
The sound of the electronically locked door opening the mechanism chimed before Misato opened said door.

"Come on in, but just know it's a little messy…" Her word immediately becoming a poor description as the mess Shinji was witnessing something that almost made him want to compulsively clean. "Would you put those in the fridge?"

"Y-Yeah, sure thing." Shinji said as he went to said fridge and was beholden to the sight of nothing but beer. 'H-How has this woman's liver stayed alive?!' He thought to himself as he looked around seeing all the other empty cans. He managed to shuffled a lot of the beer over to fit in the groceries. Looking around the apartment once more he noticed another fridge. Umbra padded over toward it as he sniffed at what looked like a hatch. It swung open to reveal a penguin, which inspected the canine and Umbra did the same. The two watched each other as if speaking to one another, before they both head towards where the bathroom was. Shinji had asked Misato about the flightless bird and she told him the birds name was Pen-Pen and was a new breed of hot spring penguin.

While waiting for the food to get ready, Shinji cleaned up around the place. If he wanted to cook properly, he needed an environment that wasn't worst than cooking in the a battlefield. He went on auto-pilot, and each time he filled a bag he handed it to Misato. The latter getting spooked by the former giving a cold glint that rivaled the Nerv commander. She left the bags outside the door with instructions on how to separate them. Shinji deciding if the cans were going to be any use it'd be getting the recycling reimbursement.

After a solid hour the apartment was now cleaner than when it was first built. Shinji having set up a fan and opened the balcony door and windows to air out the smells ranging from cheap food to boozes. Now discarding his face mask and safety goggles Shinji was now satisfied with the majority of the apartment, including his room. However Misato's bedroom was something to tackle another night. Misato now hadn't need to use her infamous rock, paper, scissor skills.

"Mmmm, Ahh." Misato letting out a satisfied gasp after draining her drink. "Havta admit, eating and drinking in less of a mess is waaay more enjoyable." Misato's voice already showing her growing tipsy-ness. "I really cant get a read on you Shinji. Some moments you seems like a normal kid, other times your so serious, and then times you seem way more mature than you should." This was when a mischievous smile crept on her lips, and Shinji felt her eyes were a bit too dangerous to look at. However her smirk shifted simply to a warm smile, making some heat grow in Shinji's cheeks. " I suppose it's got something to do with that ring of yours." Shinji looked at said ring and took a deep breath.

"Yeah, this might seem hard to believe-"

"Shinji, we fight giant monster in giant robots. One which you somehow put into a some magical suit of armor and a gigantic longsword, nothing is hard to believe." Misato interrupted with a teasing smile.

"So as I said when we saw my father, I had gotten this in a package from my mother." Misato could see the sadness in Shinji's eyes at the mere mentioning of his own mother. "When I put on the ring that was when I met Regis, he's basically my many times over great, great grandfather, and in that case…" He pointed to the long case that rested against the rest of his things. "…was his Glaive, his sword." He held out his hand away from the table as the sword of the father was conjured into his hand. Surprising Misato as she looked at it in awe.

"You know Ritsuko is going to have trouble letting you leave Nerv the next time you go in for testing." She chuckled as Shinji sweated a bit hoping she was joking.

"So, since getting the ring, it unlocked the abilities that were dormant in me." He held out his hand and after a few stray sparks a small flame was able to form in his hand. "I'm still learning to handle magic, and I'm able to do it much easier…" Having the flame form into a baseball sized sphere of fire. "…using the ring as a power sifter and focus." He let the flames dissipate away. " However I want to get better at doing things without the ring incase something happens to it." He set down his utensil he held up his two index fingers. "Basically, I still have my powers with or without the ring, but the ring allows me to access greater power and helps me concentrate it. However and I'm still being taught by my ancestors and myself on the abilities that I could have only when possessing it." Misato listened focusing, and taking mental notes to speak with Ritsuko to working on the training room to allow Shinji to train without the EVA. From how it sounded was the better acquainted with his powers, the best he could use them in Unit 01.

