A/N: Sorry for the long wait! But I gott a chapter of "Second Chances" And this chapter up tonight so I'm on a roll.

As always, feel free to contact me!

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Chapter 3:

"Hot Teacher For Dinner"

The first week of school had gone by great, the kids were happy and doing great in their classes. Until Samantha had come home with a note that said Mr. Novak wanted to come over after school to discuss some things. He didn't know whether he was more nervous that his Sammy had been the one with a teacher's not or the fact that his 'Hot Teacher Crush' was coming to his house.

Well, let's just say the house was spotless come Friday evening at 6 pm when the doorbell rang. Dean was beaten to the door by Sam who slung it open and attacked her teacher with a hug "Mr. Novak!" She said happily and Dean chuckled at the shocked look on the teacher's face.

"Come on Sammy, let the man breath" he coaxed his daughter off of the teacher. "Sorry she's a hugger" he explained and stepped aside and granting Castiel entrance. "Come on in." he said blushing a little nervously and rubbing the back of his neck as Castiel passed him to enter the house.

Xander chose that moment to come downstairs and he huffed at the scene before him and being the blunt child that he is he said "Oh jeez Dad, don't tell me you're going to hit on the teacher!" Shaking his head at the thought of his dad doing that.

Dean was mortified, to say the least, "Alexander!" He reprimanded "I'm not hitting on anyone!" He assured him as his son who shrugged and went back upstairs. Dean reluctantly turned to Castiel, who was trying to keep from laughing, "I'm sorry" he tried and ran a hand down his face exasperatedly.

Castiel shook his head as if saying 'Its fine', he then turned to Sam and signed something with his hands to her. "Okay! Good seeing you Mr. Novak!" She said as she raced to her room. Dean raised an eyebrow and ushered Castiel to the kitchen table.

'I teach sign language in my class, it makes my class easier plus it helps them in the future to know a whole different language, Sam is a fast learner' he scrawls out quickly, answering Dean's questioning eyebrow.

Dean smiled "That's great Cas, I'm glad she gets the chance to learn something like that." he said happily and cleared his throat "Um...sorry about Xander...he has no filter between his brain and mouth" he offered lamely. Castiel shook his head

'Don't worry about it Dean, I know he was just joking. I get a lot of 'attention' from the moms of my students. Imagine their surprise when I tell them that I don't bat for their team' he wrote and slid it to Dean who snorted laughing "I know the feeling, I dread class parties, it was bad when I was married but now I'm sure they can sense 'divorced' on me. Those women are nuts, I don't envy you" He finished with an exaggerated shiver.

Castiel smiles fondly and shook his head. "You think it's funny, my wife just threw me to the wolves, she thought it was hilarious." He said laughing, not noticing the teacher's smile falter a little. "Anyways! You're here for something, what did you need to talk about? Is everything okay with Sam, is she okay?" He asked with concern.

Castiel smiles 'First off I want to say thank you' he wrote and Dean raised an eyebrow 'Most people with a child as smart as Samantha automatically ask about her grades, you asked about her and not her grades' Dean chuckled as he finished reading the note "Well she's my daughter, I'd still love her even if she got D's...like Xander" he assured the man, which made him smile more.

'That's a great attitude to have' he wrote and Dean grinned as the man continued to write 'I'm just a little worried about her making friends, she really hasn't made any.' He began and Dean frowned 'She wants to stay inside at recess and eats by herself at lunch' he continued, Dean's frown deepening.

'She is a bright young girl. One of, if not THE, brightest in my class. She just seems a little shy. I wanted to inform you, I don't want her to be lonely, it's the worst feeling' Dean could hear the sadness in the man's words and nodded "I will talk to her and see what's going on, thank you so much. Most teachers wouldn't point this out to me, they're more worried about grades than other stuff" he thanked him nicely.

'You're welcome Mr. Winchester' he replied on the paper 'I've taken up enough of your time, thanks for allowing me to meet with you.' He said politely. "It's no problem Cas, and Dean is fine" Castiel nodded and shook the man's hand as he stood up.

"Kids! Come and say goodbye!" He called up the stairs as they reached the door. He heard footsteps and down came Sam, slowly followed by her brother "Can Mr. Novak stay for dinner Daddy please?" She asked hopefully, giving the puppy dog eyes.

Dean sighed in defeat, he was nothing against those eyes, it was futile to argue. "Of course he's welcome to stay, that is unless he has other plans..." he said leaving it open for the teacher to answer.

'Are you sure Dean? I wouldn't want to impose' he jotted down and handed it to Dean who chuckled "No imposition Cas, come and sit in the kitchen while I cook?" He offered and Castiel nodded "And you two" he said turning back to his kids "Homework" he ordered and they grumbled their way back upstairs as the adults went to the kitchen.