Over the millennia since His departure from Heaven and all the responsibilities that came from being, well, God with a capital G He'd sneak a peak at some of His angelic children on Earth. See how they were taking His final command and if they were actually following it. Not that He'd interfere if they weren't. After all, it's not free will if you're constantly following orders and not making decisions for yourself.

As the millennia passed less and less of His angelic children visited and interacted with His newest creation, and children, the Humans. Instead of being in wonder and awe of all that these little soulful and willful creatures, and all the potential they contained; His oldest children, the Children of Heaven, looked down upon them in contempt as something Other. Most saw something foul and insignificant, filled with all the sins of creation that Lucifer, the Morningstar, His second son, tempted and ultimately tainted them with. Granted some looked upon them as something not concerning them or had a more neutral view of them. Fewer looked upon them with slight interest. Even less saw them as something they were supposed to protect to the extent He had wanted. And among the throngs of angels that remained after Lucifer and his followers' Fall were the fewest still who saw the Humans He created, His somewhat (okay a lot) flawed masterpiece as something that was truly worthy of His love.

It wounded God to see any of His children in pain, and to see such a rift between the two Sibling species. Granted the Humans now a days aren't too sure if angels or even Himself is real or just a way to explain the once unexplainable phenomenon He had littered the Earth with, His bible being filled with old archaic notions that kept them in the dark and from striving forward technologically and socially. Honestly He should have proof-read that thing before it was mass produced and distributed. So much conflict and wars might not have happened. But again, it was their choice to interpret His word, spoken through Gabriel to some of the earliest prophets, as such. He really didn't care who loved whom or being in a relationship with multiple partners. As long as everything was consensual He didn't care, love was love, it was a connection be it of the emotional kind or just the physical. After all, one shouldn't have to go through life without connecting to someone else. That's why Lucifer's final punishment of being sent into the Cage was so cruel and heartbreaking. In the cage he could speak to no-one and no longer hear the Heavenly Host, all hopes to connect were lost to….

Chuck paused in his writing. He could tell he wasn't leading into the story he wanted to write the way that he wanted to. He was able to lead up to Gabriel but then went onto a slight criticism of religion, connection, Lucifer's punishment, and how God is supposed to think.

'Although,' he thought with a slight smirk, 'I would know better than anyone how God would think. At least the connection aspect came through alright.'

"Alright Chuck just keep typing, worry about flow in the edits, just get everything down first…" he mumbles to himself as he continues writing.

God was currently in Toronto, Ontario, Canada watching one of His angelic children, His fourth created son Gabriel who was being creeped on by a tall dark-haired, fair-skinned man at a nightclub. He was slight in build, boarding on lanky with little muscle, his dark hair was combed over with what looked like hair gel. If one got close enough to this man the rank body odor he produced would lead to a different conclusion. His face had red blemishes from acne, and one nostril seemed a little too big. His lips were thin, chapped, and slightly bleeding from where he'd bit at the loosened and dried skin there. He wore plain shirt that had a myriad of small burgundy flecks all over it and worn jeans stained with paint. From a distance he was quite unassuming, easily looked over and ignored. So why then would an archangel be want to be near him? Was he more interesting than he looked? Did his voice get less raspy and nasally the more comfortable he got around someone? Was he the next Van Gogh of the art world as his shirt and pants might suggest and just needed a little heavenly inspiration? Was he a soon-to-be prophet of the Lord? None to any of the above.

This man was guilty of murder. If this was the case, then, why is Gabriel still letting himself be creeped on by him? Why would an archangel have business with a fiend who took joy in slowly killing women who rejected his less than subtle and creepy advances in a sketchy club? It was simple really. Gabriel no longer considered himself an archangel. Not since he fled from Heaven all those millennia ago. No, now, now he was the infamous Trickster god, Loki.

Who changed his appearance into that of a female version of his personally made vessel. Dirty blonde hair, golden eyes, and a petite figure. Didn't look like they could fight their was out of a paper bag. In other words: a good potential victim.

God watched as His son said an especially mean rejection to the man and walked off, with a knowing smug smirk. All the while the man starred after him with hate filled predatory eyes. Eyes that did not leave as he danced with other, more attractive, men in the club.

God watched as His son left the club and began walking the darkened streets of Toronto.

God watched as the man from earlier slipped out of the club minutes later and began following His female son, keeping a distance and out of the streetlight.

God watched as this man ducked into an alleyway and headed off His son. Watched as His son was pulled into an upcoming alleyway that the man took a shortcut to. Watched as the man "knocked-out" His son and made his way to his apartment, telling the odd passersby how his friend never could hold her liquor.

God watched as His son was "woken up" by being splashed in the face with ice water. He "bound and restrained" to a kitchen chair in a dingy old apartment which looked to have frequent visits of mice or rats if the droppings were anything to go by.

