As Naruto followed Temari, he wondered what he would be facing soon. Either way he wasn't afraid.

Not at all.

He knew he had the right cards up his sleeve, to turn the situation to his advantage.

"So where are we going?"

Temari stopped and looked over her shoulder, and just seeing the reminder of what Naruto's appearance was. There was no doubt in her mind, that the childish boy she met at the exams not that long ago.

That's when she started to speak.

"We're going to the council of elders to find out their decision." She said.

Naruto rose an eyebrow, but nonetheless shrugged and nodded.

"Beware Naruto, do not do anything stupid. This is the opportunity we wanted, play along for a bit, if it becomes like a Konoha council meeting, then tell them flat out what you want." The Kyuubi said suddenly.

Naruto nodded mentally and continued to follow Temari. He didn't know his way that much around the village. So it was better to wait it out.

Before they knew it, they arrived at a tall building, Naruto knew this is where it was going to go down. Temari suddenly turned around, and once again she was shocked at Naruto's new appearance, that was still a fact in her mind.

She shook of her thoughts and started to speak up.

"This is where the council meets, we will see what they will do now." She said suddenly.

Naruto nodded and followed her inside.

As they finally arrived in the room, Naruto knew this would be a battle, he knew councils were very strict and old fashioned, just like the one in Konoha.

"Elders, I have brought Naruto Uzumaki. I found him in the village earlier." Temari said loudly.

They were silent for a bit, then they started to speak.

"Naruto Uzumaki, a missing nin from Konoha. You just happened to show up in Suna? Why? What are your plans?" One asked loudly.

Naruto shook his head and spoke in a deep voice.

"I would ask the same of you, so I know what my options are. I wouldn't like to go blind in this." He said loudly.

Temari was shell shocked, never before did she think that Naruto would be like this. The change was more prevalent than she originally thought.

The elders seemed enraged at that statement, they had no idea what was up Naruto's sleeve, so they didn't know what was coming. It was foolish of them to think they could manipulate this meeting their way, when really, Naruto was manipulating it from the beginning.

"You dare ask us that? You are in our hands here boy! You have no options. What we say is final!" A elder roared.

Temari shook her head, it seemed the meeting was going south, and fast. That's what she thought though, truth be told, Naruto expected this to happen.

Everyone turned to Naruto as he started to chuckle and laugh manically.

"What are you laughing at boy? You do realize your situation right? Your life is in our hands!" The elder roared furious.

Naruto just chuckled, then shook his head. He lowered his head for a bit.

"No, you're wrong." He said lowly.

Everyone tensed as they heard his voice, Temari scooted away from Naruto, she had a bad feeling.

Naruto raised his head, and his eyes were red.

Everyone's breath stilled. They had no idea what was coming.

"What do you mean boy? You really think you have a chance? The odds are stacked against you!" The elder roared.

Naruto glared at the elder, it was time. No more playing around, time to get to the point.

"Are you sure?" Naruto asked loudly.

His words left the question in the air, what did he mean? That was the elephant in the room.

Naruto started to speak up yet again.

"Do you really think, that it was a coincidence that Temari found me in Suna today? I'm a missing nin, so it would be foolish of me to let myself be caught that easily." He said loudly.

That's when it hit them.

Temari turned towards Naruto.

"You let me catch you! You wanted me too. Why?" She asked loudly.

Everyone else wanted to know.

Naruto chuckled and spoke up.

"Nothing on you Temari, I just needed the fastest way to meet with the council, that and I needed the cleanest way too. Couldn't have bloodshed on my hands at a time like this." He explained.

The elders stared incredulously at him.

"Then what do you want?" One asked.

Naruto chuckled and looked at the elders sharply.

"The reason I'm here? Ha! I'm here to offer you a proposition." He said loudly.

Silence reigned in the room for a while, but suddenly several chuckles erupted from the elders.

"What could you offer us? You're situation is a critical matter, to trust you would require a lot of proof." One said loudly.

Temari looked at the room in awe, she had no idea what was coming.

Naruto rose an eyebrow as he stared at the elder. What he said, made him a bit confused.

"You want proof?" He said in low voice.

Everyone looked at him strangely as he spoke.

"Bring it, whatever you got I will take it." He said with a grin.

The entire council looked at him strangely, Naruto stared defiantly back at them. Temari seemed a little shocked at what the meeting turned out.

"Are you sure about that? We know you're a jinchuriki of the Kyuubi, but you can barely control it. What chances could you're proposition be of worth to us?" One elder.

Naruto chuckled and it turned to full blown laughter.

"Are you sure about that? I know for a fact I'm way stronger than when I was at the village. You want proof? What besides the fact that I've traveled to Kumo and personally gotten a deal with the Raikage, in order to get training from one of his top ninjas. Also the fact I learned so much from the time I've left and now I'm here for the same reason!" Naruto shouted loudly.

After Naruto's outburst, complete silence reigned in the room yet again. They weren't sure if they heard him right.

"You boy? You made the Raikage a deal and he accepted it? One asked incredulously.