"Alright, so what was it you used through out the fight with the Third Angel?" Misato asking because the dodges Shinji was able to make in the fight were very crucial. You don't need to spend time repairing when you don't take damage to repair.

"What I was using to avoid blows in the beginning of the fight is what is called 'Phasing'. Basically I in a quick burst of speed and magic I phase through attack and move away from them. With how much I've practiced, it's somewhat automatic. However I do have to be in a mindset of battle, otherwise I have to actively think for it to happen." Shinji demonstrated as he stood and signaled for Umbra to jump at him. The dog complied and Shinji Phased through the dog before tuning back to the pooch and pat his head.

"That explains why the umbilical cord simply fell out, it couldn't move with you." Misato said as she bet Ritsuko was going to have a field day with all this.

"I have something I guess would be a barrier, but I sometimes have issues with them but if I can get in the mind set I can do them." He said as all he could get to form was a single small hexagon.

"Well, let hope that until you can get the hang of it, you can just dodge." She smiled and Shinji nodded in agreement.

"Next is Warping, in this case there are two ways I'm able to use this. The first is one you've seen which is where I throw something and I can warp to it and grasp it. However it's not just my weapons I can do this with." He picked up a butter knife and tossed it toward the living room before Shinji warped and appeared holding it. "Honestly anything weapon like can be used. Another but I have to focus and concentrate with is warping to a certain point." He fixed his gaze on the chair he previously sat in as he shimmered slightly before appearing again, thins time knocking over the chair. "I'm currently still getting the hand of it, or at least trying to." He rubbed his side as he reset the chair. He set his dishes in the sink and left them to soak. "I'm going to head for bed." Misato nodded as she downed another beer, and writing down notes on what he had said.

"Shinji…" Misato called out his name making him turn his head. "…you did a good thing today, you saved the city like a true hero." She smiled at him making a smile creep its way onto Shinji's face. He went to bed as he stared at the ceiling as he went to sleep.




Shinji was once again in Unit 01, however this time he noticed that the ring of the Lucii wasn't on his finger. He looked out and saw the third Angel, he tried to move toward it but he just fell over. He didn't understand what was going on, why couldn't he move. He felt his body lurch as the massive fingers of the Angel picked him up. He was helpless as he saw it's palm glow bright before he felt as if something impaled him through the eye.

His silent scream was muted as he could barely hear his own voice. He staggered back and felt a pair of arms wrap around him. More arms wrapped around him, one covering his hurt eye as he felt a pleasant warm sensation travel through his body. He saw forward and saw the moon in the sky, he reached up toward the light right before.




Shinji woke up, his hand held up above him. Looking at it slightly confused her shook his head as he brushed off the dream. Looking at the ring he took a deep breath and got up to get dressed. Riding the train was uneventful as he watched the landscape run past him.

The school itself looked somewhat basic, and thanks to a few simple directions Shinji was able to navigate fairly well. Introducing himself to his class was very simple as well, and met the serious but mine class rep Hikari. Shinji only half listened to what the teacher was talking about involving the second impact that melted and destroyed Antarctica.

He heard whispering that was directed at him, but just looked around room slowly, mainly using his eyes. Looking out the window and in the corner of his eye he saw the familiar blue hair of Rei. She herself was looking out the window, her uncovered red eye slightly vacant as if she was off in her own little world.

"Hey Ikari, do you have a minute?" Shinji's mind came back to his seat, seeing two of his classmates stand at his desk.

"Yeah, sure. What do you need?" Replying, Shinji wasn't sure what they wanted with him.

"Are, are you the one that's piloting that robot everyone is talking about?" The out of the blue question caught him off guard and let out a nervous chuckle as the two gave him scrutinizing looks. No one had told him not to tell anyone, so he merely took a breath breathe and relaxed himself.

"That's true." He answered concisely, and saw his two classmates suddenly get very excited, and Shinji realized he may have made a mistake.

"Everyone! It's true!" This caught everyone's attention much to Shinji's dismay. "He was the one in that robot knight thing!" Soon most of the class had crowded around Shinji's desk, thus making said teen slightly claustrophobic.

