A/N; For Riverwriter - blame her for this pure crack 3

There were some days that Lucius wondered what on earth he'd done right in his existence to deserve the life he was currently living. He was fully aware that he had done some awful things; allowing himself to be branded as a follower of a mad-man and then allowing his only child to be used and abused by said mad-man years later, were both things he deeply regretted. But it was the fact that he'd at one point contemplated cutting the same son out of his life for his choice in fiancee that caused him the most regret. For he would subsequently have missed out on the pure joy that his grandson Scorpius brought to his and his wife, Narcissa's life - he shuddered at the thought.

So yes, Lucius Malfoy was extremely grateful to have been given another chance, especially when one of the primary reason's for his happiness came skipping down the halls of Malfoy Manor and scampered into his lap. Lucius was reminded, often, by Narcissa that he'd never allowed Draco to clamber all over him like he did Scorpius, but Lucius only ever smirked at his wife and reminded her that he wasn't the only grandparent the young Malfoy Heir had wrapped around his finger.

"Grandfather," Scorpius grinned, his tiny arms wrapping around Lucius' neck to give him a hug. Lucius smiled gently at his grandson when he pulled back.

"Good afternoon Scorpius. How was your day?"

Scorpius immediately delved into storytelling mode, a trait Lucius attributed to his mother and rattled off his day. Lucius listened carefully and nodded at the appropriate moments. His heart was fit to bursting as he watched his grandson's myriad of facial expressions and he wished the moment would last forever. Unfortunately, as all good things must, the moment ended and he was snapped back to reality by the squirming four year old.

"They were the best Grandfather. I tried to bring some back for you but Uncle Ronald took the last one when I wasn't looking and," he sighed dramatically and cast his gaze behind Lucius.

"I'm sorry Scorpius," Lucius said, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion at his grandson's sudden melancholy, "what were the best?"

Scorpius' eyes snapped back to his and Lucius felt his blood turn cold at the words that slipped from his mouth. "The cookies Grandfather, Nana Molly's cookies. They're even better than the one's Miffy gives me everytime I visit."

Lucius shifted in his chair so that Scorpius was facing him again. "Surely you don't mean that?"

Scorpius sighed dramatically, again, "but i do."

"Scorpius! Scorp it's time to go," Draco called, and Lucius loosened his grip on his grandson to let him up and allowed him to pull him up too.

"Mummy is taking me back tomorrow while she and father are at work," he whispered conspiratorially when they reached the living room doorway. Lucius flicked his eyes through the crack in the door to see his son helping a visibly pregnant Hermione from one of the sofa's whilst the pair of them spoke quietly to Narcissa, his eyes flicked back to his grandson, "and I'll try and get her to give me some more." His eyes lit up as a thought crossed his mind, "maybe she could bake me a cake. Oh Grandfather," he grinned, "wait until you try the cake."

He was still hunkered down on the floor outside of the living room when Narcissa opened the door a few minutes later.

"Lucius what on earth are you doing?"

He blinked, straightened himself out and leaned forward to give his wife a quick kiss on the cheek. "Nothing," he murmured before he turned on his heel and disappeared down the corridor leaving a bewildered Narcissa in his wake.

He hadn't even meant for it to happen. He'd simply floo'ed into Draco and Hermione's home one afternoon with the explicit purpose of picking Hermione up, so that he could escort both her and Narcissa to a ministry event that Draco was hosting, when it did. Hermione had been running late and insisted that he settle himself on the couch in their very muggle styled living room for a few minutes whilst she finished getting ready. And he had. He'd also accidentally sat down on a device he'd learned over the years controlled the big black screen they had on the wall and was suddenly enthralled in a television program he'd later learned was called The Great British Bake Off.

It had changed his life.

He suddenly found himself sneaking into their home when they were both at work to indulge in the greatness that was Mary Berry. He was convinced she was a witch, for how else could she come up with such magnificent creations. When he'd watched every available season he'd sent his personal elf, Hobson, to procure him her cookbooks from a muggle bookstore using any means necessary. The elf had stared up at him in worry for a few moments before he'd blinked away. Within the hour Lucius was ensconced in his office reading the first of many books that the woman had written and within the week he'd made it down to the kitchens, a place he had avoided most of his adult life, banished all the elves and made his first attempt at a Victoria sponge.

It had not gone well. In fact it took months for him to produce something that the elves would eat themselves and a further six months after that, for him to work up the courage to present something to his family. When Narcissa had called Miffy, their head cooking elf, to the dining room and praised her for her hard work, Lucius and the elf had shared a look that conveyed exactly how he felt in the moment - they were not to know the truth. And so the fact had remained a secret. Lucius continued to sneak down to the kitchens and gradually made his way through the first book, always presenting the finished product on a friday evening when Draco and Hermione arrived for dinner.

And when Hermione announced her pregnancy he began to work harder. Malfoys deserved, got and were the best and he was determined that his future grandchild would learn that from an early age.

So, the revelation that his grandson thought his baking inferior to Molly 'bloody' Weasleys - well. It wasn't good enough. Scorpius was clearly under some sort of delusion and Lucius was adamant to rectify him of it.

He summoned his favourite of Berry's books, Absolute Favourites and set to work on what he knew to be Scorpius' - a four tiered chocolate extravaganza that he knew would set Hermione's teeth on edge.

When it was done, after a painstaking three and a half hours, he leaned back and glanced at Miffy, who'd joined him at some point.

"Let's see Molly Weasley beat that."

Miffy nodded.