Pistachios. They were here to protect pistachios. Why? Because apparently, their boss loves them.

You'd think it would be a simple job. Just make sure nothing happens to the pistachios. Well, fate was not in their favour. Everything seemed to go to as planned, until…

"Are you out of your mind?" Cavendish angrily shouted.

"What?" Dakota replied.

"There is no fathomable way that the drums are better than the piano!"

Surprised, Dakota thought he accidentally hit a nerve, "Well, the drums are just way more fun. You get to hit things and make a lot of noise."

"If you seriously believe that drums are better than piano, then I truly feel bad for you. You've clearly never listened to good music before."

There they were. Having another pointless argument. Before they knew it, their pistachio cart started to slowly roll away. "Sheesh, Cav, relax. Didn't mean to get you all riled up."

Cavendish turned around to focus all his anger on Dakota, "If you didn't mean for me to get all riled up, then why did you- THE PISTACHIOS!"

During their petty argument, the pistachio cart rolled away. Now it was rolling down the street, gaining speed as it goes down the hill.

How in the world could they be so incompetent? Without hesitation, Cavendish ran after the cart. There was no way he'll fail another mission.

"Cav, wait!"

But there was no way he'll slow down to wait for Dakota. If he'd do that, it could be too late and they would fail yet another mission. Running as fast as he could, he was starting to catch up to the pistachio cart. As the cart crossed the street, so did Cavendish. Without making sure it was safe to do so.


"Are you out of your mind?" Cavendish angrily shouted.

"What?" Dakota replied.

"There is no fathomable way that the drums are better than the piano!"

Suddenly, Cavendish got a strange feeling. Didn't they already have this argument before?

Maybe they argued about this on a previous mission.

"Well, the drums are just way more fun. You get to hit things and make a bunch of noise."

"If you seriously believe that drums are better than piano, then I truly feel bad for you. You've clearly never listened to good music before."

"Relax, Cav. Didn't mean to get you all riled up."

Cavendish turned around to face Dakota, "If you didn't mean for me to get all riled up, then why did you- THE PISTACHIOS!"

Turning around, he saw that the pistachio cart started to roll away. Without hesitation, he ran after it. He can feel Dakota trying to grab on to him, but he wasn't fast enough. Cavendish ran off to follow the cart.

"CAV! UGH!" Dakota yelled in frustration.

But there was no way he'll slow down to wait for Dakota. If he'd do that, it could be too late and they would fail yet another mission. Running as fast as he can, he was starting to catch up to the pistachio cart. Suddenly, after the cart crossed the street, Cavendish stopped. He wasn't really sure why he stopped. He was so close to actually catching up with the pistachio cart.

"Cav! Sto- huh?"

Just then, a truck zoomed right past him. He stood there in shock.

If he continued to follow the cart, that truck would have hit him.

He watched as the pistachio cart continued to go down the street until it fell into a ditch. Soon after, they heard an explosion sound.

"Hey Cav, are you okay?" Dakota started to rub Cavendish's back.

Cavendish shrugged him off, "Of course I'm fine! We've failed so many missions that at this point, I don't care anymore. Let's just report back to Mr. Block, tell him we failed yet another mission, and prepare ourselves to be yelled at for the next half hour."

Cavendish turned around and stormed off towards their time machine.

Something strange was happening. When it started happening, Cavendish ignored it. But it came to a point that he couldn't ignore it anymore.

He's been having strange moments of Deja vus. It was hard to explain it. Sometimes he would be running down the street and suddenly he felt like this already happened before. Maybe his job felt too repetitive. They get a mission to protect some pistachios, everything is fine, and then something goes wrong. It did feel a bit repetitive.

Sometimes it's like he already knew what was going to happen before it happened. It was like he subconsciously knew what was going to happen.

He remembers reading about time travel stuff a while back. He read that a change in the timeline can cause Deja vus. Maybe it's because he's a time traveller that it keeps happening to him.

But maybe that'll change. They're off pistachio duty. Which was a relief, but now they're on renaissance outhouse duty. Which was way more humiliating and pointless. He's sure that Mr. Block gave them that job because it would be more satisfying to watch them suffer than to actually fire them.

Cavendish sighed and rubbed his forehead. It was way too late to think about this kind of stuff. He was sitting at his desk in the small apartment that Dakota and himself shared. He can see Dakota on the other side of the room. He was asleep at his desk.

He should go to sleep too. Unfortunately, since their apartment is so small, they didn't even have a bedroom. Most of the time, they either fall asleep at their desk, on the ground, or in their car. Cavendish decided to try to make himself comfortable as he got ready to fall asleep at his desk. It was probably terrible for his back, but he didn't care right now.

As soon as he was about to fall asleep, his communicator went off. That woke him up right away. He answered it.

"Cavendish! Where's Dakota?" Mr. Block asked.

"Shhhh, in our timeline, it's the middle of the night. He's asleep."

"I don't care! Brick and Savannah aren't responding, I need someone to make sure they're fine, unfortunately, my only option is to send you buffoons."

"Alright," Cavendish placed his hand on his forehead. He wasn't really in the mood for a mission right now, but he's willing to take any mission other than cleaning outhouses in the renaissance. "Send the time and the coordinates."

Soon, a piece of paper came out of the communicator with the coordinates and the time where Brick and Savannah are supposed to be. "I'm actually giving you two a real mission, so don't mess it up! Got it?"

"Yes, Sir."

After that exchange, Mr. Block hung up. The room was quiet again. A part of him was tempted to just go to sleep and take care of the mission in the morning. It's not like it really mattered, they're time travellers. But he knew that he wouldn't get much more sleep. Knowing that Brick and Savannah are in trouble, he wouldn't be able to go to sleep. He'll be up all night thinking about the countless situations that they might have gotten themselves into.

Getting up from his desk, he stretched a bit. Cavendish looked at Dakota. He knew that Dakota had trouble falling asleep too sometimes. He felt bad even just thinking about waking him up. Ever since he met Dakota, he thought that because of his lazy habits, he would be a heavy sleeper and be the type of person who would always sleep in. But that changed when they started to live together. He noticed that Dakota would often be awake before him. Sometimes he would be awake during the night. He didn't think much of it until once he was working at his desk and Dakota was asleep. Dakota started to move around and all of a sudden, he woke up. He had a frightened look on his face as if he had a nightmare. When Cavendish asked about it, Dakota pretended that nothing happened. That made Cavendish think that Dakota had issues falling asleep because of that. Of course, after that, he didn't bring it up again. He respected other peoples privacy. If Dakota didn't want to talk about it, that was okay.

Thinking about this, he decided to let Dakota sleep. It was a simple mission anyways. All he needed to do is check up on Brick and Savannah. Nothing too serious.

Grabbing the car keys, he walked out the door.