"That's so cool! How'd they choose you?" One asked him, and he decided to answer all their questions.

"My father is the commanding officer of the operation." This made a few of them gasp, and other just surprised.

"Weren't you scared?"

"A bit at first, It was literally the first time I'd ever been in it." This got him a few odd looks mixed with either confusion or shock, and some a mix of the two.

"Do you know what that monster was?" The girl asking looked slightly concerned, and a little scared. He could understand.

"They call it a 'Angel', but it seems that were not entirely sure what it was. They took samples to examine, or at least that's what I was told." He starting to have enough of the questions was able to get up when a hand slammed onto the desk. Shinji looked up the arm to see an athletic teen with dark brown hair. He looked slightly taller than Shinji and had an expression that conveyed annoyance directed straight at Shinji.

"Yo, new kid! Step outside…Now!" Shinji's face took a serious expression as he nodded and stood up. He followed the dark haired jock looking student lead the way. Shinji noticed that another of his classmates followed behind them, a guy with glasses and blonde hair. Getting outside Shinji held his hands in his pockets, while the jock looked annoyed at him.

"So is there a reason you needed me out here?" Shinji's words seemed to make the jock looked even angrier. "Because if all your trying to do is posture yourself or something. I'm going to be heading back to class." Shinji was skeptical of the jock. Before getting the ring and meeting the kings he was pushed around everywhere. Minor to severe he just took it and let them.

Shinji heard the foot fall of the jock and ducked under his fist. He looked at the jock with a scowl and took his hands out of his pockets. He moved back and forth and out of the way as the tracksuit wearing teen tried to hit him. Having enough he stood still as he looked at the jock and how he was breathing heavily.

"I didn't do anything to you, so I don't see what your big issue with me is." This caused what I knew what would happen as the jock ran at him fist raised. He readied himself to counter him and waited as he got closer.

"I'm pissed because my little sister is in the hospital because of your crashing around!" Shinji's eyes widened as he heard the jocks words right before said jock's fist crashed into his face. Shinji twisted as he hit the ground and didn't move for a moment. "She ended up pinned under rubble because you weren't being careful when fighting that thing!" Shinji froze at his words. "It was only by chance she wasn't completely crushed!" The blonde had run up and held the jock's arm and kept him from wailing on Shinji.

"Toji, That's enough." The blonde said trying to stop his friend as he paid attention to Shinji's expression. Shinji had sat up but he didn't move as his mind was trying to comprehend Toji's words. He wondered at why he hadn't thought of the possibility of people still getting hurt even with the shelters.

Just before his fight he was deep underground and the Angel's attack still caused damage that reached deep down into Nerv. He was only pulled from his thoughts when Toji had grabbed him by the collar and yanked him to his feet.

"Are you listening to me you bastard?!" Toji shouted at him, He couldn't respond as the class rep had walked into where they were.

"HEY! What are you guy's doing?!" Toji froze slightly at hearing Hikari's voice and gave Shinji a shove putting him back onto the ground.

"Listen up, Putz! A little advice for you the next time your inna fight. " Toji glared at him as Shinji looked at him. "Watch where you put your friggin feet! GOT IT!" Toji stormed off being followed by a angry Hikari. She looked over and saw that Shinji seemed somewhat shaken but had to make sure Toji didn't cause more trouble.

"Hey, I'm sorry about Toji, he's usually a good guy, he's just worried about his sister." Shinji looked up seeing the blonde. "I'm Kensuke." He held out his hand offered to Shinji who reluctant took it as he stood up. "Again, sorry about Toji, see ya around." Kensuke headed off in the direction the previous two had gone, and gave his a slightly wave. Shinji felt his cheek as it stung and saw a little blood on his finger as he felt the graze.

"Shinji, are you alright?" Regis appeared next to him was a small look of concern.