Naruto narrowed his eyes, these elders were really testing his patience. It was time to show them just who he was and what he could really do. They're opinions be damned.

He had enough, and it was time to prove a point.

"You continue to question my story? Very well, you said you wanted proof and you will get it. I have a suggestion for you." He said loudly.

The elders looked at each other and then back to Naruto.

"What is your suggestion?" One asked.

Naruto looked at them and spoke loudly yet again.

"Bring out Gaara, and we will have a spar. I will show just how stronger I have become." He said.

The elders chuckled yet again.

"You may have beated Gaara in the exams, but he has gotten stronger and is on his way to becoming the kage. Can you handle that? He has changed and you will see it for yourself." One said.

Naruto shook his head.

"Bring him then." Was all he said.

The nodded and before anyone knew it, they were in a clearing of some sort. It was most likely a training ground for Suna.

Gaara stood in front of Naruto with determined eyes. The council and Temari were there as well.

"I will fight you seriously Naruto Uzumaki. I suggest you do the same." Gaara said loudly.

Naruto chuckled and gave a thumbs up.

"You know it Gaara, don't hold back on me now." He said.

Gaara nodded and suddenly sand swirled around him. Naruto grinned as he knew this would be a good test of his strength.

As Gaara launched a blast of sand towards Naruto, everyone was surprised to see him dodge it easily, Gaara looked at Naruto for a moment. Suddenly Gaara's eyes hardened as several torrents of sand were fired off quickly.

Naruto instantly saw them coming and started doing hand seals, before anyone knew it, several Naruto's appeared and catapulted Naruto over Gaara's attack, as Naruto landed he quickly dashed towards him to get in close.

Gaara instantly covered his arm with sand as it hardened when Naruto went to strike. Naruto's arm was stuck in the sand as his fist connected with it. He looked at his arm as the sand hardened around it, he tried breaking free from the sand grip.

However, he couldn't get it lose, now it was time to force it.

As Naruto finally gave up on breaking loose, he knew it was time to add some extra power.

Gaara instantly noticed the change in Naruto's behavior, Temari noticed it as well.

Suddenly Naruto's eyes hardened, and Gaara instantly noticed his look. It was savage, unyielding and primal, it was a sign that the beast was finally out and ready.

Suddenly the sand around Naruto's fist started to glow a red. Everyone watched with stupor, they had no idea what was coming.

Gaara instantly felt his chakra rise in massive amounts, he had no idea what he was planning to do, but he knew with Naruto's chakra reserves, that it could do a large amount of damage to him.

Before everyone's eyes a massive amount of chakra was building up and exploded like a volcano, sending both Naruto and Gaara flying backwards. The elders were shocked, their opinions of the boy were wrong, and they had no idea just how strong he was. Temari was completely shocked, from when she last tried to fight him, he was still a little new, but it seemed he had grown and was starting to truly become someone new.

She had no idea what it all meant.

As Naruto and Gaara both got back up, it seemed that Gaara protected himself in the last moment, Naruto on the other hand was scorched, however, before everyone's eyes the burns started to heal and was replaced with new skin.

Naruto looked at his arms in surprise, his healing rate wasn't that fast.

"You idiot Naruto, you just built up a large amount of my chakra on your arm. That isn't something to take lightly, my chakra is volatile and destructive, it only takes a small amount to cause an explosion. Anymore chakra and it strengths the blast." Naruto heard.

Naruto heard the Kyuubi, and understood what he meant. He had to be careful with his chakra more, the amount he used was only a little bit. However, it was very effective, and only adding more would cause more problems.

Naruto looked at Gaara, who was sizing him up. He knew Gaara wasn't done at all, he knew it would take a lot to make Gaara give up, that was a fact in Naruto's mind.

Suddenly Gaara started to make his move.

Gaara started to gather a large amount of sand while holding his hands together above him, Naruto looked at the massive pile of sand that was starting to build above them, suddenly Gaara slammed his hands to the ground, and the sand followed.

However, it didn't do what Naruto thought it would.

The sand delved downwards as it landed, Naruto looked at the ground around him as it started to shake wildly. Suddenly several spikes rose up from the ground, Naruto instantly dashed forwards, he knew Gaara would only start again. He needed to get in close.

As Naruto charged towards Gaara, the spikes were appearing in front of him, making him have to jump around them. Gaara was making this environment an advantage.

Suddenly Gaara rose a hand and sand hardened around it, forming a large claw. Which Gaara proceeded to charge at Naruto with and continued to swipe and slash at him.

Naruto dashed backwards to avoid Gaara who slammed his sand claw into the ground, Naruto knew he needed to wear Gaara down a bit, he couldn't go forever.

That's when he pulled out Samehada.

Everyone stared at the sword for a moment.

Suddenly Naruto charged forwards and went to strike.

As Samehada connected with Gaara's claw, everyone was surprised when it started to suck the chakra right out of it. Making it smaller as it drained the chakra, Gaara looked at Naruto in stupor, Temari was completely shocked.

