't need anything big and fancy, Milady. I just need you, some friends and family, and someone to marry us. Finn will be almost a year old…It'd be perfect in my eyes," Hiccup smiled while holding her hand.

Astrid smiled a little. "True. Alright…Saturday, March 5th, 2022. Should we say…The Great Hall at 5 pm?" Astrid asked.

"I'll meet you there," Hiccup chuckled a little as they kissed. "But first, let's have this baby,"

"Agreed," Astrid nodded.

. . .

(6:15 pm)

About five and a half hours passed since Astrid's water broke, and the doctor was coming in to check Astrid again. Astrid already had the epidural at six and a half centimeters, and she managed to get some sleep while Hiccup grabbed a cup of coffee and updated the others. Also, he told them the day of the wedding. Not long after that; he returned to his fiance's side.

"Alright, Astrid…Let's see where we're at," the doctor stated while moving in between Astrid's legs to check her dilation. "Alright…I think we're there. Yeah, you're at ten centimeters. Let's bring little Finn into the world," the woman smiled. Everything moved pretty fast to get Astrid into position and her legs up with some help from the nurses. Hiccup had enough time to text his father that Astrid was ready to push; then all his focus was on his fiance.

"Hiccup…I love you," Astrid panted while holding his hand tightly.

"I love you more, Astrid. Come on, time to meet our son," Hiccup kissed her gently.

"Push!" the doctor said. Astrid pushed hard for ten seconds, then stopped to breathe. "Good girl. Take a few breaths, and…Push!" she said. Astrid did it again. "The head is almost out, Astrid. Come on, give me another good push," she coaxed. Astrid squeezed Hiccup's hand tightly and pushed again, yelling out this time; she was sweating and breathing hard. "And the head is out. Just a little bit more, Astrid," the doctor encouraged.

Astrid summoned the rest of her strength as she pushed another two times to make the total five as a loud cry echoed throughout the room. Astrid fell back, panting hard, but relieved to hear her son crying while Hiccup got to cut the cord and then the baby was taken to be cleaned, weighed, and measured. Astrid delivered the placenta, and the doctor cleaned her up and set her legs down to rest. By 6:35 pm, the nurse was coming over with a wrapped newborn in her arms.

"I think your son would like to meet his parents," the nurse handed Finn over to Astrid as she and Hiccup admired their little boy.

"Oh, Hiccup…He's beautiful…" Astrid nearly cried.

"He's got your eyes," Hiccup pointed out.

"Your nose and hair, though," Astrid giggled a little. "Oh, take a picture and send it to the others?" Hiccup nodded as he got his phone and angled it just right to get all three of them in the shot; then he sent a group message to everyone.

You[6:37 pm]
Five pushes later and may I introduce Finn Haddock. Born Sunday, June 6, 2021 at 6:25 pm. Weight; 6lbs 7oz. Height; 19.30in.

Hiccup sent the message and put his phone away to spend time with Astrid and their son. By 7 pm, Finn was ready to eat. Astrid tried to breastfeed, but Finn wasn't taking to it, so they decided on a bottle, which worked. As 7:45 pm hit; everyone got a chance to come in five at a time to see Finn in person. But after that; everyone left to give the new parents some time alone. Finn was in the little cart-bed beside Astrid as Hiccup was next to his fiance, soon to be wife in nine months.

"Well, Hiccup…What's next? We're together, soon to be married. We have a healthy son, great jobs, friends, and family…Not sure what else there is to do," Astrid asked.

Hiccup held her hand gently. "This is the dream, Astrid. This is the goal everyone wants to achieve, and we did it. You're right; we have everything we could ever want in life. So I guess that means that we just continue what we're doing as we always have and always will. Always a Hiccup and Astrid,"

Astrid smiled. "Always a Hiccup and Astrid, forever living the dream," Astrid replied as they shared a kiss and snuggled up in the hospital bed together, both in agreement that all they could do now was continue to live the dream.

*Author's Note; And so ends Living The Dream! Thank you all for the continued support, and as you know, my new story is already in the works; In Order To Survive. I hope everyone enjoyed reading this story as I have writing it for you. Until next time, -Nightstar Fury.*