"Yeah, but…" He felt sick, and uneasy in his stomach. "…I'd just like to think this out myself okay." Regis nodded as he disappeared. He looked up at the horizon and tightened his gaze. "Some hero I am." He slowly made his way back to class as the rest of the day seemed to meld together till he was once again sitting in the plug tube of Unit 01. He felt slightly uncomfortable in the plug suit but he didn't let it bother him as he held the standard rifle. While he considered himself more up close combatant, he knew he should still at least learn how to use firearms.

Inside the observation room Ritsuko and Misato watched as Shinji fired and trained in the simulation.

"Is it just me or does something seem to be bothering Shinji?" Ritsuko asked Misato as she herself looked at Unit 01 with concern. "He seems to be very rigid not as fluid with his movements as he was before."

"He hasn't been very responsive at home either." Misato said as she remembered when he came home from school and his cheek was bruised with a small cut. When she asked him about it, he just brushed it off saying it was his own fault, and she didn't have to worry about it. Since then he had been very subdued and quiet. She hoped he was okay, not wanting to pry too hard else he'll just shut himself off to her completely. These thought's carried over in her mind as she watched Shinji defeat the simulated Angel.

She often felt she could only really ever collect her thoughts when she was either drinking for taking a shower. She saw he had gotten back with the groceries as she stepped out of the shower and was only clad in a towel, that in all honesty was somewhat too small. She thought to tease the young man as that statement hung in her mind as she looked at him as he cooked.

She unconsciously hid behind the walls corner shyly and saw the serious expression on his face. She looked at his back paying attention to how his shirt hung on his shoulders and felt a blush creeping up her cheeks. She shook her head and quickly went to her room to dress.

'What the hell was that about?!' She exasperatedly rubbed her face in her towel as if to try and scrape the blush from her cheeks. Taking a deep breath she just pushed the thoughts out of her mind and got dressed and came out to see the table all set. What caught her eye though was that there was only one setting.

"Shinji, where's your food?" She saw him setting the kitchen ware he used to soak before turning to her.

"I ate earlier, and I'm not that hungry anyway." He said as he made his way toward his room. Feeling compelled Misato reached and grabbed his hand. This made him jump, and he phased away from her. She felt hurt in the pit of her chest at this action as she looked at the shocked look on his face. "Sorry…" He quickly made his way to his room before she could say anything.

She sat as she slowly ate Shinji's food. She thought about the whole time Shinji had been living with her, and realized that neither him or her had really touched. Thinking back to when she first met him, she had held her hand out to him, but he didn't take it. Thinking back she barely remembered him looking somewhat reluctant. Back then she just maybe assumed he was nervous, and they had to get going anyway.

So technically that was the first time their hands touched. She knew from how he talked that before coming to Tokyo-3 he lived alone. She began to wonder just how long was he alone before he got that ring.




Shinji stared out as he leaned on the railing of the school's roof. He thought's always turning on him as he tried to work out how was he supposed to do.

' How am I going to protect everyone if I'm just going to be the cause for innocent people to get hurt. What if someone is running and I don't see them?! WHAT IF I END UP KILLING MORE PEOPLE THAN THE ANGEL!" He breathed heavily as gripped the railing his knuckles white as he realized he yelled out his last thought. His hands and arms shook as he felt like he was going to cry. The ring glowed slightly as he shook his head. 'NO! You can't just pop up and solve every problem I have. I might be an idiot, but I at least know I have to sort this out myself.' He thought outward as the ring dimmed back to how it was before.

A part of him almost wanted to retract those words as he felt so at odds with himself. He took a few deep breathes before standing to his feet and turned around and was surprised to see Rei standing there.

"Rei?" He blushed quite a bit as he was very sure she probably heard his outburst. "D-Did you need something?" She looked at him slightly contemplatively while also not showing too much emotion on her face.

"I had received a message for us to report in. I was trying to find you when Umbra found me and lead me to where you were. Said pooch walking out from behind her legs and nuzzled his head into her hand. She reciprocated by scratching behind his ears making him nuzzle her more. "I'll see you there." She turned after giving Umbra a small bow.