She saw the sword earlier and wondered what it did, and now to see it, it blew her mind. How could he get something like that? She wondered awed.

The elders were completely shocked. They knew what the sword was now, and knew just how powerful Naruto could be with it.

"Samehada... Shark Skin, one of the most terrifying swords of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist. To wield such a weapon.." One elder spoke aimlessly.

Temari looked at the elder in shock, then to Naruto.

"What does the sword allow the wielder to do?" She asked curiously.

She didn't know if she would like the answer that much.

The elder turned to her and spoke again.

"The sword devours chakra, any kind of it. It can also feed off the wielder's chakra, thus making it a ton more dangerous." They said.

Everyone looked at the sword and felt a chill down their spine, Gaara instantly yanked his arm back and slammed his other hand on the ground, making a large shockwave giving both of them some room.

Naruto grinned as Gaara obviously still wasn't done, and he had a bloodthirsty look in his eyes. He still had the Bijuu, so Naruto knew Gaara would use it's power, that is if he could learn how to control it.

Suddenly the sand shifted around Gaara in large amounts, as a large amount started to cover him in armor. Naruto watched as the armor hardened and grew spikes as it reached Gaara's feet.

Naruto looked at Gaara and knew, that this was going to decide the battle. This was it, and there was no way around. Naruto knew he needed to find a way to break through his armor to get a solid hit it.

If he could damage it first a bit, then he could launch a more powerful attack and maybe shatter it.

"Gaara I must say, you have improved quite a large amount since our fight at the exams, however I must say it is time to put it to an end. You have earned my total respect when I say this, you are like a brother to me and you have shown me your strength. Now I will show you mine!" Naruto said loudly.

Everyone, even Gaara was shocked, but even he kept his guard. He felt the same way too, Naruto had show him the true way, and it was obvious to him that Naruto wasn't going to hold back anymore.

Suddenly Naruto flipped through hand seals and soon tens of shadow clones appeared, Gaara looked around at them as the surrounded him. He suddenly raised his hands as all of them started to charge at him.

The real Naruto dashed in as well, this time he leaped upwards. Everyone watched as he went through a different set of hand seals.

"Raiton: Jibashi!" Everyone heard him shout.

Suddenly a wave of electricity shot towards Gaara, Naruto fell to the ground as he watched the attack connect. It seemed what he thought about worked, since Gaara was in some heavy armor especially his sand armor, which even though it was sand, had some part of earth in it. He was right when he thought that, a electric attack would most likely cause a good bit of damage and stun him for a bit.

Naruto took the moment and dashed in pulled out Samehada once again, this time he swung it will a lot of force and slammed it in to Gaara's abdominal area. Samehada instantly went to work draining the chakra, however, Gaara knew what the sword was and knew now to not let it get in contact with him.

Suddenly several spikes erupted out of the ground and from his armor, forcing Naruto back.

Both of them were starting to feel the fatigue, Gaara a bit more.

Naruto saw this and knew, it was coming close to the final move.

Naruto still needed to get one last hit in, before he would try out something.

Suddenly Naruto started to form the shadow clone hand seals and he used his clones to launch him at breakneck speeds, with him flying towards Gaara he reeled his leg back and as he came close he launched a devastating blow to his armor.

It was finally starting to crack, Naruto knew now that he could take Gaara down.

To everyone's surprise Naruto leaped back.

He looked at Gaara with a determined look.

"It was fun Gaara, but now it is time to end this. I have been preparing a special move for something of value, and you have proven yourself to me." He said loudly.

Suddenly Naruto held his hand out and a Rasengan started to form. However, Naruto wasn't done yet. Everyone watched as Naruto grinned and his eyes turned blood red, his body started to change into it's more animalistic side. Suddenly Naruto's aura expanded as the Kyuubi's chakra flooded his system.

It was obvious to everyone there, that Naruto was serious and completely strong enough to do what he said.

Suddenly Naruto's hands started to glow and it continued to brighten the area around them, suddenly orange flames curled around his fingers and wrists.

Next came the hard part, he had only had a few practice opportunities to try this. However, he got it to work a few times, so it was a matter of perfecting it.

Suddenly the flames started to flow towards the floating Rasengan above his palm, it encircled it like a inferno, strengthening it beyond anyone's knowledge. Before everyone's eyes the Rasengan started to glow brightly, and soon it glowed a dark orange and had endless fire coursing through it.

"I'm impressed Naruto, you didn't only add the fox fire to the Rasengan, but it seems you created a more potent and concentrated mix of the two of them." The Kyuubi said suddenly.

Naruto looked at the Rasengan in his hand in awe. He knew what the Kyuubi meant, it was more volatile and explosive, now that it was a concentrated form. However, he knew he could handle it.

He looked at Gaara with a determined look, and charged in.

As the newly Rasengan connected with the armor that was already damage, the result was obvious. However, there was a surprise for everyone at the end, and it was a big one.

A massive explosion released right afterwards, erupting like a fury of a volcano.

It was obvious.

Naruto was in another league altogether.