A/N: Hey guys! Welcome to my first fanfic! This is, like I said, my first, so take it easy on me. This story will be completely published by the end of the day. So, enjoy!

WARNING-I don't not own Percy Jackson or anything in this book. That's all uncle Ricks work. Except my OCs and maybe the plot.

(3rd person pov)

BEEP. BEEP. BEEP. Percy's alarm clock rang, sounding unusually blaring. He groaned. When Percy finally opened his eyes, he found himself lying face down on his bed. He rolled over onto his back, and tried to sit up, but his back didn't seem to be able to bend that way. His mind snapped out of his early morning fog. His mind started racing in alarm, and his heart was beating far too fast than it should've. When Percy finally looked up, as people seldom tend to do, he saw the top of his bottom bunk except for one glaring difference: the beams were huge, wider than Percy was tall. He groaned in pain, his head was still throbbing from his dream.

He thought back to his nightmare. Percy was screaming, his gut feeling like it was on fire. No. Worse. It felt like someone had threw a jar of Greek Fire down his throat. Finally, the it was too much, and he blacked out from the pain.

When he finally came to, cables the size of humongous bridge cables were wrapped around his torso. The burning pain was gone, replaced with the pain of being squeezed by those huge cables. A voice, an earth-shaking noise, laughed maniacally.

"YOU WON'T GET AWAY FROM ME THIS TIME, PERCY JACKSON!" The thunderous voice boomed. It sounded vaguely familiar, but the sheer volume distorted it, like a voice over a phone call. Percy screamed again, his throat sounding higher pitched and squeakier than before he blacked out. The cables squeezed him tighter, and his head throbbed. Finally, Percy passed out, again, from the lack of oxygen.

Percy's eyes shot back open. The dream seemed vaguely familiar to him, like the voice, but he was positive he never had a dream that vivid or horrible.

He tried to sit up again, but then realized his back wouldn't—couldn't—work that way, and almost screamed in frustration and anger. Percy tried something else, he tried to wiggle his legs to see if someone—or something—had somehow managed to paralyze or shrink him in his sleep. His idea worked too well. When he attempted to move his two legs, something horrible happened, strengthening a terrifying idea clawing into his subconscious. When he attempted to move his legs, his arms moved, too, passing by his limited field of vision. Instead of two human hands—which shouldn't have even moved—passing by his face, two very inhuman, very furry, claws waved by his face. That was the last straw. Percy screamed, but instead of a loud human scream, a loud squeal bounced across the empty cabin.

Percy rolled back on his stomach, feeling violently ill. He tried to walk, or crawl, off his bed to get to the mirror, the one thing that could tell him if his worst fear came true. He continued trying to move but ended up wobbling around. When he finally got to the edge of his bed, he looked over the side. Instead of spending what felt like the last few minutes painfully crawling across his bed, he had spent that time trying to cross his pillow. He tried to curse in frustration, but the only thing that came out was a furious squeal.

Suddenly, an idea came to Percy. He jumped off the small cliff—sorry, pillow—to his mattress below. He looked over the new edge below him, and, fortunately, his clothes were still in a pile on the ground. He took a deep breath, trying to calm his floundering heart. He took a deep breath, and jumped off his mattress and into his pile of clothes.

Percy landed in the fattest part of the clothes, but still, his tiny body burned from landing such a high jump. Percy dragged himself across the huge space between his bed and the mirror in his room. When he, at last, found himself in front of the mirror, he bit back a scream. Instead of a scream, a small shriek erupted from his throat. Standing in front of him, instead of a teenage human boy, was a small, fluffy guinea pig, with long orange and black fur and blue eyes.

I'm not sorry about that cliffhanger. The next chapter will be out in about 8 hours.