"H-Hey, wait up!" Shinji ran after her to catch up and down the stairs. Not paying attention, he didn't notice that Toji and Kensuke were next to the doorway and had been there for a little while. Toji himself thinking out what Shinji shouted. It was a little while before a emergency announcement was sounded. Toji stared at where Shinji had run off away from the school.

"Hey, Kensuke."

"Yeah Toji?"

"You said wanted to see those robots right?"





"Unit 01 launch!" Misato yelled as Shinji braced himself as he shot up the elevator shafts. He tried to focus his thoughts but they were all muddled.

'Were all the civilians warned? What if some didn't hear it?" He was cautious as he exited the shaft and moved carefully. Toji's words from before becoming more present in his mind as he spotted the Angel. Holding the rifle he waited a moment and just as the giant sea creature looking monster turned to him he fired. He didn't stop and kept firing. 'Just die! Just DIE! JUST DIE! So no one else will get hurt!' He screamed in his head. He had kicked up a massive cloud of dust and in an instant two whips of energy sprang from the cloud.

He barely dodged out of the way, but not soon enough as his rifle was cut in half. The dust clearing as it revealed the Angel completely unscathed.

"Shinji you have to keep moving to avoid those things!" Misato yelled over the com as he stood rigid, she could see his eyes darting around. "Shinji!" He reacted and warped forward, the progressive knife in his hand. He attempted to slash down but it brought up its whips. He persisted intending to just cut through them, but as his blade hit them he couldn't get any friction. The knife just slide and was directed away making him stumble.

The Angel backed up swinging on of its whips as it slammed into Shinji throwing him back. He didn't go far though as the Angel grabbed him leg mid air with

its other whip and threw him. Crashing into the hillside he breathed heavily as he tried to think. He opened his eyes as he suddenly noticed something between Unit 01's fingers.

"WHAT?!" They sat Toji and Kensuke looking up at him extremely scared, and relieved. Shinji didn't have time to think as he heard Misato.

"Shinji! Get Up!" Shinji Looked and saw the Angel hovering above him. It's whips flared as he quickly grabbed them. "Shinji! What are you doing?!" The whips in the EVA's hands burned as Shinji felt it in his own hands.

"If I move those two are dead!" He shouted as he held the whips tighter. He had to think, he had to protect them. That was when he thought of something and opened his entry plug.

"Shinji what are you do-?!"

"You two, climb up and get in!" Shinji yelled at the two students. Both looked very reluctant but made they're way up and into the plug.

"Wait a second! You cant just can't let unauthorized civilian's into the Entry plug!" Misato shouted over the com.

"Don't care, and if my dad wants to complain about it later, fine!" As soon as they were in he closed the plug and kicked the Angel and shoved it away. He had to find some way to beat this thing and keep destruction down to a minimum.

"Shinji, fall back so we can think of a plan." The whips of the Angel flashed forward, Shinji brought his hands up and to his surprise a huge barrier formed of massive hexagonal pieces. He was then he got an idea. He slammed his hands onto the ground as he watched the Angel.

"Come on, get up." As he saw the Angel bring itself back up the massive barrier pieces sprang from his hands and drawing power through the ring, it spread and moving over the buildings as it covered nearly most of the city. "Yes!" he grinned as he felt tired by the act. He looked back at the other two as they looked out in awe.

'I wont be able to warp with those two in here with me. I have to be careful otherwise they'll be flung out. As Unit 01 stood, Shinji had to figure out how to get close, but he cant just hit it with those whips, most of his weapons would just bounce off them.

"Shinji!" Misato's words were too late as suddenly he felt the two whips thrust through him. Shinji shook slightly as he could feel them slowly burning him.

'Longus. I need you!' Shinji called out to 'The Tall' as he responded in full. The Tall's armor burned into being around Unit 01, as he held his footing. The whips were still through his, as he grabbed their ends and held both in his right hand. He glared at the Angel as he saw it begin to struggle, and made it's whips hotter. Shinji had to hold back a scream as he felt immense pain grow in his abdomen.