The man approached with a malicious glint in eyes and a generic knife from the knife block. He, of course, began to monologue in true villain fashion about why he was doing what he was doing, when Loki couldn't take it anymore and busted out laughing. Angered, he took his knife and made a deep gash appear across Loki's cheek. Loki was silenced for a mere quarter second, if that, before he started snickering again, commenting how pathetic the man was. In a rage the man began making cuts and gashes, varying in depth all across Loki's body but none of it deterred Loki's laughter. Feeling enough was enough and he wasn't going to get any begging from his bound and bleeding captive audience the man sunk the knife into Loki's gut and twisted. He waited for a scream of indescribable pain to occur, but none did. Loki looked down at the knife in his gut, and then looked back up at the poor bastard that thought he was human. A wide smile spread across Loki's face that would almost look serene if it wasn't for his own malicious twinkle in his eyes.

"Well," Loki began, "since you're all done with the foreplay." ropes strained and broke, the man scrambled backwards in fear, leaving the knife in Loki's gut. "Let's get on to the main event." He purrs as he takes out the knife.

God watches as His fourth son does everything the man had done to previous victims, while having a candy bar and there. He watches as His son makes an incision in the jugular vein big enough to be life threatening but small enough to draw out the experience of dying for as long as possible. His son snaps his fingers and vanishes.

It would be days before a one Steve Dowing was found murdered in his apartment, in his own kitchen chair, with a crime scene littered in various candy wrappers. It would be another 10hrs afterwards that police figure out that he was the Toronto Nightclub murder when a new female golden eyed intern points out he looks like one of the regulars at a nightclub. Police will find he was a regular at all the night clubs where women have disappeared from, as well as find multiple different samples of blood in the apartments plumbing and lots of blood residue on the kitchen knives.

This story, however, isn't about a Trickster archangel fighting crime in the mean streets of Toronto, Canada. This is about God giving His son a gift (or maybe a lesson), for being one of the few of His angelic children that sees what he sees in Humanity. When he's not going after the assholes, dicks, douchebags, and human monsters that is.

But whether Gabriel, or Loki, (or Gabriella/Loka at the moment) will keep it or throw it away will be their choice to make.

Chuck grabs his beer bottle and takes a long drink, leaning back in his chair and rubbing his eyes tiredly. Looking at the red blaring numbers of 2:02am on his clock he knows he should call it a night and go to sleep. Who knows when the next 'ideas' for his main book Supernatural will come. That will be so much fun! Not.

Looking back at his screen he lets out a sigh at the last sentence he typed. 'Free will and making choices…always so difficult to write about.' He thinks as he starts typing again, '30 more minutes then sleep…'

March-ish, 1990 Toronto, Canada

Gabriel was enjoying a well-deserved sweet treat in his motel room outside of the ever-lovely Canadian city of Toronto. That asshole he played his latest 'trick' on has received his comeuppance, the local po-po know what he did and all the families that lost loved ones to him got some closure. Maybe. He was pretty sure they'd rather have their daughters, sisters and friends back. Gabriel shrugs with a Snickers bar sticking out of his mouth when he catches his reflection in the mirror. He has to admit, he makes a smoking hot female if he says so himself. Short blonde curls, bright honey gold eyes, full lips, subtle curves, and short. 'What am I? 5'2"?' he thinks. It took some serious mojo of the pagan variety to turn his vessel that he made millennia ago to go a complete 180 of the sexual variety.

Gabriel contemplated changing back to his regular sexy male self. He was about to snap his fingers when he hesitated and a smile came to his face. 'Maybe I can keep this body to see how the fairer sex lives, or more importantly has fun.' After all, since he wasn't just a pagan god now, he still had all the powers of his archangel-y-ness there's really no harm in staying female.

For the next couple of weeks Gabriel has some sexual fun in his altered vessel. Did some more tricks against assholes that thought they were God's gift to women. Which he knew for a fact they weren't. It was women's more natural ability to multitask and become really scary and badass when their kids are threatened. He often got cat-called or inappropriately hit on so he usually turns it around on them and goes on to confront them and subsequently humiliate them in front of their macho friends.

Gabriel also learned of the unique community that the female sex tend to have with each other. He will probably forever remember heading towards the hotel he was staying at when a couple of females approached him and acted like they were friends meeting up with him. He was about to ask what they were doing when one whispers how they noticed a large male watching him and had started to follow him. Raising his eyebrow he looks behind him to see a large figure start to make a hasty retreat. They told him they'd walk with him till he got to his hotel. Needless to say he asked if they'd want to meet up sometime to hang out. They smiled and agreed, bidding him a goodnight they called a cab and went to their own homes. This was how Gabriel made a couple of human friends in Kira and Lucy.

Over the next few weeks they'd meet up hang out, had some fun and lots of laughs. He became closer to Lucy than Kira, admiring her stubbornness, will, and her never say die attitude. She also took no shit from any one. She was a hoot. But she also had a quote-unquote 'bleeding heart'. She held so much compassion and care for others that she put his brothers and sisters to shame. She was what his Father saw in humans. Their potential to be better.

