Thank you all so much for you support! I decided to do it chapter by chapter. A lot of people wanted it that way. Than you all for your imput. Please enjoy the resurrection of Two Can Play A Love Game.

Chapter 1: Parties and Ideas

Flashing lights bounce off the walls, the music so loud I feel the vibration radiating in my core down to the area between my thighs. There are tiny beads of sweat gliding down the sides of my face and the bangs of my long brown wavy hair clasping to my forehead. The party is bumping and there are so many people on the "dance floor", which is actually just the living room.

"You are so freaking hot". I feel a pair of strong muscular hands on my waist, easing their way down to cup my slender but firm ass. I turn around and lay my eyes upon a tall guy with crystal clear eyes and dark hair. He is fairly good-looking from what I could see but that doesn't appeal to me, so with no warning I punch the stranger in his nose. As he stumbles to the ground, I shake out my hand and say, "Next time it'll be your throat and learn to use some manners."

I start walking toward the mini bar in the corner of the large living room. "What a bitch." I hear the guy say as I step out of the dance floor, a victorious slow evil smile displaying on my face. I slide up on the bar stool.

"Hey Steven, can you make me Rum and coke?" He smiles at me and gives me a thumbs up. "You got it". I turn my stool to look at the center of the house. It is a good size, more then what the average person would need. My friend actually called it a mansion. Damon, who is a senior at our school, has the riches parents in the state, well one of the richest. The living room is the size of our school gym; I mean seriously who needs a living room that big? It so alive, even though it's dark with nothing but the lights hanging from the ceilings, and even then all you can really see is the silhouettes of gyrating bodies.

"Hey, Ana!" I turned to see Kate rushing towards me. Oh god, what could she possibly want. Kate is my absolute best friend and my worst nightmare, she's always so crazy and tries to get me to be the same way. I have known her since the seventh grade. She has strawberry blonde hair and is tall and thin. "Oh hey Kate, what's up?" I reply to her in my quirky voice.

"Let's go dance!" She grabs my wrist and leads me back into the madness. Damn. We get in the middle and Kate starts to do her lesbian dance on me. She loves to get the guys attention, even though she is a lesbian, so I join her in the hip grinding to help her out. She places her hands on my waist and I place mine on her shoulders while we lower our bodies up and down in a sexual way. I look around the room and see my other friend Bliss running up behind Kate. Bliss is Damon's girlfriend so she is always here. I've known Bliss since kindergarten, she was my childhood friend and we have been tight ever since. She starts to grind against Kate from the back.

"Hey guys, why are we dancing dirty?" She asks with a laugh.

"Well Kate here is a horny bitch." We all laugh together and continue to dance and get the attention of a few boys and a few dirty looks from the girls.

"This party is crazy! I hope the cops don't ruin it this time!" Kate says. The last time Damon threw a party, it got raided by some college kids and then a few cops. And boy were we in trouble. You know with the underage drinking high school kids. The party was mostly juniors and seniors but the underclassmen sometimes snuck their way in.

"Hey don't jinx us you idiot." Bliss was getting a little nervous about it. She was one of the kids who got arrested last time and her parents grounded her for a month. They took away her phone, TV, and laptop. She was pissed, but that didn't stop her from sneaking out at night. "Ana. Look who's staring at you." She gave me a naughty smile and I turned to look at who was staring. Sitting on a lounging chair next to Damon, Rick, and with a few girls hanging over him was none other than Christian Grey. He was a senior and Damon's best friend. His family was the other richest family in the state. Their parents grew up together and even had them around the same time. He was staring at me so intently. I stared back for a minute and then rolled my eyes and turned my attention back to my girls.

"He is such a man whore, I swear." I pointed out.

"But you have to admit he is pretty hot." I guess Bliss had a point. Christian is the type of guy I have always hated. He was pretty hot but he was arrogant and a total ass when it came to women. He always had this smug smile on his face when girls undressed him with their eyes. And those girls always gave him the time of day or night. Ugh. He has never had a girlfriend that lasted longer than a day. It's sad really.

"Yeah. He is. But, he is a low dirty dog. He plays girls like there's no tomorrow!" I reply.

"Yeah someone needs to give that boy a taste of his own medicine. He needs to be humped and dumped for a change." Bliss said in disgusted tone. Kate gave me a look. A look that says she has an idea. And not just any idea, that brain is constructing a plan. Her eyes widen with excitement. She stops dancing and grabs both Bliss and I by the wrist and heads towards the bathroom. Once we enter she closes the door and locks it.

"Oh my god! I have the best plan." Kate practically screams to the world.

"Oh this should be good." Bliss says with sarcasm as she crosses her legs and sits on the porcelain toilet. I don't know what Kate has planned but I am getting really really nervous.

"Well spill!" I yell.

"Okay so I have a brilliant idea," Kate said with excitement.

"Yeah you already said that." Bliss explained.

"Shut up and let me finish!" Kate stared at Bliss who raised her hands in defense. Thump, thump, thump. Kate unlocks the door and opens it a tad.

"Guys!" Elliot screeches. "I have been looking for you everywhere!" Bliss grabs Elliot buy the collar of his polo shirt and drags him in the bathroom, Kate locking it behind him.

"Jesus Elliot, could you be any louder?" I exclaimed. Elliot was a member of our group, but he was also Christians little brother. He was a sophomore at our school and we took him in the moment we saw him. He was the cutest thing. He looked like a younger version of Chase Crawford; he had the hair and everything.

"We are going to make a plan to get Christian to fall in love with Ana! And once he does, boom! Chop off his balls and leave him high and dry." We stared at her, eyes wide. "Okayyyyy…" she dragged out. "So no chopping off any balls just leave him!" Kate spilled. Please tell me she's kidding. Please tell me she has something else in mind. No? Okay then.

"That is a," I started to say but got cut off by Bliss.

"Fucking amazing idea!" You have got to be kidding?

"Oh no! No, no, no! Absolutely not!" This was an outrage!

"Oh come on Ana, its brilliant." Kate said.

"If it's so brilliant then why don't one of you do it? Elliot help me out here!" I added to my question.

"Wait a minute you guys. Do you mean Christian as in my brother Christian?" Hopefully Elliot is a doting brother and wishes no I'll will upon him.

"Elliot is not going to want commit such an act on his own," Elliot put his hand over my mouth.

"So this is actually going to be happening to my blood brother?" Elliot questions once more with a sadistic smile. Oh good lord, not him too.

"Yes we are talking about your brother! And we are going to make him fall in love with Ana! And before you ask, yes, you are the one who has to do it. Bliss can't cause she has a boyfriend, which by the way is Christians best friend. I can't do it because I like playing for the other team and everyone knows that. Elliot can't do it for obvious reasons. Although Elliot, you are a great advantaged since you know how he operates. And Bliss, you can get some info from your boy toy! This is fucking perfect." Kate has the biggest smile on her face.

"Do I not have a choice?" I asked with a pleading look in my big blue eyes.

"No!" They all said in unison.

Well this is just fucking perfect. Ugh.

Please go check out my other story My Deliverer.

Please review! Thank you all!