Slowly he began to pull the whips through himself, and making him nearly gag with each pull, as he could feel each and every burn and scrape that went through Unit 01's body. His ears were drowned out by the beating of his heart as he took one step at a time toward the Angel with ever pull. He as well wrapped the excess around his forearm and elbow, much to the shock of everyone else from in the plug to the bridge crew.

'What are you doing Shinji?! Why are you intentionally damaging yourself?!' Misato screamed in her mind as yelling them outward would be fruitless as Shinji couldn't seem to hear her. He was basically face to face with the monster as he moved his left arm back.

"RRRRAAAAAAGGGGGGHHHHHHH!" Shinji screamed out of both pain and frustration as a massive blade partly appeared in his hand as he stabbed it into the fourth Angel just below its core. The sword was massive, practically looking like a massive paddle and was looked like teeth on the edge pointed toward the core. Now holding the end of the whips in his melted hand Shinji gripped the pommel end of the blade.

The teeth on the massive blade began to move as they began to slowly shred into the Angel. It thrashed and struggled to get away but Shinji held his ground. The teeth of the massive chainsaw blade moved faster and faster.

Blood and chunks of the Angel splattered and hit Unit 01 as the blade slowly traveled upward. Shinji yelled as the whips grew even hotter, his arms shaking from the pain. Toji and Kensuke seeing this moved forward each of them grabbing hold of a handle that Shinji held.

"Come on you big freak!" Shinji was shocked as he felt some of the pain slightly lessen. The two them selves looking slightly in pain. It made sense due to them in the plug.

"Come on Shinji!" Kensuke yelled getting Shinji to nod as all three teens glared at the Angel. The teeth of the blade moved faster, the blade moving up farther. As they hit the core they pushed up hard as it tore through the rest of the Angel and up. They had missed the core but made a huge gapping wound in the monster. Holding the blade in both hands above their heads they swung it down.

"""JUST DIIIIIE!""" All three boys screamed out as the great sword dug through down and slammed right into the core as it was chewed to pieces as they carved into it and through the rest of it. The Angel let out a disgusting gurgle sound before it finally collapsed. The whips energy dissipated leaving then inert. All three boys were breathing heavily as all they're shoulder shook, and one by one all of them started to laugh. Due to the LCL each of them had slight tears that floated into the liquid.

None of them knew why they were laughing, they almost died. As they all slowly calmed down Shinji felt like he was going to pass out but held it off as his head ached.





Shinji didn't move as Misato had slapped him. When he came back Toji and Kensuke were taken to be scolded for leaving the shelter. Shinji had finished his shower and gotten dressed as Misato came in looking angry. She was angry that he hadn't immediately retreated, and seemed to show no reguard for his own life.

"You duty may be to protect Shinji, but it doesn't mean you practically almost kill yourself to do so!" She was nearly on the verge of tears but kept them at bay. "Go home and rest Shinji, just go home." Misato didn't look at him as he stood and walked out of the Locker room.

Shinji leaving Nerv let his mind wander as he walked through the city. He wanted to clear his head, he wanted to try and figure out why Misato was angry with him. He killed the Angel, he protected the city, who cared if he got hurt.

Misato was talking with Ritsuko as she worked at her computer. She was worried because Shinji wasn't home when she got back to the apartment. She had gone to his room and saw that this things were still there and his phone was on his bed.




When she told Ritsuko, the blonde suggested that Shinji might've run away. Apparently the commander has stated that Shinji doing such a thing is common. However both women weren't sure with the Shinji they've come to know. Misato began to feel like she was being too hard on him. She'd only touched him two times now and now one of them was her slapping him.

She just didn't want him to throw his life away. She was honored that he'd risk some much for all of them at the same time. She just never wanted someone to sacrifice and not care for they're wellbeing again. She'd already lost enough people to the ideal of self-sacrifice. Misato wanted Shinji to be their hero, she just didn't want him to throw his life away to do it.




Shinji continued to wander around Tokyo-3. He didn't have his music or his phone so he couldn't call Misato, but he figured that she didn't want to see him right now.

