Chapter 6: Disguises

Hey everyone, welcome to the sixth and final Chapter of my story Commonwealth Blues! It's been a bit of a long ride, but I am now finally finished with this story! I hope you wonderful and amazing readers enjoyed reading this story, as much as I enjoyed writing it! Anyway, enough from me, let us begin the Chapter!

I do not own Fallout 4, that is the sole property of Todd Howard and Bethesda.

Catalina Perez didn't know why she kept coming back to this place. It wasn't a place she had fond memories of, far from it. Hard to be nostalgic about a place where you destroyed a single organization and killed hundreds of people. But time and time again, the Sole Survivor found herself walking across the Commonwealth, and ending up in the ruins of the Boston Airport. The place remained a ghost town, devoid of any human life. Seems as if this entire place had been considered cursed, and sworn off by the entire Commonwealth.

Even now, months after the fight, she could still see the fractured remains of the Prydwen poking out from the irradiated sea, the metal twisted and charred black. Blowing up an entire airship while she was still in it, while fighting the Elder of the freaking Brotherhood of Steel with her bare hands, had certainly been a risky maneuver…but Catalina didn't really give a shit. After Shaun, Glory, Hancock...she stopped caring about whether she lived or died.

"You still don't, genio." A small voice whispered in the back of her head, sarcasm dripping from every syllable.

The Sole Survivor could only sigh and shake her head at that thought, because honestly? She couldn't really argue with it. If she actually cared about herself, she would've just hung it up and lived out the rest of her life in Nuka World with Gage and Codsworth. It definitely wasn't as exciting as leading the Minutemen and helping the Railroad free synths, but it was definitely a comforting life to lead. But instead she decided to do the vigilante shit, dressing up as El Carnicero Tranquilo and hunting down all those bastardos that deserved it.

"Nice day, isn't it?" A new voice announced, full of cheer to it.

Already whipping out her plasma pistol, Catalina turned and pointed her gun right at the intruder. It was some punk, with a blonde beard and ponytail, dressed in a lab coat. The scowl on Catalina's face only became more pronounced, as she noticed the punk's sunglasses.

"You gotta be fucking kidding me." Catalina growled. "First Doc, now you? Tell Dez to piss off and leave me alone, before I start getting pissed off."

If there was one thing that Catalina couldn't stand, was Deacon's dumb tricks. The man seemed to enjoy dressing up and hiding in crowds, waiting to see how long it'd take before the Sole Survivor would spot him. Well looks like his little game just blew up in his face, given it helped train Catalina in spotting his ass from a mile away.

"Doc? Dez? The fuck you talking about, bitch?" The punk barked back, eyebrows knitted in confusion. "I'm just hunting for some scrap, ya hear?"

"Deacon, keep it up and I'll shoot you." Catalina explained. "You really don't wanna test my patience, amigo."

The two stood there in the ruins of the Boston Airport in silence, as if waiting to see who was gonna blink first. Catalina kept her pistol trained on the punk, her face as still as stone. She wasn't usually a betting woman, but she'd bet her last cap that this fucker was Deacon. She was goddamn sure of it. After what seemed like an eternity, the punk let out a small chuckle and shook his head.

"It's the sunglasses, isn't it?" Deacon stated, a grin forming on his face. "Maybe I should wear regular glasses? Or even better, a helmet! That way nobody could see my face. What do you think, Fuego? Could I pull off a helmet?"

"You're damn lucky I didn't blow your head off, Deacon." Catalina huffed, holstering her pistol. "What do you want, eh?"

"What, can't friends hang out and have a chat? Maybe swing over to Diamond City, share a cup of coffee, eh?"

Deacon reached over to pat Catalina on the shoulder, as a showing of friendship, but the Sole Survivor was having none of it. She shrugged off Deacon's hand and looked at the Railroad agent, with a glare so fierce it would have made lesser men flinch.

"Don't start with your lies Deacon, Im sick of them. We were never friends, last time I checked. We worked in the Railroad, we did some missions together, that's it."


"It's Catalina, Catalina Perez." The Sole Survivor stated, scowling. "Call me 'Feugo' one more time, I'll rip your nuts off. Tú entiendes?"

Deacon raised his hands, as if surrendering, before taking a few steps backwards. Catalina didn't seem to notice, instead focusing on the charred remains of the Prydwen. Deacon, for once in his life, found himself unsure of what exactly to say.

"Go back to HQ and tell Dez to leave me alone." Catalina finally said. "I'm done with the Railroad, I don't want anything more to do with them. And if she keeps bothering me? I'm gonna rip open the doors to the HQ, drag Dez out with my bare hands and beat some sense into her until she finally leaves me the fuck alone. You understand?"

"...if that's what you want, Catalina." Deacon answered, rubbing at the back of his head.

"It's what I want, compañero. Now go be a good boy and relay my message, kay?"

The Sole Survivor didn't bother turning around, to see whether or not Deacon had actually followed through with her demand. The sound of retreating footsteps was the only confirmation she really needed. A weary sigh escaped from Catalina, as she ran a hand through her dirty blonde hair. Why couldn't that pendejo Dez just leave her alone, let her live her life out in Nuka World? Why did she have to keep fucking pestering her, needling her and trying to force her to rejoin her stupid Railroad? The woman didn't even have the fucking decency to apologize, for what happened to Shaun…

"That woman…is gonna pay, one day." The Sole Survivor muttered, turning around and making the long trip back home. "And she's gonna pay fucking soon if she keeps bothering me."

And Chapter 6 of Commonwealth Blues is done and dusted! I hope y'all enjoyed it, and the rest of the stories I will publish in the future!


The Desert Dancer