May-ish, 1990 Toronto, Canada

Unfortunately all good things come to an end when it became obvious that a Canadian hunter had caught wind of his tricks. He set everything up to eventually get "caught" by the hunter. Shame really. He really kind of liked the guy. Definitely saw the irony and jokes in his tricks, even the more lethal ones. Also had some of the best reactions when he played more harmless ones on him. They even had a couple of really nice nights together before he realized who he was. However, nothing kills the mood quicker than a bloody stake through the chest. Lucky for him that he switched places with a double before his bed partner actually woke up. As the hunter leaves the hotel room Gabriel makes an anonymous complaint to the front desk about some loud noises coming from his room.

He stays unseen has the staff come up and find his 'dead' body.

He stays unseen as Kira and Lucy come to the morgue to identify his body.

He stays silent as Lucy breaks down into uncontrollable sobs and cries of pure anguish. He didn't silently laugh at the human women for crying over someone they honestly didn't truly know. Through them he'd learned how quickly humans formed emotional bonds with each other. Learned how strong they can be, even in such a short time. Part of him felt regret for not letting him know he wasn't really dead. Regret for not telling them what he was. Regret for causing them pain.

Both women took over funeral arrangements and had the body double cremated. Gabriel filled the urn with wood ash once it was sealed. No need for anyone to wonder how ashes disappeared from a sealed urn.

It was four months after his 'death' and he had kept an eye on his human friends, especially Lucy since she was taking it the hardest. He was actually there when they admitted their feelings for each other. 'Called it.' He thought with a sad smile, wishing he could be there to tease them endlessly and a be a pillar of support for their new found relationship. Seeing that his friends would be alright now he leaves a couple of candy bars on the counter of Lucy's home and snaps his fingers to head back to an apartment he had started renting. The one neither of the girls knew about.

However when he arrived he felt tired. A simple flight to his apartment across town shouldn't have even put a dent in his power levels! A lesser angel would be able to do that no problem, so an archangel shouldn't even be feeling anything different! Something was wrong. Ignoring his fatigue Gabriel begins pacing while looking inside himself to see if he could sense the problem. His pagan powers were intact nothing amiss there, so it had something to do with his grace. He immediately noticed that his immense grace was being siphoned off to somewhere else. 'Father…' it was even wrapping itself protectively around something inside him! It was small but it was slowly growing larger… inside his vessel's womb?!


Gabriel's body had stopped moving and even his mind made a full stop, complete with imagined screeching brake noises, as he tried to process what he discovered. There nestled comfy cozy in his vessel and his immense grace was…was…a child. A child with a human soul and an archangel's grace.

"A nephilim…" Gabriel let out in a stunned whisper. The next whisper that came out of the usually loud Gabriel was decidedly more horrified and more quiet, "A nephilim of an archangel."


God watched as His son made the discovery of the little gift He had given him. Watched as he began freaking out and attempted to destroy it with his grace. It failed spectacularly. His son's grace didn't recognize the new little life growing inside of it as anything harmful or deadly. Instead, in an ironic twist of fate, it just circled and created an even stronger shield around the innocent life nestled inside it. So of course when he tried his pagan powers. They couldn't even scratch the surface of the grace's shield, not that they had much of a chance before. With the extra shielding Gabriel began feeling even more tired.

God watched as Gabriel contemplated using his archangel blade to just stab it, but ultimately dismissed it. To kill it he would have to go through his own traitorous grace first, which of course would have the unpleasant side effect of killing himself as well. It would be an hour of failed plans and ideas before Gabriel would give up trying to get rid of the child growing inside of him. Gabriel, if asked, would deny that it had anything to do with his newfound fatigue that he threw in the towel for the time being. He of course would be lying.

God watched as Gabriel flopped onto his couch in a huff and glared heatedly at his stomach. Which, that now that he looked at it, had developed a slight bump. Physical proof of the predicament he found himself in.

God listened as Gabriel gave a prayer to Him for the first time in a long time.

"Dad if this is some kind of joke it is NOT funny, okay? Why? Why would you curse me like this?" God didn't respond, not that Gabriel expected him to.

God smiled sadly, unseen, at His son. He hopes that Gabriel will see past His mistake of having all nephilim destroyed indiscriminately, thus labeled by the Host as dangerous abominations, and see the treasure that He encouraged to happen. The chance to experience the choice that humans have to make everyday. The one Gabriel admires most about them. The choice to be and do better.

God leaves.

Satisfied Chuck reads over what could be considered a first chapter, or maybe a prologue? Shrugging he rubs his tired and strained eyes then looks at the red numbers of his clock scream 3:30am.

'Ugh…sleep is a thing that is needed. A beautiful, beautiful needed thing…' Chuck thinks before his head is filled with images and voices and pain. Minutes later the images and sounds disappear but the echo painfully remains. Despite his tiredness he is filled with the overwhelming determination to write out the events he has just witnessed.

'Goodbye sweet sweet bed…' Chuck laments as he saves his first bit of writing for a side book, or maybe a spin off series, before opening a new document on his computer and begins writing the next book for his Supernatural series. After a few shots of some heavy duty whiskey.

AN: I changed the date and added a date so that later on in the story I can have Gabriel's daughter be a certain age and in a certain order of siblings.

Basically Gabriel realizes he's 4months along about one month before Adam Milligan is born.