"Shinji Ikari, come with us." Shinji looked up at a group of the security team of Nerv. "Now." Shinji just gave the man a deadpan expression, and started walking past them.

"Leave me alone, I'm clearing my head." The man tried to grab Shinji, but only grabbed air as Shinji phased. He looked at them annoyed as he looked up the nearby skyscraper. "You wanna bother me, fine." When two of the Sec. 2 lunged at him he phased through them. He ducked under the next one before slamming his fist into the guard's stomach.

Said guard fell to his knees as he felt the air leave his lungs. He threw one of his weapons into the air, before falling and kicking another hard on the shoulder. The other two of the group looked reluctant and ready to pull their firearms.

Shinji having enough warped as he stood in front of the two. He held 'the wanderer's' duel blades in each hand and held then against their necks. They froze as stared wide eyed behind their shades.

"Realize that I want to be left alone next time. Possibly next time ask me politly and i might come with you." He moved the blades away before he warped and stabbed his blade into the side of the building high above the streets.

He climbed higher and higher till he was overlooking the city.

"What should I do?" He thought about what Misato had said to him. She didn't seem like she truly had an issue with him protecting the city.

She seemed more upset that…he didn't care about what was happening to himself. A look of realization spread over his face as he brought his hands up in frustration.

'I'm such an idiot.' He looked over the city as the sun had already set.




Misato sat at her dining room table several empty beer strewn around her. She had heard from Ritsuko that the SEC-2's couldn't find Shinji, and when they did, they'd lose him. He just seemed dead set to be left alone. She wondered if Ritsuko was right that he was going to run away. In her drunken stupor, her mood was not something that helped her. If anything, it made her feel worst.

"Shinji, please come back." She felt her eyes moisten as she hated the silence of the apartment. She removed her coat as it began to feel far too restrictive and hot. Shaking her out of her pity party she heard a knock at her door. She rushed toward the door hoping, but bracing herself in case. Opening the door revealed a disheveled and tired looking Shinji, and dark rings around his eyes. Looking at her Shinji could see she was just about as tired as him.

"I…uh, brought a peace offering." He held up a bad filled with various items of junk food and what seemed to be some light beer. He looked at her for a response but she just remained silent and stared at him. "I'm really sorry for not letting you know where or what I was doing. I had forgotten my phone and didn't think you'd want to see me."

She was still silent as she took in his words before he continued.

"I just wanted to clear my head for a little while with no outside distraction. I couldn't understand why you were so upset and everything with Toji made me stressed out. I was second guessing myself, I was putting too much worry into the damage I was causing." He took a short breath before continuing as Misato stayed ever quiet. "I was so wrapped up and putting my concern on everything but my own wellbeing."

Still silent, Misato's eyes burned as she tried her best to keep her tears from spilling over as her hands trembled holding the doorway. Thoughts of her father's sacrifice bleeding into her mind.

"But…I guess I didn't realize how those around me would feel if I threw my life away while saving them." He looked Misato in the eye and smiled. "From now on though, I'll still make sure to protect everyone, and give it my all each time. I'll just make sure I'm still around to make it back and see you all again." Shinji then saw tears spilling over Misato's cheeks. Before he could ask if she was okay, she lunged and latched onto him in a tight hug.

Misato started to openly cry into Shinji's shoulder as she held onto him like a lifeline. She was happy, she was so happy that she now had someone who promised they'd come back. Even in the short time they've spent together, she already knew she didn't think she'd be able to go back to not having him around in her life.

Shinji held her as he rubbed her back, he was happy she didn't seem too upset with him. For the most part she seemed like was happy to see him. Still holding the bag of goodies Shinji held Misato in his arms with ease. She didn't seem like she wanted to let go. He carried her to her room and laid her down on her bed.

Once again however, she wouldn't let him go. It looked like she had fallen asleep.

"Shinji…please don't leave." She said sleepily as a blush crept through him, but he took a deep breath and exhaled silently. He removed his shoes and climbed into the blanket as she seemed to relax. He just felt like she needed this, and slowly he joined her in sleep.