Hey there. I decided to make another attempt at this story. No X Parasites this time, hopefully. Anyway, enjoy.

When bounty hunter Samus Aran destroyed the BSL (Biologic Space Laboratories) Space Station, a good portion of the Galactic Federation were not pleased. They had been fascinated with the X Parasites and wanted to see if they could somehow use them as weapons like they tried to do with Metroids before Samus stood in their way. Others within the Federation, however, took Samus' side in this matter, especially after looking into the incident and finding out how dangerous the X Parasites actually were, the X Parasites being the whole reason the Metroids came to be in the first place. What they had once considered the most dangerous creatures in the galaxy had in fact been keeping far more dangerous creatures at bay. It went without saying that giving the order for Samus to exterminate them at their home planet of SR-388 was a grave mistake. Of course, Metroids are a real threat in the wrong hands, but all the same, the Federation should have left well enough alone.

However, the individuals within the Galactic Federation that were not pleased with Samus wanted retribution. They wanted her brought in to answer for her crimes. The same went for the A.I. that aided her in the destruction of the station. But, Samus had taken on creatures more than twice her size, so she was not going to be easy to subdue. They, the Federation, had provided her with Varia Suit technology on the research station, so her weakness to cold temperatures, a result of her new Metroid DNA, could not be exploited. How were they going to defeat Samus then?

They soon realized that the only way they could defeat Samus was by matching her in some way. They had taken samples of her DNA on various occasions, so clones of the bounty hunter could be created. But, the clones needed to be superior to the original in order to be effective. Fortunately, it was soon brought to the Federation's attention that they still had samples of two exemplary specimens, that of Dark Samus and that of the last Metroid. Hoping these samples were exactly what they needed, the Federation set to work on their cloning project, which they codenamed "Project: Hunters".