"What I mean to say is that this is the first time I've… ever been on a mission alone." Oscar's deeper voice broke the silence. Ruby hesitated, wishing she could comfort him in some way, but she knew that losing Ozpin was a thing that she could never understand. Now that the headmaster's voice was gone, Oscar could be himself again. She usually looked on that as being a good thing. It had been two years since she had last seen him, and now they had come together again, almost like fate. Oscar had told her that Ozpin had faded away into the past. He had prepared Oscar for everything except that small detail.

"Don't be ridiculous," Ruby said, "You're not alone." But she could see in his eyes that he didn't look so sure. "What did Ozpin say before he faded away?"

"Well, I knew he had started talking less and less. I had to make my own decisions, based on our memories."

"And you did a good job," Ruby smiled, "You're still standing."

"Yeah, but… this is different. I know he's gone, and… in some ways I guess I'm scared." Ruby remembered, several years ago, how he had confronted her in Mistral, "How do you handle all of this?" He had admitted he was scared then as well. She wondered if she hadn't been the only one comforting him back then. She wondered if Ozpin had been there as well. This time, though, she couldn't really understand what he was feeling. She hadn't ever been in his situation, and now she wished more than ever she could comfort him.

"We all are," she said, gently pressing a hand to his shoulder. He was so much taller than she was now. "We're all scared, but that's why we work together." She smiled, "You're not alone. You'll never be alone." Oscar blinked. His eyes shining in the dim light of dawn. He looked back out over the valley the sat above. He sighed.

"Thanks, Ruby," He smiled, "That means a lot more than you could imagine." They were quiet for a little bit, and just sat there, watching the sun rise.

"You know, for a first mission this isn't so bad," Oscar said, a small smile touching his lips. "When I was away, training, I imagined that I'd go on missions with you once we both 'graduated.' I always wished that day would come sooner," He gently rested his hand on hers, "I missed you." Ruby felt her cheeks burning,

"I missed you too." It wasn't so bad, any of this. Their first mission together, their first sunrise of the mission, their shoulder's brushing against each other, their noses so close she could count his freckles. She hesitated a moment, drawing in a deep breath. What had possessed her to request Oscar Pine as a partner? She could have asked for Yang, or Weiss, or Blake—all members of her former team. But she asked for Oscar, because when she saw his name on the list her heart skipped a beat, and now her heart was pounding so fast she could hear it in her ears. First mission, first sunrise, first… She closed the distance between them in a chaste kiss, their lips pressing together for only a few moments before she pulled away and their eyes met again. First kiss. But, she was still breathless, and his entire face had turned scarlet.

"Of all the things I was expecting on this mission," he grinned, "That wasn't one of them."

"I… I'm sorry… I—"

"Don't apologize," He murmured, "I wasn't expecting it, but I was hoping for it more than anything else." She felt her cheeks warm again, as their hands found each other's warmth once more.

"Me too." A day of firsts. She thought to herself, I wonder what this means… what other firsts wait for us on the path ahead.